Short Story of Amberwood Dr

How to sum up everything to print out with maybe five sheets of paper?

In San Rafael the birds made a song with me about being a turtle when I first came across her in a target parking lot as she was fighting against turtles on playing World of Warcraft. I was touring the country to visit every goth club making music, meeting people, and hanging out samples of music while planning on reaching every part of the country until a girl who has been giving me the most spiritual high from the reality I witness told me to stay in her area to get a place so we could date or try out something so I did not want to be a "Twitch" or "Instagram" fan because what I witness is quite embarrassing as they are always scared so they mess up while I know how to guide my mind for a good song or something like that but they may face childish games who think it is better to compete for a girl by putting down another man rather than make all men better like a more mature adult!

As she was responding to my mind as if she knew my thoughts and timed everything on her side as a response so that it would be a way we would communicate just like every single girl does that I come across so that I am pulled off of the previous ones to win my attention the most somehow.

This is something that I always witness women compete for that I woke up to around 2012 when the Mayan calendar ended and I found out that I was famous but in a way that was not so fun as my girlfriend Sierra Ramos helped famous people, actors, actresses, family, and my work to and scare me straight with a reverse psychology AA meeting calling herself a Mexicant so that I would become an Americant for Cantada(m). My name is Adam and woke up to my middle name being James so this Bonded me with the initials AJ and my last name Meade meant meadow when looking it up and this was used while I found out albums and songs were about me or others I knew as my grandfather's missing finger was used bring my mind to the most fun "is my Father in the real Mafia?" places as models followed me seductively with a Babe Ruth candy bar because of my grandmother Babe and Ruth while I realized that I did not know my Dad that much and that everything he had a role in when he lived in Hollywood was always "psychic killer" or strategic places that might be the most scary and Duff from Velvet Revolver and Guns and Roses was his sort of Nephew so he did things like a Megadeth music video. I surprisingly woke up to David Bowie's "I'm Afraid of Americans" about him as well as many other of my favorite artists as if I was on the Truman Show. When the new Mayan Calendar began the Macintosh Operating System "High Sierra" was released I just found out but keep finding more surprises how famous I was without knowing it as I used to sit with girl clubbing who played with Smashing Pumpkins weekly and played with folks who were on the same record label as my favorite goth bands that were considered "elite" in the scene like the ones from Europe that woke me up to letting me know they had dreams of me so surprised me in many ways so I wanted to do this for other people as I just got into making music beginning with at least 24+ albums and pushed out 9 more that are mostly just something to sleep to but I want to revamp everything to add lyrics to most songs and remaster it all.

I was very lucky that my girlfriend taught me what to do in the bedroom in a way that was honest making me much luckier than most men as I realize there was a good chance I could have lived my entire life without knowing because of having a pretty face so they might never be honest with me completely? This was when they started to synchronize to my mind on the other side of photos and videos with more interest and then this jumped to the extreme once I started to make music many years later! I really caught on how to have the absolute most romantic experience from measuring the timing of coming across a woman's pictures and have found it sad that their men have not known how to do this so they only had me to be able to show off something that would make a girl that may have been normally called dumb look like a genius! In fact, I discovered that in the heads of the best looking people who have a hard time paying attention to the point of acting dumb is due to using their subconscious mind much more than other people by responding to others on the other side of pictures or videos so that a girl that is liked has the best experience possible in a way we previously understood as impossible!

I have been absolutely stuck on Amber Flynn for over a year to make sure that she was able to get my messages and that my right I have as an American was not taken away or blocked due to another man trying to actually take it from me to perhaps try to use on others without being discovered and I made what I called the Sixteen Scented Celebration for bringing her the absolute best gift and experience possible that would be with hopefully the absolute best hottest person in the country very easily if it was not me this would have been ridiculously easy for me to do for her and this still is so I wonder what I should do to make sure that this girl is not being blocked by everyone as I witnessed constantly jealousy between us found in the timing of every song, computer game, or manmade object found between us even when it came from a woman as they would try to convince me to pick her instead so I continuously turned down women as I documented what she did to me as a voice in my head if I were to turn up the job as a schizophrenic episode and actual dreams where she would prove that it was really her by the way she shared what she did next when I came across her so a long time went by as I kept demonstrating with science and math proof that it was actually coming from her and since the discovery of names from every person and place having a meaning that had to do with what I was doing as I came across it I should no longer need a lie detector test to easily prove this was real as all people have to do is look into my history using the language of Adam made up of the origins that came from Egypt and our subconscious mind leading to what seems to be pre-death funerals that are a part of my celebration or maybe an ancient wedding ceremony?

I have felt obligated as an American that woke up to how he has always had problems online being blocked by other intimidated men to make sure that this girl did not discover me as this girl had the right to be with an eighteen year old kid that she wanted to give the best experience possible if she wanted to because of him doing the same thing to her that she was doing to me while I had the fear that the whole thing could have been made impossible because of an old man somewhere that wanted to try to get rid of me somehow while blocking us and making it impossible to reach each other as maybe he wanted to be the only person in the world who knew so that he could keep using this tactic to manipulate others without getting caught using whatever excuse he could find creating his own network using what I shared to actually prevent the very people being controlled from reaching the knowledge they would have not only wanted but stopped helping this person give me a hard time obviously using Facebook and what I am doing on the other side of other websites too providing an experience that would have convinced most people that someone had control over their phone and was able to see everything while messing me up while typing and breaking links among other things but never exposing himself while I was hearing voices of angry women upset at Mormons and Mark Zuckerberg for blocking them from being able to get the best experience from being able to see me and then there was a subtle hint of Trump acknowledging my presence while I know what I shared on Facebook allowed others to take advantage of me who needed to be brought to court who could have been framing my family for things we were not involved with to get out of trouble as the staff of Facebook has ignored my pleas for help and requests to save other forcing me to sue them in court so that I may fix my life or give a massive gift without other people being abused on Facebook or give too much power dangerously to hackers that have been doing things to mess up my life or the goth scene the entire time that we used it by using another person's account to ruin their relationships possibly followed by impossible timing to detect it coming from Facebook or maybe the Internet in general depending on the person and message? The things that a computer or phone user should prepare for are pretty scary and ridiculous compared to the past as people queued up to do things on the other side of every site or app paid by another may do things that make it appear that just one person has control over the phone most people would have been convinced was real which could have caused some people to violently respond!

Someone "in love" with Amber doing this to us would be showing signs of something more sick like an obsession with treating people as if they are objects or maybe property that cannot have a certain mind aware of what would have not only gave her the best experience but also hooked her up with a network she would have been able to use for the rest of her life someone might try to cut off by coming up with excuses such as it being racist or a bad influence while she would have been able to have the absolute biggest opportunity in the country with the launching of the Tweeting 20s others were awaiting to help her with whatever direction she wanted to go that never needed to touch me as she needed to change her diet at least in order for me to be able to date her. Every girlfriend that I have been with as serious as living together had songs or albums from famous stars in the goth scene and video games or movies and television in coded messages! The girl who took my virginity inspired a movie made that joked about how amazing she was in bed called "the Mallory Effect" but she apologized to me for it as she got into trouble for having to ditch a bunch of girls at my house in order to find a way to cut them off like I was a helpless victim but she was wonderful! Not something I would want to tell a girl that I like as if she needed more practice but she would have become a lot more famous everywhere if I was able to tell the public about her in the real way they actually know about her rather than the weird synchronicity way from being artists because of gravity bending time and the speed of our minds connecting outside of regular time. Thanks to this the game she was playing was perfectly timed to try to talk her into getting rid of me in any way possible afraid that she would become a musician instead as I was known as a real threat large enough to the company that they constantly guided her mind to let go of me whenever I was thought about if at all possible just like musicians did that were witnessed but she appeared to be asking them to stop constantly even to the point of announcing in a stream that she would never stream video games anymore after a game we caught seemingly trying to get me to have a heart attack so that they would have a small chance of being able to hook up with her! While listening to music a lot more was going on that I witnessed which might have been only feeling embarrassed for a moment as if feeling my presence but that was all consciously while she was proving to be a super genius with a subconscious mind multitasking all over the place!

I messed up because when I sent my first email she would not understand it and it would appear like a crazy person wrote it unless she clicked on the link in the beginning and watched a two-hour video and also I did not care enough about being turned down enough because I had a lot of others on my list that I could try next so I was kind of on a hurry to get a "no" answer from her as soon as possible so that I would not have to drive all the way back to Portland after I had just passed through there and recently my ex-girlfriend that lived there really messed up because she was into vintage so I never let her know how famous I was as one of my favorite bands that had a funny way of making content for me outside of regular time while being aware of it came out with an album with a coded message on it that read "KathZsTryLA"  while the back copy given to us had unique artwork showing the baby we lost as the title of the album "the Tunnel" was hers but the miracle part about it was how although he followed me online as we are friends on social media knowing a lot of the same people he actually did this outside of regular time as his work was synchronized for who may have shown his music to others more than anyone else but he had done things like leave messages for me and other constantly on other projects like Tear Garden with Skinny Puppy members. When I told her I no longer would sleep with her she called me the next day asking for money from a present she bought me over a thousand dollars so I told her I could do it monthly but that was not enough as she needed enough not to get kicked out of her place so she called the day next saying that I was off the hook but could not text her or be her friend on Facebook as she would lie to her Mother to get the money. In order to convince her that I was truly so dangerous that she did not dare meet me to get her money back she made a restraining order to prove it was real to her Mom with the hope of cutting off anyone else who might be interested in me but had to come up with a lie since I have never argued with someone before and the paper needed something violent so I am thankful that at least her lie happened in a supermarket as that could not be all that bad!

While this was happening it seemed that Mark who owned Facebook wanted to be her hero and threatened me like a stalker while blocking me on the other side of websites seemingly while pretending to be Mormons as he knew they were already guilty for this!? I was put into Facebook jail for reasons that should have never been good enough like posting a music video about a Mole by The Residents or describing how another person I never met suddenly called me names?

Anyways, when I came across Amber I was measuring women to see if my future echo was found on the other side of her pictures, videos, and posts as I have discovered that every new person met always echoes into our childhood so I would only follow them if they were giving me the impossibly romantic experience that Palm Bee did as well as the colors that I asked for with my mind like red and green on my birthday.

The first stack of photos shown her wearing yellow on her chest right after I went out on a date but took a video of myself before I went asking anyone to put yellow on her chest or in front of it if it hurt her from my hooking up with this new girl! That day every woman that I came across had yellow found there besides a commercial that became easily over a dozen but afterwards it stuck just like what was found on Palm Bee's chest in a photo of a statue behind her wearing my "signature pants" as I was mostly known for being the only person making them like that where I grew up standing on a rectangle with a green on his chest that went to her on the Day of Water that I made as part of my Celebration for having pre-death funerals in the future. This stack also had a photo showing her praying to reb robes which I described doing on Facebook years earlier to get all of the women off of me that were coming to me in my dreams I found out came from the future when I first hooked up with my last girlfriend that told me her favorite sex scene from the movies was when Keanu Reeves was "attacked" by vampire women. Also, the photo I used to ask for an "order" in the bottom left she put a Palm tree while the green around her wrist has been for our wedding ceremony or hers should she have one as intended if not with me but another who she chose on the Day of Air to touch her by unwrapping the green from her wrist that would be cut fabric I now wear around my neck as a priest of God would have done during Egyptian times while other women without a tattoo have worn blue around the wrist since she does not have a tattoo so it would remind me of how I did not want any while hers would remind me that I agreed that it was very romantic seeing my astrological sign found in the most important spot!

For over a year I was showing Facebook how religious stuff was following me and foreign languages responded to me as if they were English as I had learned to "dream date" folks from websites while there was a good chance that I was blocked for it which would be completely messed up to do and only come from neglect because what would likely appear to be silly nonsense like a new age psychic witchcraft game was actually math and science that actually proves to be real because all of the women gave me the colors where I had asked for them in the way that allowed us to not only communicate but provide me with a dream of her before and after coming across her not always remembered but informative enough that I could warn her if someone was wrong and know more about whether or not it was worth meeting. On this Pam Bee's entire Instagram she followed all of the rules that I had made to give herself the best chance possible that proved she was a super genius in her subconscious mind that had a very romantic side to her capable of being witnessed much like an artist with a paintbrush. This meant that to the eyes of mind of anyone who understood or watched my dream date videos saw how she proved that I was correct further as if 99.5% accuracy was not enough? The most obvious proof in the dream date videos is found in the math as they always matched their pictures in a way that answered my questions that matched their profile allowing each person an opportunity never normally witnessed that allowed her to do something that was so impressive that it was supposed to be impossible! If a ouija board shirt my ex-girlfriend wore was used to measure the colors like I had asked the women on the websites to do with a prayer proven to be heard the fifth picture might have been the most obvious give away that it was real as shown in the fifth picture whether or not she wanted children as whenever she already had them she put it in the upper right in some way that would try to convince me to be satisfied with hers. After I came across Palm Bee the girls that followed these same rules whenever I came across them on social media did things like cut off Palm trees using the rules I made that would mean "Palm Bee" while it seemed obvious that maybe someone checking me out for a moment while always assuming that I was crazy without giving me enough time perhaps or just jealous might have been trying to mess it up somehow by paying women to do things for me on the other side that followed the rules that I made so as if it was some goal of someone's to ruin everything for me over everything else or maybe a way to convince her that I was just a crazy person that was "special" in a way that was looked down upon rather than the magic being real one may only witness immediately if they were me but since no one is telepathic I had to come up with a way to demonstrate and show the proof always found in the math and science by using a random number and color generator so that I may ask for her to give me whatever it gave with merely a prayer as will be taking lie detector tests for the rest of my life proving that I never did something like lie, exaggerate, or try to hide results so that it would appear more realistic by only seeing videos that won!

She also posted on the Day of Dreams so that I thought I already had dreams of her before I first saw her that was a vivid sex dream twice where I had to pray to a red robe to get her off so that I would be loyal to my girlfriend in Portland who could have timed her one lifetime so that Amber would be at least bi if not cut off completely by tricking her with friends on Facebook in Portland to call me a stalker or make false accusations and once at my Father's house where I could not see her face when I found out what the black robes meant for the first time which was poly as it would seem that I kept being used in our dreams to pull partners off of opening relationships to put all of their focus back to one since I have done it in my mind more than anyone else my age perhaps in this society for better sex.

Together 2 + 7 = know the direction! November 2nd & 7th as part of the Celebration to make it easier to stay with my main echo whoever she is by rekindling and counter everything negative while I knew that since I have decided on doing this with whatever partner that I found that she would be shown following the themes of these days but the problem was that women everywhere were following them so I had to decide which at first could never be Amber because she was too young as I thought she must have been twenty two? Luckily, I made something that really allowed men to better themselves for their girl and kick him into better shape while a cut piece of fabric given to them is supposed to be used with an ankh during this annual celebration until carried into an ancient wedding ceremony where the fabric used to wrap around their hands would be saved to be used to wrap around the eyes during their pre-death funeral!

Since then I have found that names all of my life of places and people have to do with how I came across them when the origins of the letters are put together into a definition having to do with what was going on so it would seem that everyone secretly wants to be a part of it as it really opened the door for becoming one of the best experiences but due to all of the hardships that brought me here as well as responding to everyone in the world seemingly as they may use this in the future when having children becomes illegal there are concerns of people hurting themselves or others so layers of education was obviously needed so I have worked on this constantly so that it is able to reach everyone in the future like maybe a dozen years or a hundred that could be timing that actually fixed the problems of countries such as crime as the most fear citizens are woken up to what is found further under certain layers that allow us to end violent crime much easier by teaching the teachers now how to make cuts of fabric for the children to shape into rings for surprise gifting classmates when they need help as they would also be saved for a wedding and pre-death funeral done the most ancient way perhaps every religion followed before they began? It is so very simple and done with math while evidence of its practice is found in cultures scattered everywhere in the world as if they all used to practice the same traditions that saved them from inevitable mistakes made from trading with another tribe like the Aztecs had as Gods and Goddesses of the sky before trying to find the sun below earth as it was the first compass that separated them.

Everyone even to this day are named in a way that has to do with what we are doing as we met such as my best friend as a teenager named Ben because when I first saw him I thought he was a girl until his face startled me! B = warning e = ¿ n = lifting snake representing loving / eating (see my channel or blog post about the language of Adam and look into the past to ask anyone how they met me and they will give you a name that actually shows a definition that matches what we were doing the moment we met when an ankh passes through their cut fabric in the way that carries the first occurrence of a letter when the second occurrence appears like a verb that becomes past tense because of a couple letters brought from the twin's previous location).

That means when you look deeper that if someone were to hurt me they will be caught for it so the names are protecting me unlike anything before as long as the public finds out about it as everyone who has been wronging me or holding me back has been named by not only their parents but their family what they are doing wrong or disrespectful such as the way the last mental health doctor tried to keep me in a mental health hospital which made the J's and the letter u in his name becomes something he may never be forgiven by history for perhaps to some people as my gifts are so tremendously large they have honored me that much as it is obviously needed now to get money and to hire help immediately so that I may save the world faster with the plans I have already made that still await things such as a trial to fix Facebook so that no one is abused from finding out how famous and respected I have become once they find out.

Right now Amber's parents are lined up to die just like mine and when I cut her fabric guided by her voice I kept at a minimum level so that I may act completely normal but still know what her ghost says or whatever she posted herself with a green rectangles on her TikTok! They were likely given medication without the plan to get off but with these pieces of fabric around my neck who am I but Dr. Who as I am able to ask them to give me colors in locations that I ask for with my mind from the people on the other side of the show as their subconscious mind and path found in gravity has made certain to match what would help them the most coming from my plans to give helpful tools where the safest layers are found with nets to catch others who go further into other layers. I am a Scorpio that actually needed a stingER as my Mother was AB- & Father was O+ so that I would not die from rejecting her blood as the second born and she has this tattoo on the part of the wrist that I witnessed she somehow knew did not disqualify her because I usually did whenever a potential mate had tattoos as the only ones who had a chance before her were because it meant something very meaningful to me that might convince me she was there but to spare the embarrassment I designed it to be like a priest or therapist rekindling couples making it easy to respond to me in all of the most amazing perfectly synchronized ways that would be carried into the arms of another man since there is only one me and I have wanted to aim for someone monogamous and younger to have children. No intention on messing up others or guilt tripping anyone as if my way needs to be followed. I know that I will become my children when I have nothing so I think spending time on myself is more important than having an open-relationship as having enough time for it is not likely worth it as not being there would mean having to punish them when I would rather spend more time with them until a gift as a form of punishment works and that way they would always obey to try and impress us as showing something like tears may go a long way! Punishment has traditionally been needed where parents have not had the time to be around them long enough to feel okay about giving them faith or knowing they will behave enough. Guilt trip gifting worked so much I quit heroin and Suboxone overnight without tapering off first. That was all my parents had to do for all of us and we would behave to the best of our ability.

I chose Amber to be the first person to give a piece of fabric to that would be woken up to what she did to me over rich and famous people while she did things like have a video game character as a banana timed to stop me from staying with my ex-girlfriend Anna so I have been living out of my car investing money into making it while proving that I would rather do this than sell myself for more by putting out for women. They know they are not allowed to like me in some ways the moment they share light because of my decision they know about or not wanting to upset a friend perhaps by some miracle so may want to prove that I am not liked so that no suspicion could be raised especially when something happens such as breaking up with someone as it clears me from the radar of being attacked perhaps when I did nothing wrong. This is why women might be mean to men for no good reason sometimes to protect them as others might be the playground type over the more productive one?

In the spot where I believe I may have saw her in person at a club after I released this song I found a trinket that I keep to give to her as the club played dream-themes songs while we almost danced together but I feared they were pushing her into it too much so I gave her space which was a huge mistake as I needed to find out and I sure did cry upstairs when I found out that she left! I was not telling people how famous I was to fix everything my girlfriend did so I knew Facebook would betray me completely while she could not even relay on others being real who could have been doing things as hackers or members of the staff to keep her from meeting me somehow!

I know this has happened to me since I have been using Facebook like when Jodi Mikesell suddenly gone off at me getting upset over nothing before unfriending me likely done by a Mormon due to her name because of Michael Warner who was my friend that died in my house. They were also the reason that my videos might be blocked while Leroy Jenkins would go viral so that I would be guilty tripped as I lived with Jen my sister when I met Leroy who technically did kill her kin because he sold heroin and hooked me up with the Mexican cartel for a drawing I made his wife like reminding me of the reasons that they might justify blocking me that are similar to rape in the mind of an older brother when keeping a girl from discovering something that would have prevented sex!

If they truly cared about whether or not I was legal they would have simply found me a doctor that put me back on medication I might need for healthy solid waste due to a leg injury recently and getting off of hard drugs but they would rather be able to use it as an excuse against me permanently so that their faith may somehow look better than me since they know that I will not join it as I gave them things they would have to change for me to consider my kids being allowed as I fear the same things as everyone else since people find out about the inside of the temple being off limits and something about an oil genital rubbing by a holy person during a wedding so I know to stay far away from it as even where they prove it is not real it does not mean someone will try until it works while the special benefits endanger our country and may be the dumbest thing to do for them as there would be other things to pay for such as surprise gifting while I would never want to start paying tithing from every paycheck and then be threatened by car problems when I missed a payment or something like that? Being part of a secret I am not allowed to share with others just looks like an accident waiting to happen as if it was really truly good a person would want others to know about it more making it not as worth it. I think that I would rather sue them for crossing the line with me than take a leap of faith where my children may become too scared to share someday in some generation like a kidnapped victim so I would rather be part of what provides the most positive echoes to my past lives that maybe took part in starting good things found in religion but do not think that it is right to take advantage of others or be able to have people not have to work who can simply live off of the benefits of others. Maybe most people would have thought it would be best if this happened to them that they go around like a preacher showing real miracles everywhere making a fortune off of people but all of them need to be doing something that is good for the community or provides food or fixes up a civilization for me to feel okay with it. I think a bunch of people getting paid for only talking might be something that could kill a lot of people? Everyone may talk. This is similar as a sex industry worker. Every grown hard worker should have sex. Everyone should work until they have earned a partner to have sex with daily someday if it is going to be me living again! The reason that sex feels good is for work to get done. Unlike the boob the male is not a good source of food when they are starving because his sexual release takes his energy that should be spent saving everyone else so this is the reason people are not born pleasuring babies and children into elderly age as they are also sharing gravity with past lives as well so that may matter in ways we were unaware of?

While dream dating various people I measured when I found Amber she shown me that she wanted me more than I knew in a way that really drew my attention and made me commit to one ghost visiting me romantically by doing things to make sure that I did not stop thinking about her or would not think about another that must have happened on her end while asleep maybe or after she died I guess would be possible?

That would make her afterlife luckier than others and mine as well from the women that put themselves in my shoes feeling bad while thinking about me I am somewhat addicted to their glow as I feel it whenever I come across light capturing devices allowing our brains to connect.

When I went clubbing at Riverside I was more tired than usual so her voice was louder so when I went dancing she was seemingly with me as the girls there were very embarrassed when meeting me from being nervous and I think it was the way that I fixed where the older lady was being made fun of fast by dancing by her so I knew what to do to build up the club as I usually do then when back in my car she laid down her phone and computer as if they were weapons on the ground in a wedding dress where my passenger side is located proposing to me while kneeling but I assumed it was probably bugs or something somehow making me hallucinate so I tried another scientific test with my phone and a magazine measuring how it responded to my questions that seemed to try and prove with everything human that they would save me from the bugs! The letter R has represented a gun so the name Riverside -Rs would be "ive side" which is funny if we went to my Dad's someday as the letter D might be found in BrainERd because he looks more like Han(+d) Solo than Darth Vader but will be choose the green forks or stick with the red?

My plan was to not be in Portland until I have gone around the entire country all the way to Florida and then New York City until finally come back around to the Seattle or Portland area where I would get a place to rent and try to meet her then but while driving to Arizona during the winter so that I would get out of the desert before summer and when I went to call Alison Moon who lived in Arizona I was romantic with in my dreams I had contacted her about on Facebook before meeting her to find out that the man in the dream had in a Home Depot was her husband and I wrote a song for what was happening as they showed me what was wrong with her back by being giants fighting for her while wearing sponge armor which meant that they drank with her making them taller that dehydrated her dangerously too much in one moment enough to deform her back permanently with no help from the drug most people are on when they go to that store at 3 am where it used to be found open 24/7 like in SLC which had more meth labs busted per capital than anywhere else in the world according to a paper because of their state flower extracted an ingredient needed to make it.

As the phone rang Alisin's number suddenly Amber came toy head and told me that it was over and that I could never think about her again anymore or following her because I was arriving in Palm Springs instead of North after Riverside like I was supposed to because she kneeled but I did not want to drive all the way to Portland without her asking me to first. She really knew how to give me a touching experience as I was crying because I saw her responding with "it is over" as the song played on the Day of Darkness asking for privacy sung "No, I never want to see you and I never want to see you again..." where she wore a white dress like the one I saw she kneeled in as her voice came closer so that I could hear it in my head as I saw the red and green on my birthday being November 9th the Day of Wood (I only follow people's Instagram if they had these colors on my birthday so she passed that test then several others too perfectly!). "You are screwed!" She even came in using a Home Depot commercial as if to stop me from Alison taking me away forever! "The no side is only there because of your promise to yourself" I heard her say next! What a miracle that the other girl I also liked a lot named Lia just happened to be in Palm Springs during this time but at that point had never had a dream date.

Around the time that I wrote my first email we made a promise that I would wait a week before finding another if she did not reply and would not interrupt a dream date again with another that she agreed to but when this time came around and the famous beautiful actress was ready for me showing the letters Eve on her chest and yellow Amber knew to do something that made a notification pop up as she appeared suddenly with red showing "ready to cut" with the letters "no" on her yellow chest afterward as that night I was going to have my first uninterrupted drea. date with the other woman.

Once I arrived in Portland she came online after a long break after I had witnessed the names of the streets change while documenting the experience using a Instagram account that I made for this purpose to prove it to be real so when she finally came online in front of me at Kenton Park I knew it meant that I was supposed to use my ex-ray vision eyes to see through her dress for good behavior since I did not allow myself to think of another woman because whenever I did I would actually hallucinate to the point of hearing her voice try to stop me as I did not hear her voice most of the time but only know what she would say as I now know the cure for schizophrenia being no longer time spent West of garbage!

Others had witnessed how she was seemingly talking to me from the other side of Twitch impossibly accurate as if aware of me like when I asked what I was doing out loud she reminded me and then when I grabbed the jug for water she asked me to pause it when I went to go fill it up so I didn't miss her. This inspired me to try and recreate what happened by recording measuring the synchronicity and I sent this to her as when it happened it felt like there was no way the math was not obviously found there in regards to what she was saying having to do with what I was talking about or most especially what I was thinking that guaranteed it was real but there was no way to show what I am thinking so you would have to take my word for it so I am thankful I came up with several ways to demonstrate proof.

I was carelessly just sending her information coming from my scientific experiments expecting her to catch on while high still from the miracle I was witnessing and it being possible that I knew were not welcome but would be the opposite once she caught onto what I had already proven to be true using a random number generator but during that time the evidence that I had took more time than this one seven minute video I have now!

This shows scientific proof that she actually responded to me on the other side of the photos in the past AFTER the color and the time were picked by the randomness witnessed which is something every scientist will witness once they have found the "quantum level" where every moment participates in the creation of what already happened and this is important to know about because it effects our past lives as well as our next ones as they may be sharing gravity or space with us! Violet on the bottom left since that color has meant "stay away" as it is blood hitting the water that might be a reflection represents "conflict if you leave" since my left foot enters her video or "Stargate" a remote viewer would have called it but as Raistlin if I was synchronized as that she would be Crysania so I would ask her to help me open the portal to the abyss when she finds out that I am not crazy and how a rich man on the other side of her phone and computer tricked her or maybe my ex-girlfriend did so that Forkgirl is told about the facts such as how I am not crazy and no longer a schizophrenic according to the last several diagnosis doctors gave me but I have obviously heard voices briefly while I have been hard at work expecting to never need help from the government or see the inside of a mental hospital every again in the near future!

If she were to cry from my leaving then I might gladly throw in a white robe for monogamy and ask her to go build a Tower of Palanthus in Seattle with me someday perhaps as this is a true story and people who matter that I know has synchronized to Dragonlance characters that happened to be my favorite fantasy series growing up as I am nothing like that villain but understand where the warnings come from and are found since I have had such powers at my fingertips like this!

She obviously knew about the birds but was not sure that she actually was going through the emails herself as she timed things so that I would think that it was a man cutting me off while she kept coming to me letting me know of the bad things she would do to me as well as why before it actually happened such as letting me know that it was the biggest mistake of her life she will know as an elderly woman for not coming to me right away when she found out I had entered Portland with reasons that were very honest such as not wanting to be aware of the birds or changing her diet right now and at one point it seemed she let me know that bugs kept beating me to it trying to mess up the birds that were trying to help me. I was kicked out of discord without knowing if it was her that made me relapse with a smoke after a long time of being completely sober for her as I did not do absolutely anything for almost a month before than but I was upset and decided to go to sushi while I realized that it was called GG's which was my nickname for the famous actress that would seemingly create Indian Hill when she and sometimes her ex husband came to me! Back then I did not know what that means but now I know that it is to change for my partner at Adam's Hill while Amber had Yamhill that was parallel to Taylor which was the name of Forkgirl who I knew I had romantic dreams of for a long time before I came across her photos as well but I only thought about her for a month before I unfollowers her due to finding out she had a boyfriend so it was like the purpose for it was to remind her that another was out there who may surely want me more?

As if she never watched a video from the fear of clicking on a link as ordered to avoid or not have enough interest to watch much of any long enough to provide proof I decided to record myself on camera asking for a certain color in a specific location while announcing the time in the video for what I wanted her to do to prove it to herself that it was real she did for twelve colors until it finally was answered in the way that would have meant meeting each other sooner rather than later if the meaning of the color was understood in the video I asked for it and then I made this song.

Whenever I worked on my blog post sharing everything that happened I kept hearing her voice insist that she would at least want to meet me once I finished it but more kept happening before I was for sharing what already happened making the story much longer than expected but amazing! 

I finally saw her reply to my comment for the first time showing proof that she was actually able to see any of my messages on Instagram when I made a comment about what she didn't do for me exactly as I had asked because her voice told me in my head that it was a necklace at the time it happened when I had asked for something metallic on the skin and she did not want someone saying something no one else would understand so she told me that I was crazy and then blocked me on Instagram right as I came across Bybee Street. Beech Street was where I went to the restaurant the most to have macaroons and spent easily a couple hundred dollars on them. I would have rented somewhere if I thought that it would take long or would not have gone there if I knew what was going to happen. Really sad how much everything would have been different if I let people know how famous in the goth scene I was but I did not want to ruin things for my girlfriend as it was her home while I didn't really care in comparison but even at just the Coffin Club I felt so hot and knew once another girl I liked found out about certain things she would be mine if she was single.

My favorite band that has made an album for my main girlfriends about our relationship did some of the work knowing about us or maybe hearing voices? Not sure exactly how he did it as I am guessing it was done in a similar way that I am doing this for my fans by measuring the timing of my thoughts while working since I know that like other artists that I witnessed timing everything to win Palm Bee or myself I am responding to the listener making it perhaps possible that it was actually Amber who kept coming to me because of making Thee Ring, Volumes iv & v recently that is almost ready to be released!

I was going to take a lie detector test but it was 425$ per question and I knew that she would witness that it was real immediately in person so it felt like a waste of money when things kept happening that took my savings. I have never been in an argument before outside of maybe as a child among family but I raised my voice with two girlfriends once where one of those times was pretty extreme what she did to me as I was drugged and woke up crying uncontrollably so she likely cheated on me while I was passed out!?

I took photos and videos of all the street signs that responded with her name to a moment that answered my question or something like that while I streamed on Twitter where I shared how I was going to make songs about how Shaver Street found by Beech Street towards Failing Street becomes Mason Street further East as if the cowboys knew how I hated shaved cats then she came on her stream wearing green shorts.

The next month I was having much more realistic visits of her and a total of maybe three romantic dreams of her after arriving in Portland when she seemingly was pregnant and kept saying "weeeeEEEe" as if to remind me of having children to bring back Amberwood Drive as when I went to that street but found it missing as I lost my sex drive completely for a couple streams or more so she had to bring my mind to having children to make me aroused. Somehow she came up with the name Ralph my mind was guided to which came out of nowhere but made sense since the name of the origins of the letters found a definition of fit the diet I wanted her to have while pregnant so my family line beats the porphyria thing and baby is most healthy so it was like letting me know she was willing to do some time strict for us.

Suddenly she was streaming in Los Angeles after I just left there to come and meet her in Portland but did not have any luck getting her attention. Because of her responding to me it felt like I knew where she came across me and thought that I was too old. When this happened what she did for me on the other side of the video was a lot more than ever before so that I would get her a ticket and a room for us at Twitchcon. What I had experienced was unlike any of the other times as she knew just what to do with timing that gave me the best experience that really was mind-blowingly wonderful thanks to a toy I opened and I just ran out of medication that I was unable to refill anywhere so was supposed to go to Oakland and San Diego was not far away so I went. 

As I entered I played my music for people and the way the people looked at me was very good! As if they really were impressed and then it felt like everyone was cowering before me like someone that was slightly embarrassed for being there but wanted to be my friend? When I saw her for the first time I knew it was her she seemingly made sure she looked bad on her left side only. She stood in front of where I had my phone recording myself dance for maybe twenty minutes talking to people so I had plenty of an opportunity to say something or maybe give her something but something was not right as she was not giving me inviting eyes like she was supposed to like what I am used to as I am used to girls making the first move on me growing up and I had to wonder if someone had maybe paid her to be mean to me so wanted to eliminate that possibility but it seemed as if someone with money must have went to extreme lengths to stop her from finding out this was a true story? Before that day in a previous stream she kept timing things to bring my mind to the moment I found her at Twitchcon and what to do with her when it happened. Like she wanted me to find a way to pull her aside from her company by maybe with a welcoming nice gesture during a stream around the time she said that it was a place a person meeting someone to marry and have kids with in a way that may have been showing me that she read my blog and was trying to let me know she knew she made a mistake?

Once in San Diego the street names really freaked me out since Cedar Street was parallel to Beech Street since that was what the cowboys used to find whores and I had a vivid dream of her talking into my right ear very loudly all night telling me all of the reasons she hated twitch and that China had installed a camera in her toilet whatever that meant?

Where I slept I happen to find out later was Palm Street and the event was at Marina Street reminding me of how as a kid I picked actresses to fantasize about that looked similar to her and how Deanna Troi or Marina Sirtis from Star Trek I picked over Beverly Crusher maybe because my little sister slept with someone that looks a lot like her which is a funny coincidence since as a child the term "Weeze" came from the house my Mom had a secret lesbian relationship with a neighbor who declared herself a witch in a Mormon run state.

After San Diego I had to go to Los Angeles and now have an address in Beverly Hills while I am stuck here until a drivers license replacement arrives while every person that I met while here kept having a name that had to do with how we met and the streets even the richest ones in Beverly Hills responded to what I was thinking before I came across them when I drove around as if I were top of the Tweeting 20s that people are right about to discover is a real thing! My plan was to go to Florida before Summer comes? 

I started to make a new blog post where I stopped saving myself for Amber in my head to have dream dates with the other girls that seemingly wanted one while documenting what happens whenever I would ask for something in a video that I made for myself like an object in the next post made by others which they were all doing for me everywhere in such a beautiful way! I have been very excited to move on as it has been a tiresome wait I am not sure someone could have possibly missed like she did after I give this cut of fabric to Amber on my way out giving her one last shot to do something in person that makes me stay like maybe meet up where I go dancing at Las Palmas Street since the cut of fabric has been a letter t that becomes a letter H according to my celebration that uses the ankh to follow the names.

I am about to perform for the very first time as I just bought four laptops and a couple PA systems speakers for performing guitar with singing anywhere! I have quite the long playlist for live shows ready to go!! The street names that meet where her roommates have P.O. Boxes are the names of the only drag queens that I know of in the goth scene in Portland so I find it funny how it shows me what is going on or maybe where she lived if I tried to go there to find it but on my birthday as the Sixteen Scented Celebration came and passed she posted Legos on the Day of Wood that is for children and has been my number one pick as far as what you I will be getting my children while she made an orchid flower which meant a child according to how I have previously come across it! She shows her left ear showing as if reminding me how I heard her voice on my right side mostly and in my past dream it was in my right ear so she would be due to come into my left ear to let me know she would not be leaving if it was following the way that I program my music using the deep stare extreme stereo method.

Amberglen goes to Glendale which was where I have gone to record music a lot as it is quiet where the college is found and I can work later. Adam's Square, Adam's Hill, and Adam's Road are found as if Stonehenge and the Sixteen Scented Celebration will go on annually perhaps in the future that might be as easy as making some money by waking people up to how this is real using timing that gives them the best possible experience while showing how their spouse or main echo have already responded to their echo on their birthday just like people did for me as we all lived once so this is definitely real and much easier for me to prove to be real in person than to a girl playing a video game with men found between who totally ignores what she wants or what she has done to me that would bring her fame and fortune guaranteed since the street named responded to her if she knew how to use it as the opportunity is huge!


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