Language of Adam & Thee Alphabet
"Catch me if you can!"
This is the slogan for the Tweeting 20s
For those of you from the Roaring 20s to catch up!
Gravity is bending time thus allowing us to connect our minds outside of regular time... this would be the reason that a person may catch onto mathematical patterns found regarding the surroundings always having something to do with what is going on in the brain by at least a small noticeable margin!?
Because of living once and sharing space everything that we come across responded to our lives so this means that there is always going to be a certain amount of synchronicity found?
The heavens and the earth were separated by a fallen star fragment stroked against a loved one enough times in the same direction that a magnetic charge was created so that when it was dropped into the water it would show the direction of the sky as the first working compass and this was the proof that the love and power was real that would bind us where we go to sleep and after we die since others found in our dreams had the same ones but from a different time and perspective.
I have measured the meaning of letters in the subconscious mind as well as the origins coming from the Egyptian hieroglyphs found on the Wikipedia and combined them into what I call the language of Adam that is helpful to use for understanding how one of the many definitions of a person's name responded to our living once.
The Language of Adam:
The meaning of a letter acts as a verb when it first appears that is put into past tense once it appears twice as the ankh carries the first occurrence to meet the second that carries surrounding letters with.
Keep in mind that there are 101+ definitions of each name found at the very least and most of them may not be understood until there is certain timing along with a situation found upon coming across it as a person who is spacey and forgets names might be unintentionally doing this on purpose as when it is remembered later in life there is special meaning found with it that may be helpful and save someone during a moment help was needed found with how a mind was directed because of a name helping the person maybe remember something important that was forgotten or something along those lines?
A = caring or empathy... when a God or Goddess found on an Egyptian wall has a head of an animal it comes from caring for them so the act of crying would make a person more holy in the way that binds them more.
B = This would be a warning so that a person does not sink any further towards 'fire' that would represent eating, drinking, or loving a person so the act of walking on water would prevent someone from getting shot should this letter appear until the person sinks or steps in representing a sexual act with another.
C = This would mean taking a route or traveling a destination so a camel may appear which would mean packing up and having everything ready to go so the origin of this letter is linked to theft or shoplifting where the definition comes from a really lifting the teepee or tent of another to take a bag for the trip without paying for it.
D = Passing along the freshest in a bowl such as a fresh kill or ripe fruit or otherwise prepared food to be eaten.
E = This would be wondering beyond the origin of thought that comes from the next plate of food or belt of Orion as in order to eat the fatter person should make sure that the hungry has been fed first? Often the type of thought is going to come from the head of a chieftain representing a feather from his or her many that came from the head and used to measure the worth of everything testing the value of this person. How is everyone going to be provided for? The upside down question mark may be a great tool since the first occurrence of this letter is like the start of a question typically a royal person or the leader may have to answer.
F = Aiming may be a great word to use in place of this letter when it first appears as it may be where a flag is destined to be planted or a target where an arrow is supposed to hit the mark.
G = This has the same origin as the letter C but it is a later form of it that cuts off shoplifting so it is more proud and wanting everyone to see the act of packing for any trip or journey. It might be a lock where otherwise there was none?
H = Tying the knot represents using 666 for trading that will put out the fire by using water (tease), stone (rejection/work), and air (reward/marriage). This symbol would be drawn on the ground to show the calendar for a trading circle when a distant tribe had come from far away so a good word to use for this letter might be something like trading or getting married.
J = This is a later form of the letter i placing more emphasis on measuring a person's worth.
L = Working would be the best word for this letter or perhaps rejection until certain work is done usually found in the stone element for what is coveted being water until it is bought becoming air as this may have been polishing a stone using diamonds or learning how to care for an entire family in school. For an elderly person this becomes sharing knowledge or leading others or getting help from showing how something is done. It could be a certain tune that is needed from an instrument that cannot be known until it is shown.
M = This might represent the act of killing something that is to be eaten but the best word to use for it would be moving as it is always needed for getting out of the way usually representing the wrong side of the rainbow someone may be trapped under this endangering him or her until enough pride is found to save the person or move him or her to a new location. Runes may be placed into the intestines of the eaten carcass showing anyone who left that returned where the camp was moved when it was relocated.
N = This represents the act of eating food, drinking, using a substance, or loving a person like a man eating a woman from the inside as a baby.
Q = This would mean aligning and use typically used for the letter H or trading and training as the fire should be put out until all of the elements have been learned so this can mean trying to match a boy with a girl who are both attending school or it is used for purchasing at a trading circle or selling a child as a bride into another tribe so it may stop a person from being able to love another until a certain process had been followed.
R = This might represent someone's attention or their wishes and personality or otherwise what might be found in their head or direction so the word heading might be the best to use for this letter.
S = Scrolls were originally meant for warning others when someone poisonous was discovered or someone dying from perhaps something entering the body and so the dead sea scroll found in a dead person may let others know everything that was put into the body that may have possibly led to the dead of the person while an entire lifetime of keeping track eventually became something for people to do so the appearance of the this letter would be for measuring what is being put into the body coming from anything as it was known that a sexual act was capable of cursing a person or rotting the liver from a sexually transmitter disease being the main reason that children were required to be sold as virgins typically into other tribes so that less death or disease was spread among the people.
T = This would be known as the act of crossing a piece of cut fabric by circling or folding it a certain way for making a ring to be fastened somewhere that marks a person because of something done in the past that is important to know about and would typically be used for letting others know that a person had died when it is a ring being turned into the figure right or shape of eternity so outside of maybe a funeral or letting others know the news of another's passing this would have been used to mark people for doing something bad so that the person does not die and so it might come from an act such as theft witnessed since it could lead to the loss of life from maybe a fight so gifting might be a word that could be used for this letter so long as it is understood that it is being given as a sort of guilt trip since it was not always wanted when it came to revealing why a person would be crossed in such a way so someone close like maybe a best friend may be expected to ignore how an act may be foul as to do what is expected out of tradition would be like betrayal of the friendship.
V = Flocking would be the best word to use for describing this word as it means traveling together in a pack or as a team.
W = I have used the word flowing to mean a type of flocking with absolutely everything as if the insects or what is found in the sea should be included with what the flock is doing elsewhere so it is a way of expressing the importance that other groups do the same.
X = This has the same meaning as a letter t besides that it comes from the past more so it may mean a mark of theft that may be known from a watch tower and it may be the reason that someone who was gifted must obey or else the fire may come and get him or her from the letter x or guard tower watching over the people. Four markings warn that a person must be approved first before certain actions would be done as five markings would represent wood or maybe would in many cases as it may take some convincing to preserve the virginity of a young one to be saved for a winner of another tribe who may someday buy her. Cities and more civilized places are known for having bad effects on children who may witness things happen that normally would be against the rules so this letter may also mark the location of a city as well. It may be possible to find someone doing something such as eating from more than one animal at once as if there was no prayer or customs needed for ensuring respect or better quality of meat for the future. When a person does such a thing this act is known as growing another head since every person is supposed to keep to one belt for Orion the hunter that demands that every kill is respected and treated as family that would eventually be grateful for the encounter because of how amends were made in various ways otherwise a species of animal may become extinct or the quality of meat become foul from poor treatment. An eight headed dragon might represent a rich person who sampled from many plates for a party to guilt trip them as it is not an act of godliness to have such manners. The belt worn is like an idol of worship and needs to be earned for the eyes found in the sky. Gifting may be a good word to use in place of this letter as well but since it is worse than the letter t perhaps maybe something like marking would be more accurate? Someone living today who may be praising his or herself for sticking to lean meats and visiting the gym daily would actually be grown upon during ancient times and seen as perhaps someone with two heads for that of the turkey and chicken to ensure they are honored and never forgotten.
Y = This is where a line between good and evil may be found for someone to wake up to and align for the path made to be fully aware of regarding whatever consequences may be found for taking it so maybe a word such as aligning might be a good one in place of this letter as if there could be any English word to explain any of these letters effectively? Is the next path for the good of the flock or just an organ hungering for oneself?
Z = This would represent synchronicity found or perhaps true love or admiration as it is what the letter h would have to worry about the most when it comes to keeping a virgin pure for marrying her into another tribe when she is ready. People will typically do this for others because of dreams shared or perhaps the birds and the bees have been trying to join a certain couple since their children would be more likely to be more respectful like he or she has been. Nature has a way of selection as the eye in the sky knowing everything is found and this is capable of igniting a clock in the opposite sex making a person feel a sudden rush of urgency when it comes to sexual relief or connection. Without law this might follow the q naturally?
This goes much deeper into another private blog.
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