Dead on the Door?
When I was a child right before Head on the Door came out I had a dream that there were ghosts in our house... there were funky colored shirts that were neon much like these colors shown below that chased me around the house! The heads were floating and chasing me around the house! I was very young and when they would scare me I would run down the hallway away from them and then shut the door where their head would suddenly become a pie when smashing against the door!
Why me? Well, it is extremely possible that I was one of the people that made them most proud since I dance to their music all of my life... since I was a teenager I went above and beyond everyone else when it came to dancing all night while lately I was hacked and people working for Facebook have been working at trying to ruin me out of jealousy it would seem? I do not know what I have done wrong but I do not want people looking into it because they would side with me and potentially be mean to others on there so somewhere people would lose "friends" when I believe that they should be called something different so I have decided not to use Facebook anymore until they change the word "friends" into something else like "contacts" while it has been true that the entire time that I used it people have been able to do things like potentially hack one of my friends and then try to ruin me or kick me out of the goth scene somehow would happen?
Michael died in my house so this might be why a friend by the name of Mikesell accused me of being racist against black people when everyone knew that the opposite was true as I was not a hateful kind of person in any way. I was accused of this when my car stereo was stolen and I was complaining about having to listen to the music that might be coming from the car thief that was maybe bragging about stealing from me?
I am not a political person because of my work I must remain neutral because it is too hateful and I do not want to make anyone feel that I am judging them because of their political views so this is something that I am going to keep from the public while showing support and sharing all of the reasons that I would support every person running for president while keeping the actual vote to myself since I am working on something that needs to be accepted everywhere possible for pre-death funerals or what might be the best solution for the violence in my country that may be fixed within the next generation easily by my teaching the teachers how to have the children select patterns that could be involved in "wrapping their mummies" outside of religion that is an extension of Halloween that helps the lost children find Christmas or in this case a lost angel be found!
I know that I was mistaken as an Angel by the real Muhammad the Prophet but this means nothing to my neighbors and those who run Facebook who have only used this against me as if I am a racist of some sort because of this?
Synchronicity from Dragonlance has compared me to Raistlin I will explain in a different blog which would explain why he has a golden finger shown here:
It doesn't though as people using this service have been potentially tricked by hackers as they log in as my friends attempting to ruin our dance scene maybe because someone out there is too embarrassed to look foolish by hitting the dancefloor? I have been through absolute HELL as the English language would verify when it is played backwards as shown in my songs and this is because of Facebook as I would not use it to win a popularity contest as I could have since I was "famous" or whatever but I never did! I could have messaged my "friends" until they were all informed of the truth until my ex-girlfriend lost all of her "friends" but how evil would that be? WHY would I want to accomplish this?
Please wake up to how evil that service has been! Until they make it against the rules against sharing bad things about other people who are not involved in the conversation I will not support that service.
Please help me connect with this Palm Bee while I lived once before it is too late! Everything that I shared is true and I will be taking lie detector test (if I can afford it... PAY FOR ME!? PLEASE!!! I AM NOT LYING ABOUT ANYTHING!!!).
Until he takes a lie detector test to prove otherwise I believe that Mark Zuckerberg wants me dead.
Jealousy is real and I have done nothing but be respectful to him... he has actually been using money against me for how many years pretending to be the Mormon Church or Trump supporters when it was actually HIM!!
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