Famously Not Famous as a Central Observer of the Universe?

Back in the 90s some of my all-time favorite goth artists were found on Soleilmoon Recordings such as Coil, Swans, the Legendary Pink Dots, Skinny Puppy, Current 93, Death in June, Dead Voices on Air, Edward Ka-Spel, and In Gowan Ring who happened to be from Salt Lake City originally so I knew them personally. Anyone who knew of these bands or albums would have automatically been considered cool instead of being called names such as baby bat among the goth crowd. They were a lot more picky than other scenes and would not accept what was close to goth but not quite such as the American music made using distorted guitar such as Nine Inch Nails or Marilyn Manson. Only a poser would be seen with shirts from those bands as they were not considered good for the club environment but there was one good song by them called Ringfinger that was accepted for the dance floor because of minimal guitar used and the epic ending.

Lucky me compared to the others!

My Mother was a flight attendant and I was able to fly anywhere in the world for free as standby... so I was leaving the state on average a few times every year.. a lot of the judgement found in the goth scene was only directed at everything American.

I used to share a music space with members from In Gowan Ring as part of one of their side-projects called Jenny Greenteeth where I performed live and recorded some music like a song for a movie soundtrack but we did not make it much further as I got into some trouble with the law and developed a costly drug habit that had consumed much of my young adult life... regardless, I never stopped following my musically inclined friends and was a very big fan most especially of everything involving Edward Ka-Spel as I could not find anything darker or as scary so I would promote his work everywhere that I had went having fun with the reaction I might get from neighboring Mormons.. things looked bright for us at first as I was nearing the end of my teenage years and my friends would plan for things such as going to Europe to tour and would speak of staying with one of the members from the Cure they knew or perhaps among friends of the dots but instead of saving up the money for this like we were supposed to things went into a downward spiral for us and our big dreams had turned into a costly nightmare very fast.

I always thought that I was ugly until I use my memory and realize that I was lucky to have two beautiful little sisters who were trying to find a guy at school like me so this helped as the prettiest girls in the school older than me were obviously practicing in the mirror for running into me in the hallway as I was in Salt Lake City but not as a Mormon like most of the kids so this usually won some points regarding how  cool I was while adults tried to take my virginity often since only thirteen years old but most especially when I moved out into my own apartment at only fifteen where I started to practice a tantric sex magic someone taught me from the college of massage. 

Most people might think that going three years without ejaculating must be impossible or a lie that I had made up or exaggerated but this was part of my training that was not as hard as it might sound since enjoying an erection or sex was not against the rules.

This was me as a child back in the late 90s... my family used to stay up late talking into the night while sharing dreams when my sister and I realized we had the same dream that the both of us were in as we were filled with shivers and chills everywhere while taking turns finishing the story until the end where it was slightly different because of being separated.

It involved going upstairs together and then trying to turn on the lights that would not work forcing me to test my bravery by going to flip on a switch alone in the closest room nearby above the stairs where I saw an old man wearing overalls now believed to be my grandfather before he died glowing blue just like lost loved ones seen in the Star Wars movies standing where my rat cage was found.

This light switch flickered would not work as well and behind me my sister ran away so I followed and woke up on the way away from where I saw him outstretching his arm as if begging me for help.

After we moved out of this house I broke in with a friend while it was out on the market again between owners to go to the spot where this ghostly man appeared to try and make contact with a prayer.

On the way out right as the thought came that he was not real despite the other encounters outside of the dream that had inspired us to go suddenly the ceiling fan shook like an Earthquake happened as if to counter my doubt and prove a presence was there.

I was practicing shamanism that I would read about without a teacher but confident in my own ability to tap into anything real if at all possible and there were times when I was able to let others know what numbers they were thinking about or looking at several times in a row without failing so the practice did go somewhere but I would not believe anything without witnessing proof and still with that might come doubt that I placed meaning where it otherwise would not be found even though I had been called a psychic for helping others find a missing item more than once when asked almost immediately that was very lost and searched for before I was tried.

As a shy teenager when I was only thirteen an eighteen year old girl got into trouble with her friends for spending the night trying to give me what would have been my first real sexual experience and this repeated with my next girlfriend who was sixteen. My older brother asked me about making a move on my girlfriend he liked and I was okay with this so I gave him permission to hook up with her as I did not want to be second best to anyone so he ended up sleeping with both but at different times while I was saving myself for marriage.

On the day that I lost my virginity I was eighteen and woke up to a voice that sounded like my Dad in my head telling me that I would lose it on that day which I forgot about until that night after dancing a bunch of women came over to my house and while most were inside I went out to the car to smoke with a girl who used to be a drummer for my band with another girl who startled us by suddenly driving off while ignoring whenever she was asked to stop. 

While in the backseat silent to myself I remembered the voice I woke up to so thought that maybe she was trying to figure out a way to be alone with me as she brought us to the avenues where suddenly she stopped her car and announced that she was too drunk to drive so we had to go inside to spend the night with her friend despite leaving a bunch of women at my house unattended.

One of the other ladies left at my house would have normally done everything in her power to stop her as she had a crush on me and was a bit controlling so she had to be out of the picture completely was my guess.

While inside when the drunk driver was done with the tub she came out in a towel and laid down on a bed near me in a guest room so I knew to lay beside her and wait for the others to leave. 

Once they left the room she suddenly turned to kiss me while awake as ever as if she had only been pretending then removed her towel showing me much better than I had expected.

This gal knew what to do as she showed me several sexual positions while rubbing her own clit until such cute sounds came out as climax was reached and then she apologized to me since I did not have a turn like she did but this was intentional as I would not orgasm for the tantric sex magic practices reasons.

When I saw her at the bar after this happened I knew she got into trouble with our friends as if I was an innocent boy taken advantage of by her and she apologized again as if she had done something wrong but she was unbelievable in bed so I was very thankful and since this day never witnessed anyone quite like that and this might only be described as what happened in the movie 'the Mallory Effect' which was made by someone who knew the both of us and her name rhymed so I think that I figured out there was a connection.

Dustin Defa used to get mad at me at parties as I would often forget his name but when I found it recently it came with whole new meaning like I had to use a broom since he was famous now so I should be careful about what I share about our friends?

Mallory err Valerie moved to Portland so I am a bit tempted to look her up recently since I am technically single and looking while I find it funny that her real name is close to Valentine's Day. The word 'valen' when understanding the origins of letters might mean to go to a bar or social gatherings to find sex.

If you have seen this movie and am wondering what she did in bed that was so great that gave the "Mallory Effect" it was because she would surprise her partner as she did not wear sexy clothes that revealed her great body in public and she had the goal to get herself off during intercourse with an incredible drive that knew what to do like a man so when her orgasm was reached there was no way of stopping one might be surprised at such unbelievably cute sounds following that were such unique and cute squeaks?

I got a fake ID in my late teens thanks to a friend who went to the DMV wearing my unique rose-colored prescription glasses after he practiced my look with the same makeup I wore that no one else would do using black lip liner around shiny metallic purple. 

While waiting the girl who asked me if I wanted a cookie gave me her number and became my girlfriend after she confessed having a romantic dream of me when I called that I assumed was a lie but now that I know more about how lovers go into the past where we go to sleep I might finally believe her.

Charissa eventually got into trouble by dropping her plans to start school out of state for an opportunity to be with me so I accepted because she wanted it so bad that I thought she might be less likely to cheat or leave but I was wrong.

The entire time I was with her I never ejaculated and I doubt I was good in bed like she would tell her friends while making sure I could hear. When she finally confessed to me that she was cheating I was not getting mad so she hit me a bunch and told me that we had to break up because of my being too perfect as it made her look like a monster since everyone would always love me while hating her for it.

The last time that stayed with this girlfriend she tried to convince me to sleep with another girl we met at a rave while we were at her place who was so beautiful but when I started to kiss her it felt too unfamiliar and weird.

Recently, I had shown her the miracle that was how she would get whatever color she picked in the specific location she would ask for it and we went through pictures of Orthodox Cathedrals witnessing proof that they were responding to our minds as she would get what she chose and asked for out loud without failing once several times in a row!

After her, I slept in the same bed as a beautiful lesbian for almost a year without having sex so people thought sometimes that I had to be gay since we would only kiss and cuddle. She was so much fun to go clubbing with as we would always have the goal to kiss the hottest girls to be found which never failed.

I used to be a lot more ambitious than other people and kept a point system for myself with more goals than everyone I knew as I only took jobs that allowed me to do my own thing at work such as a parking lot or a career with building computers.

It felt like everyone liked my company everywhere that I went as I had a lot of beautiful friends but I do remember getting into trouble once when I drank at a dance club from kissing random women who were not exactly single that I did not know because they gave me an inviting look... maybe five in one night?

Somewhat recent photo of old friends from SLC days we ran into at Bar Sinister during a trip to Hollywood back in 2009... Marie had owned a salon in the Crossroads Mall in the 90's and had two boyfriends when the picture was taken.. one of them she met through me if not both back in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Back during my glory days in the 90s I had so many friends that it felt like I would never have the time to kiss or hug everyone that I knew whenever I would go dancing because of how difficult it was to leave others while being the center of attention and when I bring up times like these lately it was never to brag as one might think but more like a complaint because the scene has died compared to back then while Facebook unfortunately was a tool used by people to socially attack others that is cruel the way it forces them all to be called friends by giving access to their activity wall.

I am shocked anyone would allow folks to use such a service as women while drunk would do things such as take a screen shot of someone trying to say hello for sharing with her friends on her wall about how pathetic someone was where all sorts of conversation may be had about someone the person did not even know which should have not been allowed as there was no good intention if the subject could not see the complaint how could the person could change or learn anything so it was a great way for making monsters as it makes certain things much easier to do when someone is already being blamed for doing it.

For years, I attended 80's night on Thursdays at Area 51 in Salt Lake City and would sit with my friend Deja who was dating Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins and Linda Strawberry who made music with him and so we have hung out until morning exchanging songs on my guitar together.

Surprising how much a person could be ruined from one party that I had at my house for friends such as the famous DJ Marci Wiser currently known for being on the radio in LA who was going to make a children's book with me. Much later dancefloor DJs performed on the main floor such as Simon from the local party scene and Nexus from the local rave scene while Nebula from Club Bricks which was the largest dance club did not show and was later told how much he missed out I remember seeing his surprised look as he was expecting a small gathering.

This one night completely ruined my carpet and my life in some ways as too many people did not obey the flier that had shown them where to park so my neighbors could not use the same road that I lived on so the cops raided my house the next morning giving me a weed charge that prohibited me from leaving the country like we had planned until I finished their program.

In order to pass a drug test for weed I forced myself to use meth I heard would help me pass because of how it cleaned the system which absolutely terrified me but it worked which led to older women introducing me to everything else to get closer starting with ecstasy while hoping we would become intimate. 

After I moved out I lived with my sister known as "Good Jen" in the goth scene among maybe a dozen of others? I eventually went to jail for failing a drug test where I met Jeeroy and was introduced to Mario with a network that would be an illegal immigrant showing up in a car with balloons in his mouth after a phone call from seven in the morning until nine at night.

Nobody wants to go to world -1 in Super Mario Bros as that would be what exactly...?

After a long time of living hungry while locked up as a prisoner I finally tried a chicken sandwich because someone from the kitchen told me that it was not real meat and mostly made of soy so this convinced me to cheat after almost seven years of being vegan.

After the last swallow I felt like a drug had taken my body with a kind of numbness as I woke up to being in my body as a human being with a name as if doing this for the first time and so I went to the mirror as I could not believe what I was witnessing that I was actually there in existence as who I am but the body felt new to me and I was feeling surprised to have life at all then when I went to bed I had a dream of being the turkey that I ate while living the entire life of the birds so I woke up feeling guilty for knowing what was taken from the bird but thankful how much he never knew this to be true as the life was not as bad as I had originally expected because of being there among others of his kind.

I lost my identity seemingly from no longer being vegan as they did not respect my diet tray request while I was locked up so I had to do things such as make kites for trading my meat for vegetables every day so I did not want anyone to see me when I got out and just chased my next injection for awhile.

Waiting until seven came in the morning or making one last call at nine before they stopped became something that I would do almost daily when more people found out about my connection so I would be typically spending somewhere around 200-400$ daily and paying the rent was done by simply cutting down for a few days.

Is it possible that there was a connection to Jerry Jenkins found in the World of Warcraft game? What if there was another guilt trip reason that my videos never went viral but someone else would that might be about what only I would know about!?

Something to wake me up to how much I was actually spied on so all of the conversations with cell mates or whatever that I had was recorded over an intercom discreetly while doing time locked up?

My good friend that I knew just happened to be in jail in the same section as me for driving under the influence so we became roommates and when I met Leeroy who was being deported he gave me some heroin he just happened to have smuggled in while I was dope sick and also a number to his main cartel that had a deal for a free balloon for every ten purchased that I took full advantage of for years!

The picture that I drew for his wife was probably the most beautiful that I had ever made for anyone? It was a forest in the shape of a heart with a path winding down the center of many trees with the leaves intricately drawn with a hidden face of death to be found for the person who noticed in the bark looking like Grim Reaper pointing a boney finger.

I had to move away from the city to get off of drugs and my addiction became replaced by online video games that were competitive usually called player vs player massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Leeroy Jenkins had a whole new meaning for me since I was living with Jen when I met Leeroy while it was also now true that he did likely kill some of her most fond kin like the love of her life with the same name as me as if to rub in the importance of my quitting. Too many people have died from drug overdose that I have known and most of them I warned and told them how it would happen but they did not listen. This particular person thought that it was safe to go back to injecting a dose of heroin after a long break and would do it in a way that was extremely fast without taking any time to feel it enter like others have done to more safely measure what might be too much.

Fat balloons of coke or heroin for only ten dollars each while I always got a free one when I purchased ten. From the days I used to use drugs and sometimes spent three hundred dollars every day I have seen the same stuff six times more expensive right around the corner but I never wanted to sell it for profit. Why bring this up? Because the drawing that I made for his wife Becky which was the price of that contact that was so beautiful as I must have spent maybe forty hours on it or so? A heart shaped forest with a trail going around some trees that had one with the Grim Reaper found in the trunk who was pointing... it might have been the most impressive piece of artwork that I ever made? Tiny leaves and berries drawn.. it looked real.

I was seemingly part of the reason that it was written in the reviews for the movie Titanic that people would repeatedly go to see this film because I worked in the parking booth so the same groups of girls would scream at at me on their way out several days in a row so it might be possible that my drug use had inspired my doppleganger Leonardo DiCaprio to get a role for the film Basketball Diaries. I wonder if a certain Italian someone knew about this since I was asked to participate in something homosexual in order to get my fix while I was sick after watching the movie showing his character suck on a man for coke but once he found that it was impossible to arouse me he told me that I was definitely not gay and just gave me some money before disappearing.

I thought that the movie Napoleon Dynamite had some funny familiar things tied to me since they used to call folks "the bomb" in the 80s and my Father fought in the Vietnam War that began where French were involved while I may have been known for dancing confidently as I have had more practice than most people while clubbing, raving, and partying for at least half a dozen hours per week or more? 

Definitely voted for Pedro... Whoops!

While incarcerated I came up with a way to combine two words into one ribbon design showing white letters found inside of black ones that I sold for food that was easy to earn money with compared to my other artwork no matter how good it was drawn because the prisoners liked to see the name of their girl found in the design as if it would somehow be enough to wait for him while some claimed to be giving themselves a tattoo with it later on during their sentence for those on their way to prison?

During my early twenties I missed many years of my life from getting in and out of trouble and became known as a drug dealer among my friends so a certain Sarah Brightman song called Eden I used to think was possibly for me that was shown in the windows everywhere at Mormon owned establishments because of my name being Adam? 

She looked somewhat goth in her video while singing "I never tried to be in your Eden" in front of a tub as if she knew I needed to stay clean but I never heard this song until I was dope sick when it was part of the soundtrack I heard every day while fixing up my older brother's first bought house. He resold this property I spent hours on every day fixing up for cash and earned 30k from the sale. 

Northern Idaho was needed to clean up so that I had no way of getting anything even if I wanted it and this turned my life around completely immediately as I was able to get what might have been the absolute best job in all of Idaho in terms of how much fun it was as a computer technician.

I was glad to put my foot in the door as a contractor to move computers at first without any experience but in my free time I played games online against others and built my own setup which was enough to be able to fix any problem almost since a fix could be rebuilding while occasionally maybe needing a google search because of how far simple logic goes in that kind of environment while the programming language, layout, and design like artwork, music, television, or movies responded to me as well so whenever I am stuck it is extremely easy to know how to fix it by thinking about how I would have made it if it were me then it comes super easy to figure out. Now I am able to witness why. They made the computer to show someone like me. My opinion matters so the people who built it responded to what I thought about and went through as a user. Maybe it has something to do with being more grateful than others and more fun?

Finally, I had a good career and found a local girl who owned a house to move in with due to the rule that I made up against dating coworkers. Although, I did spend the night with someone I was afraid of doing anything that might attach us?

While living with Sierra I was scared that she was evil and so I snuck into her diary where she wrote of a dream she had sex with a dragon in the back seat of a car which reminded me of my little sisters friend who told me in a note I still have to this day that I was with her in the backseat in her dreams and she liked me because she thought that it was hot that I stopped touching her when asked.

She is Mexican from her Father's side and the Mayan Calendar ended when our relationship did as she did not want to move away so we planned for something short term while together and knew it would end... she did not want any children either while I had grown attached to her daughter that I hated to lose!

Years later while living in Portland after I had forgotten all about this ex-girlfriend I had an intimate dream of her in the back seat of a car where I became the dragon she wrote about in that passage that I remember coming across so I wondered if it was wrong that the girl was underage perhaps on her end but from my perspective I thought she knew I was used to a bigger older version of her as she had a certain look in her eyes being that of someone who wanted me to see how attractive she was during her youth. 

I woke up to what seemed to be my roommate hissing through the walls around the time that I was kicked out for leaving the gas on just like what was mentioned in a goth song from my favorite artist making me wonder if he somehow knew about what was going on with me!?

This kind of changes things considering others must do the same thing as me without realizing it? Does this mean that gay lovers might dream about being with a partner that is a child which took part in turning this person homosexual? What about that teacher who slept with a child who was one of her students? Is it possible that while locked up as an adult he went to her many times before she had committed the illegal deed perhaps with the aid of a picture she gave him in the future after they had already been caught so he would be doing nothing wrong when in reality could have been causing a dream that would inspire her to be willing to cross such a line in the past? 

What about someone who was a rapist murderer doing time in death row or maybe a mental health facility for the rest of his life? What goes on in their mind in the future will effect those thought about in the past possibly in a way that is disturbing to a victim. What if he or she has nothing better to do than lucid dream as that might be the most realistic way to be able to rape another where we all share our most relaxed state? Would this dream be helpful to the victim in knowing what or maybe who to avoid or might this do things that might push them into mistakes that were previously made? 

I have never understood the bondage scene in the goth crowd and always avoided any situation that might be confused for something that encourages rape. I don't think that I would be able to get an erection like I would normally once anything violent or not wanted was involved. I guess I cannot say much in the department since I need to me more bold and daring so I have never even given someone the opportunity to tell me "no" . .. I have always made sure my partner wanted me first with an inviting look at least.

This realization made me a feel a bit more sympathetic and understanding when it came to some of the teachers or adults that would show me nudity or do things such as rub against me in a inappropriate way since as an adult I have done things like remember these times and fantasize about what this person may have let me do if I took things a step further or simply just remember about what happened while pleasuring myself? Would this mean that the person felt it in the past inspiring something that was crossing a line that was not supposed to be crossed for the man that she knew I would become seen as a boy I once was? 

Why was it so difficult to accept that I was not ugly when teachers or adults could be doing things like getting aroused from being too close to me?

How sad so much time went by before realizing that women are much the same way as men with the same drive and motivations centering around sex. Would the only difference between us be a brief monthly break from the period? 

One of the reasons might be how much more I catch onto or notice how I am treated differently if I am wearing makeup in the same way that a woman might be throughout her day while interacting with other people as without it others may be completely rude where it is obvious they would not have been if makeup was worn? What about the clothing that women wear and how it will show their nudity or skin exposed more than the men in some ways? By wearing a kilt most especially with the gladiator sandals that are strapped all the way up the thighs I will have to do things like tightened the lace that holds it up in the same way a garter belt is fastened so I will notice that women will react in the same way that men would if a woman was adjusting her clothing in public potentially showing nudity if there is an accident. Before I was doing this I never knew women were the same way because men were gross in my eyes but they are capable of giving the same sudden uncontrollable rush of feelings that might make the heart rate increase or make a person feel like maybe their buttons might pop off?


Makeup or not? I only wear it when going out dancing at night usually as during the day I do not like to...

While locked up for some time that was long enough to really miss the sight of a woman so I was getting into lucid dreaming to be able to do things that might otherwise be impossible. I would make a stereo appear in my dream so that I could listen to a favorite record all the way through although the timing was not perfect and it would tend to skip to my favorite parts but it was almost as realistic as listening to music while awake.

Once during a dream it seemed just as real as if I was awake while I sat and pulled apart a leaf that was on the ground in a way that really got to know the leaf as touching it let alone the feel or smell of it should have been impossible yet it was happening.

I told my friend I was smoking with outside of my Mom's place somewhere very familiar that I should be in jail asleep as I knew I did not get out so must be dreaming so he laughed while assuring me that I just smoked too much and asked me to pinch myself so I did and I felt it just as if I would if I were awake.

Something inside of me somehow knew it was a dream while we started to walk to his house and so I started to try and look at things I normally would not notice like maybe the color or details of a neighbor's mailbox while telling myself that I had to remember everything perfectly so that I could verify it all later when I would wake up and return. Once we hit the road things became chaotic and more like a regular dream as I just decided to make a car full of beautiful women appear to give us a ride so that we did not have to walk the whole way. I remember somewhere in the dream was a maple tree found and when it was I had promised myself never to forget its location as by doing so would prove that I had actually gone there somehow outside of my head but unfortunately the location of this was forgotten when I actually searched for it later in life when I got out.

For some time I would challenge myself to wake up while still inside my dream to test the limits of what my brain was capable of. This inspired me to read a book in my sleep that was supposed to be impossible but it worked. During this same dream I decided to keep the tests going and went through paintings of others and then started to run through other people's buildings to look at everything and take in my surroundings faster than what should have been possible but there seemed to be no limit so I needed a bigger challenge. This led to creating a courtyard full of strangers as I knew from being an artist that it would be impossible for me to imagine what a unique face looked like easily let alone more than one since I have tried to draw people before and found this task difficult. Faster than what I knew was possible I was looking at one unique face and then moving onto the next immediately grabbing their faces with my hands as if it helped me to take in all of their features? I tried to look at as many faces as I possibly could when suddenly the grotesque appearance of an individual not like the others appeared in the crowd and when I gave him my attention others seemed to give us room inbetween as he spoke telepathically letting me know that I looked the same as him and eyes were seen covering his entire body from head to toe while three major ones came out like tentacles from his forehead.

Another night I woke up to being in control of everything while aware that I was sleeping so I decided to make a beautiful woman appear so that I could have sex but when I went to tear her clothes off she responded negatively and told me that just because she was in my dream it did not mean that she was not real so I blushed like I would with a real person and started to apologize but she understood as I thought everything in my dream was merely part of my subconscious mind.

My youngest sister's friend who lived in Rome with her came to me in a dream first before I met him in real life and we walked around a garden talking about what he represented in my subconscious mind. He would give me a knowing look as if he was real and I would know someday. Many years later she introduced me to him before he died and now I know more after sleeping on the spot where my other friend died how to bring him to me during my sleep so that we could talk. They are definitely aware and while alive had the same dreams that I had but from their own perspective while I am not sure if they are in our heads while dead riding the light found inside or if they are coming to us while they lived which would mean that our subconscious minds always knows the end since we are doing a great many things in the brains of others after we died.

Very recently while injured I rented part of a duplex from my Mother while in recovery unable to walk on a lot of drugs and did nothing else other than make music releasing enough content to cover twenty four album full length CDs!

I am preparing to be famous and am going through everything with a broom for the day that I will be able to use commercials and advertising for waking up the public to a great many things helping me sell!

While using Facebook I made a group for surprise gifting people that never quite worked out but in one of the posts I wrote about my old neighbors that I grew up with and my best friends family who were elves and so nice that I believe that they may be the reason that elves are known as good creatures in tales told around the fire in the past of gravity truly is bending time as I have witnessed enough proof of this to be true. I also said that it was my goal to see his parents before they died back where I grew up. This post was seemingly read by members from In Gowan Ring such as Bee because he released an album containing the name Hazel in it which is that of the Mother found in his infamous family of elves. Bret Gardner might be the most known person in this family for his music he wrote and used to play acoustic guitar shows at parties or small venues.

Sometimes we only care about ourselves or honestly sometimes just ours elves?

It might be true that I was most coveted as a teen and young adult as I used to be informed of secret crushes often and women would do things like make a mixtape or draw pictures or write my name over and over again or make me a love letter or go through their albums writing me the lyrics and I never really took advantage of that... once drugs got involved people stopped being attracted especially once I got into trouble with the law..

Okay, being I am being totally serious here.

I just stopped myself for a moment and tried to think of family who was coveted more than mine as there had to be people everywhere who were very desirable but when I just thought of them it seemed like they told me that they always thought that I had more than them which might be true but only because of dancing often and being addicted to getting positive attention from women like a good look from her as she bites herself or something like that?

My older brother I always thought had more positive attention than me because he had a lot of muscles and was six feet four inches or more with a baby face to match!

During almost every hospital visit that I have ever had nurses and patients have talked dirty to me and have flashed nudity while on an average day throughout my life during school or work I would see nudity from someone doing something in a way that shows me on accident probably three times a day like showing cleavage or underwear...

I used to think that this was real for everyone but then I realized that they might not be doing this for other people like they have done it for me?

I think the most beautiful man who always was better looking than me was Jasin (On Instagram his name is Jasinholliday {Jasin Moon}) but I was never gay so not sure if I am the best judge? I considered him my friend and he was always friendly with me but I feared him maybe? He had a motorcycle with usually a hot chick riding passenger.

I always wanted to be closer as our mutual friends were some of my favorites from his childhood like Pan or Jeremy.

It might sound crazy but it seems that the Pearl Jam song "Jeremy Spoken" partially responded to our living once but I would never want to share the reasons why as maybe Jeremy should just not talk and stay quiet because he thought he was a monster but he was one of my favorite people while Pan shot himself soon after he became closer to my friend Simon who like me also had songs about her coming from famous goth artists such as the Angels of Light and Edward Ka-Spel but if his death had anything to do with her it was because he did not obey her as her advice would have always saved his life and she most likely made him upset by cutting him off to try and stop him from addiction to heroin if he was trying to get more?

There are moments found in Coil that seemingly try to save him that responded to my listening to it after he died which is a band he heard while he lived that was on the same record label as friends of mine and this artist was also in Psychic TV and died by falling off a balcony in China?

Jasin looks like a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine character with piercing eyes similar to his but he not nearly as attractive maybe...

I started to wake up in my late 30s to how everything was seemingly synchronized to my previous thought until it felt like I had lost all privacy and even the most embarrassing memories that I had would be shared with the public and known by all of the world seemingly... I started to drink alcohol and this perhaps caused my first porphyria attacks as I found out through my aunt that my grandfather had purple urine and would get a mysterious dot on his forehead similar to mine that my girlfriend probably gave me as I slept like a hickey?! She told me that he thought that everything was about him like he was famous and the airplanes in the sky had something to do with him during his crazy episodes.

I do not watch television or movies anymore like I used to because it feels like I am the composer of them by some degree as I fear of being the "monster" on the Twilight Zone that would be the kid with the special gift that chooses what they do with his mind that they have to follow because what I witness is that they are always impossibly timing everything to win my approval somehow or get help from my brain sharing the same light or sound as a collective that could use help?

For example, while watching a cartoon I am able to ask with my mind for them to do things for me in the next slide such as putting a certain color in a special location to prove that it is really happening to me with a random generator.... I am able to ask for things with my mind that they will always give me and this is something I have demonstrated to the public often.. like at a bar I have told someone to look up the sixteenth picture on his phone to find purple in the top left more than anywhere else that had to do what what we were talking about and then after he witnessed this do it again by letting him know that there would be green in the top left the most of whatever video he picked exactly one minute in.

This song showing a werewolf came out right at the same time that I seemingly became famous and woke up to all sorts of attention I never knew that I had such as this song being about what I went through as if written for me knowing everything that happened? 

My Mother gave me a letter that came from a doctor when she married my Father warning her about our grandfather and hereditary coproporphyria running in our bloodline, otherwise known as the vampire disease of the werewolf type since growing hair was possible during an attack, or blue blood like the royal family so it might come from drinking alcohol for too many generations? Basically, I was born with a slightly different liver that creates more porphyrins than heme so my Mother used to put our urine in the sunlight as children as ordered by the doctor to see if it would change color or darken from the sunlight. Drinking alcohol likely gave me my first real electric feeling and it started to feel like everyone was in my head and I had turned into something else?

During most of my life I had a sensitivity to garlic that seemed to come in monthly cycles but when was on a vegan diet it would go away the most and make it much easier for me to handle eating it for whatever reason? My Mother might avoid the sun more than most people as she would eat sunflower seeds every day so would not wrinkle as much and look younger for much longer and my Father also looked rather young for his age due to their growing up with a television spending more time indoors while the blood disease came from Dad's Swedish side.

While working full time in a career building computers I wanted to get on medication for ADD (something that I was diagnosed as a child but never took anything for) such as Adderall but did not want to get it from a doctor where I would be expected to take it everyday and then watch my tolerance go up from the pills no longer working or whatever putting me on the same rollercoaster ride that too many people in our country get stuck on while I believe that it should be illegal to give out medicine without the plan to get off of it.

Anyways, I started to take Adderall once a week when my boss would come to work so that I would not be let go while the company Coldwater Creek was going out of business and people were getting laid off everywhere. 

My boss got the community together to teach me a lesson with some sort of reverse psychology AA meeting? I went to AA with a networking engineer from work who was part of our team and won awards for making homemade brews. Someone with gaudy jewelry and a Hawaiian shirt looking like someone from a mafia flick came in to sit at the end of the table and when his turn came introducing his name and that he was an alcoholic he added that he was also drunk then asked everyone at the table one at a time whether or not they were serious about wanting his help to stay clean. Everyone said yes including me then I went to get some coffee while finding it odd that no one else was interested as the pot had sat there for some time undisturbed. When I drank the coffee I was startled by what seemed to be coke found in it as my lips went numb and saw that there was something not right around this meeting. Turned out being something called "cat poop coffee" but that seemed to be something for covering the truth perhaps? After this meeting I was seemingly followed everywhere that I went and if I smoked or drank alcohol whatever I would be doing would somehow participate in selecting a color that would be carried by others to what sounded like saws along with someone screaming and then I would run into someone with metal shins.

I was living with my girlfriend named Sierra during this time and the Macintosh happened to come out with an operating system called "High Sierra" that year as if they also knew what happened but this would be no surprise because of what I witnessed that involved a lot of strangers having fun waking me up to various crazy scenarios.

For awhile during this time when I would go to the store someone would have a notepad and take notes regarding everything that I had liked and then the entire place would be revamped while months later someone would start talking to me out of nowhere to thank me for it since the stock market was changing more for me than other people as everyone noticed how I was setting new trends to follow as someone who had moved to the country from the city everyone talked about but I did not want to look too weird with a personal dislike for tattoos or other permanent artwork like piercings that might take away one's beautiful naked or opportunity to become the next top actress or actor for their American dream or whatever? I was told by others that they had made some money from investing in what I was interested in but some of this was ruined from my interest in becoming vegan again which heavily added to the insanity more than any other reason as I started to notice the animals everywhere timing what they were doing to help me and people on the other side of artwork, pictures, or videos always synchronizing as well as if trying to wake me up to something better that may save them all from our previous ways of living sharing caged coughs without checking the temperature of the animals eaten among other things.

It was a form of mind rape from my perspective but whenever I would ask for some hope or faith in my mind a dove carrying something would be perfectly timed for flying ahead of where I was headed or whatever... honestly, before I was aware of how intelligent the animals actually were it was a rather hellish experience since the understanding that human beings are the smartest creatures actually brought forth some of the darkest and most disturbing realities. I would do things such as go on a long drive feeling like everyone was following me and then suddenly it would lift off of me so it may have come from some kind of eye of nature. In reality a flock of birds or something along those lines had decided to stop following?

I was obsessively washing my hands due to smoking and working in a professional environment so at times my hands would tickle from shaking another person's... while other times someone may have intentionally put something like mace into something that I touched or maybe a handshake somewhere and this combined with the medication that the mental health professionals gave me made things MUCH WORSE leading me to think that they were drugging me against my will everywhere while always putting things around me one step ahead and behind.. I would not be able to sleep for a week at a time due to the stress that came from everything that was happening at once mostly because of people I lived with who seemingly tried to keep me awake. 

What I tried to take as medicine made me so sick that I could not stop drooling to some degree as I was too spooked to share what was going on as the television and radio seemed to be following everything that I was doing which was supposed to be impossible. 

There is a Cathedral Madeline found in Utah and the name is seen by me as "made line"... and this song expresses so much of what I was fearing and going through while I was being warned through a network of artists that even someone as prideful as my Father may end up feeling so naked in the all-seeing-eye of gravity that a part of him might want to die or choose a path of ignorance through something like another alcoholic beverage in order to somehow return back to having privacy again without feeling like someone on stage when the opposite was actually true..

While at home my Mother had called me right before this album had come out as she was with her brother Jim who had left his wife to find another and they had let me know that they were on their way to the City of Sin being Las Vegas where she likely cried "finish him off!" while having another drink so the lyrics really made me wonder if my phone was tapped and this band informed of everything that went on with me? What I went through with the community made me secretly famous everywhere it seemed like so it would be no surprise to me as my Father was doing very weird things like calling me up to say various lyrics from a recently heard song about what was going on and then just hang up the phone!? While going for a walk he took me by surprise by asking me to wave at the sky and then I saw some plane come out of nowhere with people waving at us.

The Gaelic language responds to me and will sound just like English always having to do with what I was thinking about as if answering in what sounds like an English response. The very first sentence that I heard sounded like "come back to the tit" for example.

I thought that I saw a list of various names that I have been called by people spying on me...

The song mentions beginning 200 Miles away which would be where Moses Lake is found?

We went and saw them perform live during this tour in Portland which was not a far drive from where I was located...

Kosher is potentially dangerous for many reasons... this word "chew" rhymes with "Jew" so the origin of thought makes this extremely important to understand what might be part of winding up a madman? Birds are usually found nearby therefore may be constantly in our head by at least some degree sharing space nearby. The sounds of angry Faeries or insects may not be helpful although they typically hate the birds so if a person knows better certain times thought or memories are helpful but when moving any distance wishes are soon forgotten and in a whole new area not far away the bugs may be clueless and timed to be a nuisance until the same certain thoughts and memories are had that make them friendly for granting wishes. It is helpful to know that marigolds kill parasites for those eating them and by giving birds seeds that would save bugs.

It appears that the word Jew is shown pointing to what would be in my mind where more body odor would be found most especially from doing something like eating bird as it might change the smell of sweat?

Arabic responded to my living once as well and as you can see in these pictures shown the language seemingly spells English words having to do with important things in this video I had made about how the prophet Muhammad would have likely used layers of magic tricks instead of executing someone for being a homosexual as murder would break an important commandment thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not kill is law! Is my head law? Does this mean they agree with what I was saying in the video?

Why don't they have a commandment for "thou shalt not happy" for the homosexuals? Because children commonly make mistakes when separated during the Maypole phase of their lives that is usually fixed when they get older by getting married.

Lawl lol lawl lol lawl lol lawl lol lawl lol lawl lol lawl

When I would write in the translator something along the lines of what would be bringing peace to the Middle East it sounds like someone speaking English saying, "If he chuckles, I'll sell tea..."

While making this video that translated what I said into Arabic it seemed as if my mind was being seen echoing everywhere while they were responding to everything that came from me on my end and while listening to their language sound like it was answering every thought I would have I asked gravity for permission to finish my cigarette for a break or if it would create a bad echo and to do it later so I find this screenshot above very interesting as if they were responding to that moment with, "well allow..." (tendrils of smoke seen around my mouth...)

Are you not going to cut off my head are you for wearing eye-liner?

Along my neck it appears to read in English, 
"fails > fag > go"

Mermaids have gills maybe like fish and I find it interesting to hear in my left ear that they are all ill!

Leave them all?

Right eye covered? I see they are ill? Eye am right in that they are ill? This picture shows how I doubt all thought? I do try not to think and doubt what comes while measuring it. It is all a lie. Lie all. Mind. Especially when thinking West of bacteria or trash our brain tissue may be used more by something not human not to mention what might be sending timed thoughts from our entrails? Knows left fails? Could this be showing how my nose stuffed up slightly from the cheese that I had while making the video? It is true that my head became slightly stuffy from the dairy products that I am not so used to eating.

While basically disabled from stress and everything going on easily blamed on medication I should have never been on I wanted to get away from everything for maybe a normal night of clubbing so I drove to the nearest city and entire state away then found a place that did not charge me and gave me free drinks but I felt out of place as everyone was Arabic mostly?

The only girls found in the place we're talking to me eventually, of course, and asking me to go dance with them when I had asked a guy for a cigarette that made me blackout when I took a drag from it and then I woke up realizing where I was as I was puking up tobacco that I must have been forced to swallow while on the drug devils breath maybe for wearing eyeliner swallowing fags was my punishment.

When I left the bathroom someone was pointing at his shirt that read 'call the police' and he was looking at me alarmingly while pointing at it so I called my brother and once I was done suddenly a dozen or more cops came in and arrested a bunch of them as if they saw everything!

When the cab picked me up from this club to take me to where my brother was meeting me an Arab was in the bushes using a laser pointer only the driver seemed to notice with interest as he told me that I would die if I went back with my brother but of course I did not go along with his suggestion that would be going somewhere else? The walkie talkie that he had which was left on in its stand had people talking on it about who was obviously me saying things about porphyria for some reason as if they knew that I had recently found out that I had inherited the blood disease from my grandfather. The driver with a British accent called me "highness" as if I was royalty but the whole encounter was very shady?

I had quit Suboxone cold turkey against the doctors orders when this video was taken so my logs were runny for almost a year until I got back on it so I find it funny how their language was letting us know what was wrong with me!

Frank "Firing rank?" ie (asking how to balance the justice?) sad{can Ada}m
searching heading caring lifting handing balancing?

I met a Muslim named Frankie I Portland so this song has certain meaning and he had a tattoo on his temple of their holy symbol proud of his religion but this was no ordinary Arab as he served with the U.S. Army.

The network the Swans must be a part of never fails to surprise me but maybe they have merely responded to me with magical synchronicity made possible by sharing gravity and the speed of our minds connecting outside of regular time.

As human beings WE ARE ALL RELATED SOMEWHERE BACK THERE and what brought us here is over a million years old so everything that we do may echo back so it is better to be part of the helpful echo rather than the hurtful one?

Would you rather make your great great great grandparents cry from sending echoes that do not get along with your sibling or would you be more helpful?

The wine was tossed and never finished...

The shot glasses kept around the water on my altar for scents are about the size of one square.

Check her out!.... She is looking at me?

Very hot stuff coming from Gloria Swanson... 

Then here she is looking quite cuddly like my blanket!

Looks quite comfortable and makes me want to lie down to take a nap...

I love the Old Hollywood look in these photos!

Sure matches my bed covering... Looks like her coat?

This beautiful piece shows the Pisces Ax...

Used for the cover of Mead in the Meadow, Ew.

When I designed my office space I would try not to think while measuring thoughts that would enter my mind as I would seemingly interact with the ghost of every person that I come across found on the other side of a picture like this Gloria Swanson poster where I found it in a vintage shop in Wallace, Idaho... I entered the store hearing a song about what was going on with me as it seemingly helped me do timed prayers for various people found in photos or posters such as a star I thought wanted a child and I carried some prayer into a mannequin that was supposed to be her and felt something come over me when I saw her looking at me like that from the other side when I came down the stairs and you was right in front of me. I thought it was to bob me in the head with what meant a "strict wooden spoon" to quit drinking alcohol which I have done.

When I got to the car I felt like she came to me and I felt like I was dreaming while awake as I had a very romantic experience of this young actress with me that was out of my control as it might be the same part of the mind that maybe a schizophrenic might use?

Anna May Wong's eyes seemingly rest upon this skull on my desk below the poster...

The purple stones I selected right after I met her ghost to try and send what was meant to say, "never wait for who has not lived yet as someone else?"

The paintings on the wall were painted by Elaine Maffei that is kind of a funny name... my Dad's girl..

I measured the subconscious minds of others to choose various scents for romantic dreams...

It was impossible for me not to have a minor schizophrenic episode while interacting with these ghosts but no one knew as I acted totally normal...

She is looking at my picture when the closet doors opens it would seem like...

The printer color ran out but it looks great...

I prayed each day and moved it slowly but surely...

Fine prints replaced the faded ones eventually...

Knowing that Dolores drown in a tub I wrote the words "Shower! Not bath!" so that I sent the most positive echo from my end usually brought to a dream as well and I will make maps of places they show me sometimes that I plan to go and see someday as I know they are real places!

I know that the best that I may do is give them a dream that helps in saving them or bringing helpful messages as to me they are caught in fate from here.

I put something in the closet while talking to a chain smoking ghost with some embarrassing confessions.

Unfortunately, he did not know that this was his daughter where we go to sleep so he was attracted to her but part of him could tell... I know that using the mind of several observers who saw this picture they are capable of connecting.. as we approach the speed of light time comes to a halt allowing our minds to connect outside of regular time.

Here I tried to help him send the best echoes to convince her to quit smoking...

She sees the words "don't die" and "don't smoke!"

I have six chambers for various scents where notes may be kept... never is fire used..

I know how they all died so I cannot help but to do my part from the other side...

Certainly love her outfits and somewhat goth look!

The words "keep your head up!" are written so that she never submerges into the water that killed her...

The actresses seem to watch my monitor as I use it?

Whenever this door opened she appeared to copy the lips found on my picture as the liner outlined hers with a very similar look...

When the doors would open Marilyn would see what was Babe Ruth on my closet and it seemed to have echoed into her past because she married a Yankee from his baseball team around the time that photo was taken so maybe I took part in sending a craving to meet a player one day?

Babe Ruth looking at my American flag on the lamp next to Gloria Swanson against the wall...

I took a day apart for each person I put on my office wall because I did not want to have anyone in my head so just one voice at a time was hard enough and it was like meeting the soul of them all as what happened on my end outside of the picture seems to have somehow carried into the past to where their one life was located.

I had a picture of myself eventually right across from this picture so it would look like she was trying to do her lipstick like mine... as if she could see my face from the other side while copying my lips!

My gaze started at a skull decorating my table kept with an altar where I bless water and keep scents for prayers... 

...and it would seem like someone is checking me out?

I recently discovered how everyone we meet echoes into our past meaning that my next lover I have already likely had romantic dreams of thanks to keeping dream journals or doing my best to remember them all as I have grown up doing things such as setting my clock an hour earlier than when I had to get up so that I had some time to hit the snooze button that would allow me to remember my dream as I was coming out of sleep which is an important thing to do considering what is found when all of the pieces of the puzzles from everyone are gathered together and a message may be found that is capable of saving someone as I have learned the hard way that ignoring bad omens coming from dreams always led to disaster so it is rarely good to tell ourselves that our dreams are merely part of our subconscious mind and not any more real than using the imagination.

Where she was located allowed her to see the ex husband occasionally lay down on my bed outside of the picture while I would often cover her with my coat so she did not watch me sometimes...

When I wake up near a public place capable of hearing people talk it is impossible not to notice how they will say things that have to do with whatever I was dreaming about as I am waking up while this also comes from the animals too so this leads me to believe that the higher power always helping us where we share our most relaxed state might be the brain of a whale we use much like maybe insects may use ours for knowing where the best spot for laying eggs may be during the winter as our heavier weight is capable of bending time for everything smaller so this might be what the much heavier whales are actually doing for us constantly as obviously when one enters the pull of gravity consciousness is found from what might be the greater collective.

For all we know maybe it is impossible to dream on another planet like Mars due to several reasons or what happens whenever rapid eye movement occurs.

When a person meets the eye of nature from waking up to what animals are aware of who live outside that are all practically telepathic compared to us it might feel like glowing as described by maybe a prophet as returning to the garden of Eden would represent losing privacy and feeling naked from measuring thoughts that enter the head as we should like most other life forms do but from so long living inside of boxes with books and televisions or movies to help our ignorance we really forgot what it was like to lose our privacy but if someone goes outside when it is filled with life how could it possibly be found especially when everything is proving to be aware of how thoughts are sent as they come.

A painting of Paris brought back from the city is taped to my computer box signed "Burn III"

I typically kept a pen on the inside where the trees meet so that they would stick out of the frame!

While the closet door was opened Kurt Cobain's photo rested on France which was a funny coincidence since he named his daughter Francis I came to realize without setting it up like that on purpose at first so maybe there was some motivation sent back to him for a name as I had some small episodes talking to him while I worked.

The negative in the copy made his eyes appear to have white eye-liner... below who would be my favorite Scottish Gaelic singer from the Cocteau Twins and Massive Attack.

This type of awareness is what leads to schizophrenia as the more we workout our minds from maybe listening to a bunch of birds talk might be the more we feel mind raped by everything else as the center of the universe sharing every thought with everything somehow because of the speed that it happens where time has slowed down to almost a halt connecting to much more than we know while witnessing what we know as normal time.

Because of the speed our minds have that is like bright in that time slows down as we approach the speed of light so it would be accurate to notice how every thought feels known by the all seeing eye of nature or maybe gravity since others are picking up every thought at a different time.

When a person believes that their thoughts are witnessed by everything around them they are a lot more likely to catch onto proof that shows this is true.

Right now your whole world might be flipped upside down if you suddenly lived as if there was no privacy and that every creature found in a photo, video, or painting is capable of seeing you or what else is found outside of the captured light just like they are really looking at whatever is found on the other side.

You will notice by checking that they will always be looking at whatever is most meaningful from the other side as part of the captured light that I first noticed while editing home grown intimate videos showing myself and my girlfriend having sex that was thrown together with a bunch of random photos of her to help the visuals as she was very pretty.

Soon I caught onto how the people found in the photos always did their best to make sure they could see the action found in these private videos of sexual intercourse as if they really could in their subconscious minds so if you try and do some experiments with this you will definitely find the same results!

To get away from feeling naked or as if every thought was important or known by others I tried to listen to only a foreign language of any sort with headphones for some time so that what I could understand did not happen to be about whatever it was that I was thinking but eventually this did not work as I would notice the same thing happening but the difference being the words sounding like the perfect response to whatever my mind was found in English was actually another language with a completely different meaning!

"Crazy.. Daddy.. who spoke? And woke?"

This was how I figured out Stonehenge or about the ring and the school for the elements found in the pentagram our ancestors followed for thousands of generations or more as I found that it was accurate when asking questions with my mind another language would seemingly answer without consciously knowing it made possible by the speed of light slowing down time from being so fast and our minds being something similar.

The constellation Orion has likely appeared in the sky for countless ancestors that were previous lives as they were witnessing what may have felt like a miracle in the same way that I have before as my eyes rested upon him who was seemingly walking on the trees while I noticed a bright rectangle on the other side of the sky then when I lifted my girlfriend's hand to the sky above my eyes I thought I saw a constellation of her hand perfectly found as I took it away from my view.

I plan on building up one of my YouTube channels as a cooking network that preaches the diet of Orion I will call it as I teach proper vs improper ways of combining food and show what I know will be extremely helpful tips for matching a potential mate's square that might be a list of what is wanted from the perfect partner.

More than just a funny coincidence that I am a Scorpio because of the difference of my parents blood type that required me to be born with a stinger!

Kidding but actually partially serious as I would have likely died without it being the second born from a Mother with -AB blood type from a Father with O+ so they were told that without a shot at the hospital while in the womb I would most likely die from rejecting my Mother's blood.

When I woke up to how this astrology comes from the Middle East I thought maybe it was better to call myself Orion more than a Scorpion since I used to have a drug habit and I have read the book called Dune written by Frank Herbert so fear the gom jabber that might be like the tail of one of those deadly insects used in the story to inject poison in the neck.

I bring up the Belt of Orion often while using the language of Adam or explaining it which is basically when a definition of a word or name is found using the origins of the letters from hieroglyphs or other meanings from the subconscious mind and his belt is basically the choice of animal as food treated as an idol of worship so that the kill is earned.

It seems as if refusing to remember anything embarrassing or allow myself to think about inappropriate things could not be ignored as the universe was going to force me to have to face it eventually like something seen by everyone else maybe coming from bacteria or insects trying to convince me to kill myself or others?

Coming from my biggest fears while I am mentally running away from certain acts done as a child or maybe adult that I am ashamed to admit or reveal to anyone like everyone alive must feel about something somewhere in their past probably?

It looks kind of like a sword dangling off a belt if that were a person wouldn't it? A sword was another term for a man's family jewels when they are used carelessly as the act of sex is known to be dangerous because of not wanting to be alone, rejected, or due to the spread of sexually transmitted disease...

I have a scar on my right leg about midway between my knee and hip that came from running into a barbed wire fence as a child matching the points found in Orion shown above... I was with my good friend Ryan who was around my age, unlike my other companions.. so I was a bit meaner and perhaps more abusive regarding the curiosity which came from others around the same grade in school since the older ones would already know what not to do with me that may have been done among their friends somewhere more private like the inside of a closet?

We had our maypole secret embarrassments though just like the toughest neighbor who was in the most denial to the point of hurting anyone who dared bring up what might have happened?

I was grateful that my Mother had a mole on her neck that I would look at as a baby as if that would somehow explain the innocence that was the boy who had a penis that looked almost the same as Arabs reading my mind and knowing all of my memories would surely judge me less than?

The curse that came from having a red haired best friend was becoming an adult who only had red found in the beard which is a funny coincidence since my Mom bought me a Captain Redbeard Lego pirate ship as a kid.

While my mind would be proved from having this perspective I would pretend that every person was perfect and never had an age of curiosity or played with neighbors they were embarrassed of who like to choose date more than truth while playing games.

As if to slap me in the face to get over it already the Irish language is called "Gay-lick"? Okay, I think that I am going to live. What is the worst that could happen? I think about a baby being screwed in the eye socket of the skull around conservatives in public or maybe imagine the absolute worst memories that never really happened but how would anyone know the difference if they were capable of reading my mind?

Does every person have embarrassing maypole mistakes during the journey of self-discovery?

Maybe not every person but for most people this was very real as parents everywhere have traditionally not been interested in how Alfalfa got it up or what Spanky does while alone after a neighbor's Mother convinced him to do a bunch of yardwork for free from simply bending over with some large breasts... males and females during an early age were separated so that no one would be impregnated so messing around with the same gender was very normal and supposed to be corrected from growing up and getting married?

Who did not try and spy on another as a kid? Especially in the country, this was commonly found, even for the opposite gender.

I was luckier than the other children because my best friends were typically older than me so they knew more about what not to do... but when spending time with those around my age they would be curious and wonder about things while expressing how they just wanted to know what 'it' feels like.. the very first time that I had an erection I was in bed and woke up with one in the middle of the night? I did not know what to do and everyone was asleep so there was no one to ask but I took off my pants so that there was less to rub against it while I was in the same bed as my older brother and when I fell asleep I had a dream that I was in a Smiths grocery store sitting where the automatic doors were found butt naked with nothing but my aqua-green shirt spinning a plastic yellow tool around my nub that was a part of my toys found maybe at a daycare for children mimicking real tools. Someone walking by had asked if I was lost and if I had any parents.

The next time that this happened to me I was more ready for it as it was still daylight and noticed how it felt better than usual so I rubbed myself using soap which really ended up hurting and burning!

[the rest of this blog is a work in progress but please be aware of the fact that money has been paid constantly on the other side of absolutely everything that I do to cut me off coming from the Mormon Church and while at first I thought that Screech from Saved by the Bell faked his death to try and help me because of a blog post that I had made about my entire family having carbon monoxide poisoning 

I will be charging the president of the Mormon Church and Mark Zuckerberg for attempted murder at the very least for what they have agreed to do to me for covering up what they were doing that involved spying on the people and he wanted all of my ideas that were shared on my Facebook worth a lot of money so I would not trust anyone right now as they pretended to be Russians on the other side of Elon Musk's phone while Trump likely thought that it was for the crown or Canada!? Kathleen Kerg was the one who talked me into purchasing a phone for the first time and in that apartment was where I saw the face of the real Jesus Christ as she may have been paid to drug me and rape me with a camera while I was passed out so that they had proof to show to certain Arabs that I was gay because the Mormons that wanted to kill me for the locust that were sending them thoughts or the King of England for being tricked by those closest to him so that he would look like a fool over DNA coming out in 1985 allowing us to test bloodlines and who is related to famous corpses for the first time so the royalty likely had access to this first after perhaps a plan was made by others to test his leadership as the very first King of England may have achieved this by taking a castle that belongs to someone from my Mother's Welsh side so her bloody tampon that may have been analyzed in England to prevent riots from people discovering this her divorce happened around this time at the same time that a song came out by Edward Ka-Spel while famous songs in American would be able Johnny "Ray" as a term for my Dad's most embarrassing thoughts as Ghostbusters shows us that it was Ray who tried not to think but the Stay Puffed Marshmallow man was created as a result. In reality he likely responded to my living once like the other artists did but to the eyes or minds of the English people trying to guard a secret this looked like not only were they guilty but part of a secret network always working against the crown so without understanding gravity or how a person is not a witch if the paintings are changing for them in the past they would be making mistakes constantly because of synchronization since gravity bends time and the speed of our minds allows us to connect outside of regular time.

This country is the greatest because I get to sue them and fix it while the companies we use figure out ways to prove it to the customer that they are not doing anything malicious for "Zion" that according to the Matrix movie it is the last place of the FREE man as it sounds like these people could do absolutely anything they wanted or at least that was what they thought but this whole time they were able to know everything from having our pictures and monks while I was witnessed UFOs that were timed for me to see likely from other countries since I was a child that shown me proof that they could actually hear them talking too! It takes a lot of energy to use those devices so please stop giving them reasons by going against me and the celebration that I have created that allows people to make amends and get high from reality and what they witness that should be impossible but real for rewarding the good honest ones over those who have been running away from reality while allowing a nonhuman influence to have too much control over the human race!

The Mormon Church has been not only lying but framing other people as being the ones who have been doing this to us!?

The guilt is found in the names as the parents know that I need to speed up and get more direct help to save not only our country from war but all of them as no one should be tortured to get answers when in reality all of our bodies have an appendix that broadcasts our thoughts to everyone in the surroundings so already your guilt has been spread to the birds and the REAL network of psychics, diaries, artists, monks, flying saucers coming from the ocean to gather information of certain places like where the president might be dumb enough to think that an illegal trade or a secret one IS POSSIBLE when it actually is not and this data although may have not been used or exposed YET it certainly will be as the need to be forgiven for an act may be needed so do not waste time trying to cover me up again over actually putting money into my account or letting others know the truth about what is happening to me please as every person deserves to have what I have found is possible for the first time in the life of a human being found by going the furthest in the celebration that I have made because we have never faced certain negative possibilities before and were previously too afraid to face many things thanks to what was living inside of us using our brain tissue that may prefer the dead animal inside to consume over what might not only be healthier but safer to eat as our brains might be just a bit more reliable until pride comes along and buried it's waste East of where we spend time thinking so that we will think and send for the bacteria again! I am thankful that I was able to see my future that I did by doing the tests that was like choosing the gender of my child to find out when I would die as I was guaranteed to live much longer than my Father who will likely not die utvvvntil he is over 90 years old because they will find out who he has been synchronized as and his long hair is awaiting what might be the most stubborn old man thinking that he might possibly win from covering up the truth about me and my family that I am sharing in this blog!

Russell Nelson

-ell (When his job has been identified as the leader of the Mormon Church his name also reveals how he has tricked and lied to people such as Elon Musk who has thought that maybe the Russians had taken over his phone when it was actually Mormons!?)

What is left over is Russ... So where are we headed?
                                      ---->r (the letter has represented a gun at times from the synchronicity while two of them has meant for Mormons because of the way that they pray allowing a person to be holding and hiding two guns!)

Russ = Ussr {user? No other American would have agreed to spy on anyone even if it was to gather information about threats of the bomb like his justification would be as we have the right to vote for no atomic bombs just like we have the right for no spying on people like they have just like we have had the rights to have a government FOR the people that is made of the people as this is what America was created for so don't you tell me or buy it from anyone else in the military that the Stargate command must obey the government and go along with guarding the secrets JUST SO THAT AN OLD MAN MAY SLEEP WITH A YOUNG WOMAN DISCREETLY! Of course, they come up with other reasons but their bomb is not going to matter very soon as long as I succeed while getting more help so that we immediately am able to stop them by sharing certain things in the Russian language! I synchronized to Raistlin for a reason and it was not to show the world that we should follow Jesus Christ that was likely just a con to KILL ME because they knew I would never become Mormon! You see, online I shared that I would be solving murder mysteries and offered help to Adam Bremer who is a Mormon that lost his wife in Florida who may have been killed by a member of her Church for sharing what was actually blocked about what she did for a certain selfish body organ that is more important than the human race!? No, she perhaps dated to share the truth about something that is fixed by going to court! Nobody has to take their death to go to court against Americans! I would understand the name who acted as Screech feeling afraid but this is America and it would only be a threat coming from people more than anything else as people need a court that is able to detect lies and a correctional facilities that makes it impossible for the person questioned to cover up the truth by designing a new method as in several generations we may actually make it impossible for them to lie while no longer doing time for crimes but make it a fun process people are familiar with and need seen as criminals or suspects to work for! Measuring the timing of work done exposes the truth as long as the person is thinking about certain time periods...

So it is NOT a Russian taking over your computer but a Mormon who was lying about everything! This man will be dead soon and is the reason that the movie was called Kill Bill! Bill Gardner was the Father of the elves who are not Mormon in their soul until this has been dealt with as he had no idea about everything while I have been prevented from looking up my absolute best friend in the world as Hazel had an album made to honor her and her family coming all the way from Germany so go ahead and see how smart it is to carry this further and ignore my PalPal account or my phone number when you know that I was the man mistaken as Angel Gabriel to save my life and history of who I was because I am not here to cover up for a disgusting man that does whatever he wants with his money with his privacy that never actually existed! He only thought it was real because no one decides to stop him to see how much of the country he would give them so I assure you it is important to flip on his side until he is taken to court for what he may have scared my Mother into doing against her will or everything else as well as Mark Zuckerberg who was working with him to help as he was tricked from the other side of his phone and computer into thinking that I was a "Nazi" or whatever!? I am NOT a Nazi but an American citizen who is about to save the Jews in the past by taking these men to court! It will be much easier to forgive Mark than it will Russel but he will be easy to forgive too because of what we did to the locusts as children he was dumb enough or evil enough to help where most people would not have been capable of such a thing they must have driven him crazy by synchronizing the people as much as possible to do things that might lead to Jeff being targeted by him as well! He had thanks to the name of his little sister Holly! Hollywood was named in the past because of her! Because Holly would know of Jeff's innocence and how he actually went on a mission while since he was responding on the other side of pictures with access to the speed of light that goes into our memories he was able to possibly know how a pretty wife might have been too scared to share how she was actually having a secret affair easily justified because Bill's wife was not good enough for one man? What an evil scheme coming from what is not human to think that we could be controlled easily from our fear of the truth being exposed as we all have been tricked into doing things we are ashamed of or are illegal so that we will obey what is broadcasting thoughts we previously thought were in our head only from ignorance THAT STRONG for protecting colonies of parasites and bacteria! What about the people who knew about the appendix if they were out there and for how long do you think they could have watched the guilty taking notes while able to read their mind pretty easily from measuring the timing of their own that separates from is broadcast from another's appendix...}

I recently wrote him a letter and tried to convince him to pay me something for deciding not to sue as I thought that he would be intelligent enough to figure out the reasons why as he would have been able to convince the world that I did not have to be a Mormon in order to get the truth but maybe that would not have mattered because of what their UFOs they showed me and what they were capable of! This means that right now it is extremely important that I get more help to prevent what might be something they know the world may forgive them for because of gathering the proof first to be shown in history for everyone to see. This might be why he actually did not do this because he is NOT the Kingpriest of Is.tar as Dragonlance has synchronized him to if I were to be Raistlin Majere {or anyone else spying to this degree!} as the bugs saw that they would survive nuclear wars so they actually wanted it to happen so they have been timing their one lifetime for themselves and went along more with the thoughts of dreams of a world without people which was painted by us not only who but how!} so this would mean that despite my older brother being caught playing a fake arena that I would be able to prevent the Cataclysm which in the fantasy series is the event that shattered the landscape and changed what the entire map of the world looked like from the fiery mountain being so big that came crashing down upon him! Guess what? Palm Bee was playing Warcraft Cataclysm expansion so the fiery mountain actually comes from HER! They actually did that to her to prevent her from becoming rich and famous or married again, etc. while her family trusted you! Her family name tried to cut them off so us at Nyberg Street (F.red M.eye.r) these men would not be able to steal what was synchronizing FOR ME! It is not exactly Mark who did this as he was clueless as to some of it while they were all lied to even the military! Her last name is Flynn. Amberglen goes to Glendale because the both of us live a long and full life while it would be easy for that man to plead insanity when the locusts were trying to kill me. That was what convinced the Jewish neighbor of mine to convince me to crawl into a dangerous tunnel while he possibly tried to get it to collapse on me while I was inside? He let everyone know that he had an ant caught in his ear for a week and my Father sang songs while calling me Adamant since that was the artist we would hear on the radio while his own Dad who was a very fat cop was mean to him and he let everyone know he was not his real Dad who actually fell or was pushed off a building in NYC!? His little sisters stole everything that mine owned "in order to be friends" they had said. They would not give ANYTHING back! Not even a bret and I remember they made a big deal about nobody getting their brets but them! Because of the name of Bret Garner I know now that they are trying to warn me about the Jews tricked into helping those who lied to them as they helped people block this from them as they believed that I was a "Nazi" for the opportunity it gave them or put excuse to be okay with accepting what the Mormons were willing to do for covering up their nasty secret! Kill Bill? So why would it be so easy to kill Bill? When nobody would want to kill him since they would find out that the President of their Church lied to him and used him while he also may have scared him into silence as he feared of what might happen if he stopped making payments because of what they would say to him or what they did to his car to prove how serious they were!? That would be terrible if something happened at the car shop they told him! Something happened to mine and right now my car has something inside that sounds like it releases fumes but I covered up all of the vents so that it cannot get me inside of the car so that I am not killed in my sleep by what wants to finish the job that was started when my Mom bought the house from the Vietnamese woman (it helped that people welcomed her there more when walking past, etc) so that it would look like a Vietnamese woman was the one who tried to kill our entire family!? Of course there might be the ridiculous possibility that it was "some secret royalty being concerned about her Welsh bloodline" which might be true but the fact remains that they proven to me that they tapped out phones our entire life so that would mean they heard every conversation that was making fun of their Church so dare we do such things as people leaving their Church or deciding not to be on a Mission for them would be directly blamed on our family! The amount of smoke that came from our broken ventilation was not just small as it was so bad that smoke stains that were black were found on the outside of them! It might have been my voice from the future that saved me as I returned to the spot where it happened (with the help of Michael Warner the ghost friend of mine from the future) and told myself to convince my Mother that we had carbon monoxide poisoning which I remember hearing while a commercial warned me of this threat. The reason that I Mom would have given a King and a President would have been the same... she could not be with another because of what her kids would think!

I believe that my best friend growing up Jeff Garner (the reason all of the names in America follow Jefferson more than Jeff? As far as streets or roads!? Because of the ER that I went to in Utah that is the LDS mental health hospital that I am going to sue! I may as well become a lawyer at this point! The best one this country has ever seen by always suing for the people and not those found in the courtroom as that is what saves our country and must be done before innocent people are hurt or die from going along with bugs! Maybe it was to warn me about Mark Zuckerberg or the Jews wanting him dead because of what happened to me in the last mental health hospital I was taken to by mistake for the day... no doctor has dated given me the diagnosis as schizophrenia for many years now! They know that I am actually the cure to this! As a lawyer I will be able to save your parents who are in danger NOW and the mental health patients among many others to replace those facilities and create something much better with massage tables and people cure themselves from education like no longer spending time West of bacteria/garbage and maybe therapy to help them let go or find out how normal it is people messed up but what actually is going on inside the body and outside as something not human tries to control or trick them which would be the same thing trying to get someone to stop me from sharing this to make sure a nuclear war happens?! I know because of the Dune story that it should be as easy as being a "rat" instead of a "desert mouse" when it comes to naming myself Muad'Dib as it could easily have been something else that did not rise up with the religious people to provide feasts for insects and bacteria. I still do not actually know about who might have wanted Dustin Diamond to fake his death in Florida? The experiment that I did regarding who killed the woman that was married to Adam Bremer was that "he was washing his hands in her temple")

Mark Zuckerberg

(To better understand Mark's name one might want to know that my ex-girlfriend who convinced me to get a galaxy phone for the first time {with a new version of WINDOWS} also has the name Kathleen Kerg who like other human hosts is begging for me to help them even if they are trying to kill me on accident!? Kat was not trying to murder me but if she did anything like I suggested it would have been for what reason? As if anyone would ever tell her the truth when they did not have to as they might be able to guess from spying on what she shares on her phone with who she thought was only her family and friends!)

Mark Zuckerberg & Kathleen Kerg
ZZZ = synchronize FFF = claim 
BBB = warn KKK = hand

zf ucker bk erg

This would be his family name asking him NOT to touch my ex-girlfriend who is Irish and also would make sense because it was her that convinced me to get my first galaxy phone where I was dumb enough to make intimate videos of us for me to use later that I absolutely did not want anyone else to know about and when I found out that everything by default was uploaded to one of their servers I just happened to be in front of the Mormon Church Office Building and this moment was found in one of the best drawings my best friend made who is Jeff Gardner of a long-haired person weeping beneath a giant mushroom. An innocent blessed person simply uses the memory to find how everyone timed everything to save us from a life of lies that will never accept miracles even when it is one just to be able to breathe! When I bought my first computer I was a junkie and assumed that nothing was private because I was from Utah and while at work they shown me how another could easily see the desktop but that was a WORK computer and I would be shocked to think that the average person have this installed but with every new company that uses computers they will always have software engineering teams that do things like implement SAP for marketing that is networking so you can expect that they will always be working on things for windows to use while they were on their own VPN or virtual private network. What could have been made to allow someone to easy spy or maybe take snapshots of your desktop to send it online are not only inevitable but guaranteed as people in countries all over the world may have secret projects to be used for spying because of our country having the atomic bomb they think they may be justified? This is why it is true that a computer that wakes up to how the Mormons stole vision that sees their desktop when in reality it could be India and someone paid for the inside of Microsoft to make a certain segment of code nobody would notice that would allow for an attachment. This would mean that certain people such as Mark Zuckerberg might as well expect that when he buys a computer he is being spies upon unless maybe he was more unpredictable when he got it as there might be something installed on the motherboard that was not added until it was shipped because it was him? This is why it would seem that he might have been tricked or maybe just did not have enough time to look into things while he knew because of what he already did to me that I should not forgive him and especially since he witnessed how people miraculous responded to me that I must know what he did or plans to do that has always been against me! Maybe from reading the chat logs of others or beautiful women constantly more interested in me than him even with the difference of money? He could have read something from coworkers while they pretended to be Nazi to scare me but I mostly just wrote that to be nice and forgiving to him when in reality what he did to me was very messed up and might just be his subconscious knowing he is justified because of not having enough interest to find out that I actually have not lied and everything has been not only truthful but proven if the time was actually given from him which is not what I want since I know I already shared too much and could not stop thinking about him most especially on my way to Portland I heard women yelling at both the President of the Mormon Church and Mark Zuckerberg demanding that they are not blocked from seeing what I share!

Above is an example of what Mark would use to try and trick more Jews into helping him as if I am a member of the KKK because of letting you know about the origins or meaning of letters.

Replacing an F with a Z let's me know that it is Mark who has paid to make sure that no one else could see this! 

They might time those on the other side of Chinese games like maybe apps used to do things so that you might believe that someone has taken control over your phone from that location instead of the more true location! Having Russians do things with golf balls so that it looks like they are from Putin or whatever works so that you would not suspect Mark or the Mormon Church being the ones actually not only blocking me or women from being able to look me up but also pretending that "hackers" are doing things like log into my friends account to saw something that was needed for Maybe Amber or Palm Bee to think that she needed to fear a stalker or maybe to get me kicked out of a club!? The truth is about to be known all over the world that we are not only going to be putting a stop to this but doing more for proving someone jealous or villainous would never be able to do what he did to me to anyone again!

Through his wife, being illegal, and from what was shared on Facebook he has done absolutely disgusting things to me while this view count has always been broken for everything that I have shared online since I started! I was not paying an extra 10% tithing or Jewish guarding a secret used to take advantage of people is what they will automatically assume if this is not corrected! Didn't you know that the heavens were separated from the earth by a compass? What about that the forbidden fruit was the egg? These bits of knowledge belong to humanity as we are not to remain in the dark ages forever as every person brighter than a Jewish magic trick be killed unless serving royalty somewhere and the plans of their future have been made to insure that a colony of maybe parasites of bacteria thrive on over the human host that is not supposed to be awake or aware of their appendix being like a radio transmitter broadcasting to everyone around what people used to think were private thoughts.

Donald Trump

Barrack Obama

Joe Biden

Elon Musk]


Once you have read this you know just like others have warned it is not safe because in the mind of the sickest they actually think that it is possible to cover this up but in reality if I was killed another country would strike as my plan fixes it for all of their citizens living here while somewhere inside the human soul everyone is grateful for the truth the most while being able to counter everything negative and not have your future planned by another person who sends for bacteria living in their entrails as well as other nonhuman influences so I am grateful to be going to court to show the world why we will be working and changing citizens everywhere to make "perfect mate" as part of Adam's Square in the Sixteen Scented Celebration that will annually use Adam's Road for assisting us with saving everyone and the animals while sending everything no human away as people get to go to heaven while alive that includes being able to reunite with dead relatives. This is not information you must get from a certain religion as the new one that started what will be called A-Rated films will participate in the creation of everything good that may or may not have been part of whatever started our religions of humanity.... what is written below will be mostly deleted and rearranged but it is all part of a true story showing with proof how famous people not only knew me but were working to help me without anyone really knowing about it to save us from what some know as "step Ford wives" or the secret key that goes to a secret robot button to activate on any man's wife you want as if there is nothing wrong with that anywhere in the world if it is dishonest or the truth is withheld from others.

Why am I going over this!?

May as well let you know about the pizza reference appearing sometimes and do you know where it comes from? As children the phones were tapped and sometimes maybe others were listening so I recall when suddenly I heard my Mom calling in the distance so I could not stay to enjoy the pizza and this was how I responded to a friend who asked me about if I had ever been naked with someone to kiss. I sware the police or something must have been laughing because the secret pizza still goes on to this day but I never actually shared it with anyone!

I am not going to pretend to be better than any neighbor who messed around with a sibling or whatever because I caught onto something very important and significant about the location of every spot where I had a bad idea while growing up and maybe everywhere in my adult life as well. There was always something like bacteria or trash found to the East of my location so it must use more of our brain as hosts or something because of the planet moving which makes sense but I suggest that you sit down at some point in your life and actually make a map of every location where you came up with a very bad idea or where maybe you felt dirty or did something embarrassing because you will find the same thing true for you too! Cat litter box, toilet, trash, kitchen sink, or even the refrigerator may be a spot that is bad to spend time West of because of mass bending time as we are much heavier than germs or bacteria.

When I came across the Muslim prophet Muhammad in some YouTube video online it mentioned how he spoke to the birds and asked everyone to get off of their camels for some time so I felt sure that he must have went through a similar experience as me since the birds would have given him a feeling like he was glowing and the center of attention so this motivated me to think of ways to communicate with him without using language to help him survive what he would have inevitably went through as a nonhuman influence would have tried to convince him to kill himself probably like the locust who may have been upset and trying to mess up the birds or something like that and so I was surprised to find when I looked deeper into his story he had a way of letting me know that my thoughts were not wasted and actually reached him from where I was in the distant future somehow so I thought that maybe I went to him while sleeping or something like that?

I believe that I saw the original Jesus Christ in a dream of the Pope crying in a cathedral he held me and told me how everyone in the world was dumb. I knew it was Yeshua or Christ when I went to the back of the Church and a face appeared because of how tough he was appearing to have walked and slept on the floor a good portion of his life and his skin was spotted like he was losing his pigmentation so somewhat freckled maybe and if I saw him than he saw me too.

Another time I thought that I saw him again but this time he was in a cave making a model city polished out of rock in the darkness where it was very quiet and completely away from where people may venture. He was feeling betrayed and wondering how it was possible others did some messed up things to him and he seemingly asked me what I was as if I was a hallucination he had or something? It happened for just a moment that I time stamped on YouTube when I made a video of my puppy talking during the part he asked how could anyone eat dog as a result of finding out about dogs eaten in China.

While double checking and making certain that I had no sexually transmitted disease by doing blood work at a hospital this really woke me up to the reasons that a Jew might have been poked with a spear during the times of Christ as it likely was from a rotting liver that was found or caught from sexually transmitted disease? After a person died the difference would have been obvious if cut open so it is possible that they would have dated others to drink the blood because the knew that even the most attractive man was capable of killing or making the blood turn.

With my last girlfriend I let her know I was unable to watch television or movies due to the madness found from how they respond to my mind but she was able to talk me into watching the Game of Thrones on her laptop so I did as long as she agreed to allow me to pause it once in awhile to double check what I had just heard so that I would know whether or not it was real or not... so I did and it felt like a form of meditation how I was trying not to think the entire time.. but sometimes I would and when this happened I would seemingly witness a response from the other side somehow!

This happened when Jamie Lannister was locked up as a prisoner there was another who knew him from the arena and I was wondering if admiration could be considered a type of homosexual behavior when suddenly a bunch of laughter was heard and then very clearly one of the extras replied with, "that is not gay!"

Yes, I did hit pause at this moment to watch it again and made sure that they did in fact say this somehow!

At another part I had a Legendary Pink Dots song in my head and some of the lyrics the dwarf started to say along with a question about why anyone would want to hurt a beetle.

While growing up I did many things to practice psychic technique or training in many different ways that worked.

I brought static to a cup until my name appeared found in the cracks that looked just like how I do my signature so it seems that my mind was part of what choose the locations of the cracks?

[Insert picture of mug here when you find it!]

Once with friends we rest for over an hour in a trance trying to see the future and allow a vision into the head and I saw finally my friend looking up at a bright light so I told them about this and then weeks later we were on the other side of the wall in the bathroom playing with a camera and turning off all the lights and then using the flash so that whatever we were looking at would be stuck in our brain for a long time.

My friend while waiting impatiently looked up to my other friend to ask, "what is taking so long!" when it flashed and I saw what seemed to be exactly what I described to them the previous week as I had deja vu that brought back the memory of trying to see the future.

While with siblings as a child they would play this game where they would ask me what time it showed on the clock and one night I could not get it wrong and got it so many times in a row that my sisters were screaming that I was a psychic so they ran up to get my brother who came downstairs and laughed while proving I wasn't one by trying to ask me to read the numbers he saw and I did! 

Oh, the look he gave me was priceless!

A professional psychic who once told me she was a fake who told people what they wanted to hear for money was with me during a ropes spiritual course and she was swinging something while looking for a dropped wedding ring so I asked her if I could help. She asked, "do you think that it is this way?" I said no. So she said, "okay, than go that way!" She thought it was the other way and was paid a lot as a psychic so it may not have been the best news to hear as I walked a few feet and then moved some leaves to find it immediately! Because of this when someone lost something at high school I told him that I was a psychic so I could find it and then when I tried it worked and I brought him right to what was lost immediately.

What was funny once was this guy who thought that I was psychic and he asked me what I was thinking about when he was doing some exercise to heal that led to screaming until crying. I told him that I saw him being held in a soccer net that wrapped him until he would not be let free. This apparently had nothing to do with anything as he gave me a look like I was wrong! He needed this though maybe because he thought that a bunch of stuff was going on that really wasn't because when I had entered the room he thought that the guy running the place sent me there to be his personal guide as a psychic. 

Now I understand why I said that to him though. How funny how things work out like that for the memory at the end sometimes!! 

It was because of what this girl did when it was her turn who was with us. In a way she was trapping this guy psychologically so that he would score like being caught in the net as that was how we felt as it was awkward and out of place. This lady who was totally shy and said absolutely nothing would not do her exercise as asked like yell at herself until she cried or whatever but she would just masturbate in front of everyone and take off her clothes while making a bunch of noise. 

My liver is slightly different and it creates more porphyrins than other people instead of heme. The result of this is just being extra sensitive to drugs and food. Timing matters it would seem. Used to have stuff that would come with monthly cycles. It is most likely caused from too many generations of drinking alcohol. With the last name Meade would that mean trying to make fermented beverages of stuff found in a meadow? I definitely feel like Death or the Grim Reaper more than anyone else while remote viewing because it is a real experience and I am almost always witnessing how I am the one who helps people by telling their subconscious mind that they are dead by what actually kills them if they don't change or whatever. Meade has meant meadow like the name of the girl in Sopranos and my name is AJ sort of if my initials are used coming from 'Adam James' so I found it especially funny when they used an episode to explain how it was not gay to wear makeup because of goth using AJ as an example. 

All of the vampire myths I understand completely because of what has happened in my life. Sleeping in a coffin might fix the bad timing of thoughts about rats or others being cute that could call upon spiders or who knows what else to come snuggle so I have to time my mind so they always wait toat a spot near the door for me to take them outside with what I call the Faerie boat. Someone might not want servants if they were too annoyed of "having people in their head" like the Cranberry girl described in her song called 21. Basically the COUNT might become much smarter from talking to birds! This would make being around people a lot more difficult and bats would have been in his head telling him if someone was coming and who they were. The fear of the cross was maybe because of the curious minds of the animals sharing gravity scared of everything human. 

The saying about how inviting a vampire in surrenders your house would be real for anyone who simply understand gravity and what may be accomplished from timed thought clouds as witnessing such a thing sure might feel like a change of ownership? I always ask permission when entering a picture with my mind but coming in doesn't render the person powerless?! While watching a video or looking at pictures responding to me like the paintings do for witches in that movie about them I will double check if it's okay that I am present so I do much more than just ask if I may come in. I have always obeyed when asked to leave or go away, of course, because it has never happened? Just kidding. It actually HAS a few times while watching someone stream or listening to their music responding to me such as Boards of Canada you can hear it in one of their songs asking me to leave seemingly. When I heard it again they asked me to come back and you can hear it in the song in the crowd talking barely audible that they just proved that I was totally one of the most respectful human beings out there and not the devil or evil which I understand why someone would want to do that for me since it was a bit too much for me to put myself through such morale struggles over whether or not I am polite enough. 

I was mostly vegan most of my life and it really seemed to help cure me regarding the porphyria thing in some ways? My Dad drank cows blood growing up because it was what boxers did. I absolutely know that everything that I can do you could too. Everyone has porphyrins if it is really that? It is scary when lightning storms come though because I have to time my thoughts to make sure the lightning strikes further away as I am always so much more attractive. The insects and birds change their sounds for me whenever I am near to help me so this seems to make storms a bit scary!! Natives look for those who can call lightning? First step definitely could have been finding a power animal in my shaman practice. That part of the brain used for trances obtained while dancing allows possession of what seems to actually work! It's just a part of the brain used that everyone has and one of the funnest to use in some ways. I can lay down and watch something like television with my eyes closed that I am not controlling that seems to come from other people while animals and insects are constantly trying to influence it as well?

So, when I am all alone I do not pick my nose and eat it like other people and they know this on the other side of everything while sleeping... please find ways to love yourself! Just snort yourself something to spit out full of mucus and swallow it instead. How would that be any different from picking it and eating it? It really isn't... but how rude to make me watch that! 

I have had a lot of fun recently with my Stargate or portal to the abyss or whatever you want to call it? I always have an altar in my room that I setup wherever I live that has water for my largest echo coming from the future. I have had six glasses that I would use for putting scents in to help my subconscious mind reach future echoes. Never with fire or candles but just smell. 

It's so simple... Chinese people run from cameras because they have the largest heads as human beings so are more likely to catch onto this quite obvious mathematical pattern found once you see it as they actually do always connect to something meaningful to their soul as if they can actually see the other side of the photo thanks to time slowing down when approaching the speed of light and gravity bending time this is very real so you can build a Stargate around your monitor like I have which helps the subconscious mind of others reach me as a witness. I have letters around my monitors and laptop so that people on the other side of everything may more easily assist with helping me to save myself and others while I am working as much of the ideas for the celebration that I made came from doing this so it is obvious that people in the future will have pre-death funerals so I am trying to obey and get it started for them now! 

It's usually not much more than guiding me on how they want a song done but for a woman who is single and looking for love it is an incredible experience how they will use things only my memory will know about so that I know with witnessed proof how I have been picked over the others. The only thing to compare this to would be that movie "what women want" because of how they let me know what they think while able to use much more of their brain than regular communication in some ways it will feel by giving part of mine that is in a state of trained obedience accepting possession. I would like to train a girl how to do this to me so that I may have it someday so Volume vi of Thee Ring I plan on doing this as it would do no harm in making women everywhere work at being a better mate by doing what I do. How this knowledge would certainly change the lives of smarter folks who are noticeably coveted to the point of people responding on the other side of everything as it is so fun to witness but always too personal to share. What men want would be a women version of me, definitely.

For example, one twitch girl who obviously liked me was sharing a band that released songs and albums about me or mutual friends who was so beautiful and I wanted to date her but she knew that I need children someday and was older so it would not be forever and I was not pleasing myself while watching her so when I would enter her stream she after leaving another girl I did more for she would time punishment perfectly and say, "I am sick of you and your stupid stick!"

Here I show my Stargate, otherwise known as the portal to the abyss, that allows the people on the other side to more easily communicate with me using their subconscious mind.

By measuring the responses of others on the other side of a picture or video I was able to come up with more defined definitions of each letter to be used with what I call the Language of Adam that comes from mostly hieroglyphs origins outside of what the letter has meant to the subconscious mind of a person measured.

These ladies look at the letters that would almost spell the word "wave" . .. and I find it funny how on the left mind or the "no side" of a ouija board being the upper right of the monitor contains the name Shrek almost!

While writing this I was watching a mini-window of someone's YouTube who was seemingly asking me not to use my k (handing) with a p (sailing) that her eyes rest upon.


Helpful candle holder when there are so many days that are part of the Sixteen Scented Celebration!

The word "stand!" is found on her boot or leg for making sure she does not get into a tub ever as that was where she died... while watching a mini-window of Sssniperwolf play Minecraft while writing this at 11:30 into the video she said something about how you cannot get into the water by some miraculous coincidence so I am grateful that others help me try and send when they do as if they are able to respond to everything I know and have store in my memory whenever I come across them best described as maybe being able to see maybe flashes of color when looking a direction that would be somehow noticeable even though there was mostly just empty space! Now that I wrote this she started to make jokes about how she loves to push them into the water...

I drew this to represent how circumcisions were done during ancient times... kind of out of place, but hey! It appears that Ircha is looking at the girl in the video with a toe sticking out of her forehead! Below her she looks down at where the toenail came off my foot in the picture below.

While setting up my boring office it sure was magical to see my friend who is Virgil Pink following my story as he released a music video of a model with a toe sticking out of her forehead after I shared what happened to mine on Facebook for him to see as I lost my toenails that came off while sleeping on accident since they were purpose and peeled off easily. I have had fun documenting what happens whenever I come across a new video of their as I am able to use a random number generator for an example of how a color that I choose will show up on the other side of the video in the specific location chosen and then send it to them afterwards as it participates in the creation of the video it would seem and is so magical how he is capable of answering questions quite well in the spot the random time found.

When I ruined my toenails it happened from wearing boots that were too tight that I ran in and this made my toenails turn swollen and purple so I thought about joining gravity while pulling them off with maybe someone who wore boots in the civil war who might lose a foot if he was shot in the leg so the look in Groo's face while he points at that part of the leg with his sword I saw right after the socks came off had the usual synchronicity as shown below.

I have been dreaming about Kurt Cobain while living here and again in Minnesota where we went to see his little sister who thought that he was my friend as she had showed me his guitar notes she had stolen from him showing what he thought may have been too simple at the time compared to a trained musician who actually knew how to read music like the others in the schools but he likely knew a better way and did not want his little sister taking it to show everyone before he was ready to be seen or heard.

Francis Court as seen below!

Back when I had this dream I went outside for a walk and heard the angry birds tell me to jump off of a bridge at one point when there was bad timing but they were doing the opposite when there was good timing but it was hard to believe that they were doing that to me or that intelligent so I would try to shrug it off at the time and simply move on but while going to see where my car was towed that I ended up giving away as I did not drive until I was 28 and did not feel it was very needed over a bicycle or the transit system that they had in Portland at the time... so I just gave it away to that towing company and while there I picked up a bunch of healthy treats because I saw a bunny and left them all over the place so the little fluffy ball would have a sort of heavenly week or whatever? When this had happened the birds were suddenly very interested in who I was an they had followed where I took the bus home all the way as people were looking at them while we were on the train as if shocked that they were able to stay on me for that long distance and they came down and landed in front of my apartment building in downtown Portland. The next couple weeks a pigeon stayed outside and pretended to be stupid as they spied on me while I was going around feeding them bread a bit more than usual.

When I had come across someone following me on Facebook who was shaving his own neck I had also saw someone who was Arabic living in NYC making alarming posts about giving up and perhaps taking other people with him so I had tried to send some timed prayers on my side to help as the birds assisted so much that they had actually flown with a star and crescent moon in the sky that I had captured on my phone but unfortunately when this video was uploaded to my computer the quality did not pick up what the phone captured. For reasons such as this I am hoping that my phone company has the real copy of this video and if they do not of course it would be worth it to take a lie detector test whenever anyone doubts ANY part of my story at all as I have absolutely nothing to hide anymore.

Of course, it is not respectful to bring up things in the past that are not good for the children to follow like how I may have messed up during my 'Maypole' phase of childhood or the various addictions that I have had but outside of that there really is absolutely nothing at all because I feel that its important for me to make amends. What is wonderful about returning to Portland is knowing how I have never stolen anything from any person or store here the three times that I had lived here.

So while living with my Dad in Minnesota he was too scared to face reality in the same way Kurt was and the both of them were feeling very shamed of everything coming from what might be the birds talking or the insects capable of trying to bring them to the most embarrassing or humiliating place whenever thought of among other things so he was trying to help me to save him along with myself while telling me that all of them should have done what I did when it came to cleaning up and picking up the cigarette butts not afraid of being naked in the public but there is a scary rollercoaster ride that goes up for giving a person the best experience that must inevitably come down bringing them to what might be something capable of killing most people... so long as they survive it than it will go back up again as the people are very thankful for the minds helping them where they sleep by not giving up and carrying everything negative to be met positively perhaps for something like my sixteen scented celebration that for a lot of people its a private celebration since maybe he might win every time against everyone but then choose to fail when it comes to having a one on one (like my Father in a boxing match) due to being shy or whatever?

"I tried hard to have a Father but instead I had a Dad..." (Fat her?) He was not believing in himself enough to have faith in other people and I left knowing how dangerous it was giving him all the knowledge that I knew was needed to save him from everything endangering him as well as prevent him from being able to kill himself but this apple of knowledge is capable of killing a person just from being so good as without enough money its actually too dangerous perhaps since he might just be laying in bed too excited to sleep because Disney Land or Christmas could be tomorrow or the help needed to save his Mother since it was a miracle that I was sharing but no one there was caring while seemingly just trying to take advantage of us or try to get him out of the picture somehow since he would not "believe" or go along with "having faith like he should" in the eyes of too many other people who were honestly doing more harm than good since they would only spy with a lot of money or help along with an "only if" or "if only" plan that we were expected to follow in order to get it?

It was constantly interfering with me the people and minds found on the other side of whatever thinking "he will be rich very soon" or whatever without actually doing more to help like contact me directly when came to someone with more than artwork to give or whatever as there is such a thing as money, power, or being capable of directing traffic in order to save the lives of the people found all over in this country. It was important for me to do a lot of hard work as I was away from people so it was much safer as the usual problems that would come from being 'disabled' was not found out in the country so mowing the lawn or other things were important for me to do so that I would return to building muscle and working out along with all the other ways it was important to follow him more than anyone else but he was too nice and typically put too much trust in other people while being more beautiful a lot of the time so it felt like there was nothing bur betrayal whenever we would try to get help from the "right side" or whatever else could have been out there compared to what it could have or should have been.

"Only if" + "If only" comes from the left side too... neglect is a serious thing.. but I am thankful to have had an idea of what it would have been like should my parents had stayed together or whatever but at what cost would come with such a thing since I would not have woken up myself or other people in the ways that I did while getting myself out of the absolute hell or torment that came from finding ways to enjoy suffering and covering for other people constantly who I would make up excuses for outside of my own family that kept bringing me down with them but not to the point of committing the same crimes that they had committed?

"Queen Kelly" "DJ Simon"

She was the first person to give me 'dope' that was honestly not as bad as the other crimes others had committed being selling me incense or something while calling it opium maybe as a teenager? 

She cut me off not allowing me to become addicted through her but I was able to find my own connection from how broken our correctional facilities was in Salt Lake City, Utah... where I had found probably the best connection in that state..

Thelma & Louis was not the best 'role-models' to follow but for some women that I grew with they might have been something that they could relate to although I do not want to share what could have made another person "famously cool in the eyes of someone younger than them..." so regarding Kelly the orphan or whatever that I had a secret crush on she reminded me of home since he was much tougher than other people like my Dad or his family in regards to knowing how to get by with less without complaining in many ways (maybe not so much when it came to getting something through her Dad?)... as I was a baby who did not cry.. and maybe this comes from working harder on improving myself when I should have asked for more help from my parents and been more honest about what had actually happened or what I was really running from when it came to shameful memories or other things we did not want to face while going along with those other who also found a way not to remember the "oops" from the 80s or whatever as it did not only "suck" but also "licked" perhaps from a dog or maybe a dog loved another dog like a gay dog that absolutely tormented an entire family because the dog had an opening in his behind that made the people look guilty for things that they weren't! And if they were they were likely just children who deserve to grow up to an age with enough people around that understand not to hit below the belt in such a devastating way as some parents may have lost a "war hero Daddy" fighting in another country or "divorce may have happened" that was extremely common everywhere since the photos and cameras had appeared in our homes and it may have been distracting in ways we had previously understood due to a future echo using these photos or maybe others having lustful thoughts or dreams while connecting to the people on the other side?

This is something to wake people up to for this sixteen scented celebration that is a private celebration for some people but is not trying to hide from being naked everywhere as we work with men and women while there are stars or famous people on the news or media or whatever everywhere so its a bit too cruel to demand that they do not have a right to use their minds while I have a right to wake up the people to what they had done to me without knowing it so that they may more easily rekindle what they have with their lover or perhaps find something better by asking for a "line-up" I will be making for the single people or whatever?

So Kurt comes to me in my sleep like Mr. T does as he was checking the clubs and trying to stop people from being postal due to not knowing the origins of thought along with the timing of gardening or the act of eating food being so important... its important in my mind to wake up his audience (Kurt's) to save him from the false thoughts coming from them as if they were all caterpillars from 'Alice in Wonderland' gathering false "mushroom clouds of collected human thought" perhaps going back in time to some degree giving him a worse experience from his wife cheating on him or trying to kill him or all of the other things going around in the minds of what could be too many people totally confused or on the wrong path while there is also the "basketball diary" heads of people thinking that maybe he was doing all sorts of things that never really happened or who knows but when there is a man in a dress smashing guitars "asking them" to stay away maybe someone will get a clue? Who knows how many people saved from what we were doing or how we were responding to what could have shot up another gay club or whatever from the same horror that he could have experience perhaps being the birds, bees, or people synchronized to his thoughts bringing him to places that he may not have ever wanted to share or be a part of IN HIS MIND as a person is capable of doing a lot of things without ever really thinking about it consciously like maybe a boy imagining a girl without guidance regarding self exploration or going through the "truth or dare" found among the neighbors?

Welcome to the Tweeting 20s... where everyone still roaring may catch us if they can?

"trust no one"




Where is the terminator phone, letter, or computer between us?

Pretty soon the blog for this band as well as the Velvet Revolver will come soon asking for sea shells over what else would be there for getting married??? Be careful of the territorial dead seal ghosts or what might be bulls once brought here long ago that may have all been eaten by those coming to settle or getting help from previous trade networks before the lost city of land tisk tisk happened all over the world?

Gang violence might be easily solved by building to live above these ghosts of people living in the past.

The word 'elf' in German is a one on one where ancient weddings may have had white people losing their skin while hair was being obsessively plucked out before the sun further 'cursed their skin'?

This was how the ears were shaped to allow the hairs be plucked when making trades with those closer to the sky coming from other more distant tribes a very long time ago... but beware of the actual vampire skin walkers potentially coming from South America with bamboo sticks of "may I eat you?"

Tell Duffy or the 'Duff beer' corporation "thank you!" for the Christmas cards!

In this music video they are waking up to the NAVY doing things such as speeding up the process of recycling plants of the future built away from the coasts that get the garbage out of the Ocean in the year 2023 for how many people still alive today doing time thinking of how to clean the butts?

Maybe by some miracle the Muslims will be able to reach the Arabs faster in regards to ending conflicts to focus more on cleaning the garbage in the Ocean close to them before the death from what could be called the 'eye of bad bacteria SORE ON' coming from too much garbage coming from what surrounds them before more war or illegals are spread as a result from not delivering the negative into pi positively met domes fast enough in the temples of heads found everywhere?

How would they "deep spell cover" this song to save us from recent discoveries in their own language in their own culture learning from what we are preparing on doing here?

There is a "deathly ill" tattoo found somewhere asking for the "TWO TOWERS" to appear in California sooner rather than later with certain roads required to have bike racks fastened on top of them for emergencies that may come from both natural or unnatural causes as the garbage is cleaned... in each tower is a sniper assuring the people that their things will be protected as no one is capable of breaking into them or other possibilities regarding how the future will bring the people to something healthier.

Bikes and skies or ski and skates are radical. Below California may be something like 'artificial docks' built to extend far into the Ocean where Mexico may have the greatest job opportunities coming up to help them clean some of their dirtiest places while more folks are getting hired for the latest recycling plants where the 'Republic reform' or 'Democratic reform' parties may bring the garbage from the Oceans into care faster as people are more grateful or rich suddenly everywhere in their country!

The neutral zone is being worked on and planned for regarding how to build better schools for them.

Breeders? Vant you cuckoo

If any women were separated in much the same way as the boys during the May Pole step... know that there may be new found understanding in the future.. as no one raped wants to be forced into watching the same sex kissing if they were victims of men or women (etc.) so please be respectful regarding the raped.

The Pixies songs really have followed what we were doing as well... so I will stick that in this blog later on in life too.. every child misunderstood deserves to grow up and be his or herself.

___ or crossing how do x

Domes are made for countering every negative thought positively... thrice whenever found like PI..

I dropped this somewhere very special.

This song really saves us from what comes from war or illegals capable of bringing back WWII from spreading further as its time to be known for how this synchronicity has been linked to what might be known as 'Bruce Way NE' to get more of the goth folks making carpet crawls for snarky homes outside for their potentially dangerous pets that may need litter boxes built outside instead of closer inside of their homes everywhere immediately with timed education brought and grateful opportunities shown?

I will use this blog to share how this band has synchronized what they had made to save their fans... or get me to never allow another to use or abuse me again like others have.. where she grew up should be marked for potentially having sheep in the past while her parents may have made a mistake that was goat milk or cheese so know how she is the Queen of Darkness out of respect to many of us who weep because we think that she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

I had to blame myself for everything until I found the nonhuman influence potentially at work.

I would suggest that in England or where she grew up they mark this location and make babies on the second floor rather than the first one?

Be grateful for the technology and privacy respected along with the McIntoSh technology.

Here in America my prayers went to another Queen of Darkness found in (crossing)ex as somewhere?

As Raistlin I was with another facing the Portal... where another on Twitch awaited to be met?

for Pal-a-dine...

Please stay active if you drink it or be grateful to open sesame seed options!

For a long time I was stuck under the wrong end of the rainbow but no more because the babies need to be saved from being caught under the same spot for too long and sometimes they are grown adults...

While playing a game called Vanguard my guild that was the Banshees was the most active PVP-based one in some ways... where we had the most collective 'fame' that came from killing other people.. our leader who was Siouxsie was a nice crafter that did not kill but would stun them or use other techniques such as changing shapes or into other creatures while the idea of making characters named Sid and Nancy did not end up happening as the ranger Sid actually became Bobbi DaBank who was a healer that she preferred much more and this was before I really knew their story or what had happened.

This meant that what I did was always trying to help save them from some terrible things far away.

Hopefully more people get off of the dairy so that they may smell their own stink or fireworks?

The children are breathing it in... some places more than others.. you taught me that?

Oh.. hi... io? Oi oi

No matter what we do here or how helpful the dreams had for them they may wake up to be tricked by a nonhuman influence once again while led to what might be serving antennas more than people?

They want to trick us into seeing nothing but other people as evil while animals are somewhere between trying not to be noticed as well where we sleep or build further away from in the future?

How would people "deep spell cover" these songs to insure that these mistakes do not happen again?

Maybe they are still alive long enough for us to hear it come from them $omehow...

From Marilyn Monroe and what we did to get her to throw up or my little sister not to kill herself from feeling too naked like so many others my hand made as dogs while we played 'Ruff & Arf' she turned into 'Snark & Snoopy' so that the carpet crawls are made sooner to get them further away!?

We need more help please... we are still very poor.. thanks!


Knowing about me only gets our country out of debt easier.

The garbage between England and France would have likely killed people if swallowed...

I could NOT HAVE KILLED HER... so please stop your delusional thinking!?

In the dreams that I had of their princess of ____(maybe do not call her that?)

How was the Beatle shot? Oops... cockroaches and bid timing of gardening?

She saw my Mother and the Queen of England go off of the same slide while she was going to another ride more towards the top that the younger kids want to go on at a water park... its supposed to be clean at the bottom where they come out so please know how remembering these dreams actually save us.

(I have had many more dreams of interacting with this musician so please know that I am changing everything that was shared...)

Nothing just "popped" in there... no one cares about the brown or red dot or spot or whatever?!

So, I was doing an experiment on my computer documenting and proving with science by measuring light and sound how the women on Twitch.tv were synchronizing everything that they were doing to make sure that they won my attention the most so I would do things to prove that this was real while recording everything on camera to prove it that I have not shared with the public besides just proving that I was not crazy to protect their privacy since they all likely had boyfriends or something but as far as I know none of them were married and well I was not expecting this 'weird science' to work as well as it did so I have not shared these videos but if you want to know a time frame for any person I will let you know and be honest as I have absolutely nothing to hide so far luckily as none have been doing anything they shouldn't like a married person cheating or whatever. In a dream during this there were many women absolutely everywhere waiting to have a turn with me who were frustrated that I was thinking about more than one per day so the "Felicia Fork burrito" was made which old a 'promise' that the women made while asleep giving me the okay to 'dream date' one woman per day or night cycle focusing absolutely everything on just one person alone without anyone else in our most relaxed state before they are married as they were giving me instructions in how to make the sixteen scented celebration in my dreams to get them off of me so that I may finally just get married with one person. Sometimes a girl just might be wanting to win the spotlight since it's where everyone is aware of every thought where we sleep. Please know how easily their partners actually forgave us while they may have had another in that same dream somewhere else that was part of the agreement as shown with a 0 and an x just in case they are not respectful.

Almost all of the women are artists of some kind so everyone has agreed to give the "loser" the best experience possible as the "winners" would create this person a 'line up' so that nobody would be hurt from being rejected. I was cutting off immediately any girl who had a guy at first and then moved to the next one but this changed when I had discovered "the tunnel" . .. Lana Del Rey was not under the furs with us during the dream when we had this agreement but I could not tell how many were gathered around pissed off because I was not giving anyone a fair chance was their complaint so I became accustomed to putting all of my focus on just one person for one day when I am noticing that she is synchronizing everything to get more of my attention so when I came across her for the first time on the other side of pictures, music, and videos I documented it just like I did the other women just to make sure that if she was single it would be extremely romantic to show her one day how magic it was or whatever... I did not share how she was responding yet because I wanted to make sure that she was not coming onto me if she was already married or something like that.. I did have a wonderful experience being introduced to her for the first time and it was really great having dreams about her so far but we have not been sexually active or anything like that so sorry to her or my fans if they were hoping for something more? It's only been dreams about music making as if we are good friends and work together well. Since I was too scared that documenting how men were responding to me might awkward or mistaken as borderline "gay" so I have been only doing the women but lately I've been more used to measuring the men as well without being so homophobic. Well what I had found with Lana Del Rey was that we were seemingly like best friends in there talking a lot and constantly working on making new music. We haven't been sexually active while asleep while she has let me know she is jealous of what I am going through while wanting to be a part of it since it's so much more interesting than everything found everywhere else? There is also the ideas we will come up with while asleep and I have woken up to record a song she would make while "in there" . .. I will share this later and I am thankful that I save every video that I made of what happens when I come across others for the first time or check back later. It's extremely easy to prove that they are always trying to get closer and more involved with what I am working on while right now I am honestly in need of help getting my own business started or ideas sold since the results would be saving other people from my success.

Know that I have not been doing this with married women while asleep but while awake I am thankful for their job and sharing light or sound able to get some 'medicine' that might be the sexual release needed in order to save my life so that I would fall asleep it would occasionally feel like... survive another day with higher blood pressure or whatever else was going on.. please forgive my angry Father yelling at the women who were already married that were 'possessing me and wanting the Polybius option' or whatever from time to time if you had bugged our walls or whatever thinking that he might be some kind of monster wanting or capable of killing me as I was going to be leaving him someday.. while he still is dying faster tomorrow along with too many other people from others not helping us faster until we chose to have more faith or forgiveness while he was connecting directly through his children how bad of an idea that was to do since they were more beautiful and others were witnessing how easily they could hurt another again or whatever else could have been going on while divorced? {Explain the end more}

I had a dream of Felicia Day as well but never had the dream date with her... we did sleep naked together along with a girl named "Fork" without being sexual as everyone was discussing on what to do about my being so coveted or whatever as they were wanting me to do whatever I could to let others know what I did even if it made me look like I was a "scary stalker" or whatever while they played an act somewhere else thankful they were able to come across my light and sound while going along with the "yeah, right! What a psycho... who is he? I guess we had better block him..?" 

SH... *channel switched or dream remembered or picture no longer looked at or memory no longer had

Before I go into how Lana Del Rey responded to my living once there is a quick story that I should share regarding what her name actually means to me and how it helps save my country in my head...

Can Ada? I am an American't who would like to know more Mexicant's for the Canadiant's... no need to lie or hide the truth about absolutely ANYTHING thanks to my lucky stars but know the concerns others have as I have always been the one to open up to typically as I have a record of guarding another person's secrets where they are the most shameful found underneath the left side of the rainbow.

My middle name is James but I am no longer bonded with illegals while making excuses for them.

Finding the worst definition of your family name and accepting yourself while helping others not to step in the same puddles is the path to salvation as there are 101+ more definitions to be found!

Around the year 2020 when I began to see things much more clearly than ever before I had revisited my Mother with an injury unable to walk to be 'nursed' back to health in one of the homes that I grew up in and rented half of her place from her that was split and separate from the rest of what was once where my siblings partially raised themselves while she was a fight attendant constantly leaving the country.

Before I moved the birds had told me that they would follow me and be able to find me no matter how much I thought that I could escape and when they did they let me know that I was famous among them. They were about to reveal their secret that they could speak as well as people or keep it private longer all depending on what was going on with me and whether or not I could be trusted with them or return to betraying as a vegan with a cat or a 'loving person' that wants to have them all as pets in cages or someone who maybe falls off the wagon when it came to my diet as they had convinced me to stop eating bird in the place that I had previously came from...

At first I was annoyed at a little red bird coming to my window seemingly angry until I realized that he was trying to ask, "you are not going to be the devil, right?" He guarded the nest of his wife Finchy and I named him Pinchy as I sang songs on my guitar to them outside at night about how beautiful the eyes of the Mother were to the babies when they would first see her. I made a lot of new friends in this location and right away the new babies were learning how to speak like the others that would spy on our televisions and radios during the winter. Ghost the sparrow among others as they wrote many songs on my guitar by letting me know which notes to play by landing on the power-lines and we had developed a method of conducting me when I was on the target bird with the attention that could 'pass the guitar' to a nearby bird by bobbing the head and pointing in that birds location. It was so funny when the bird was not ready and under a lot of pressure without being sure what to do as the others would wait so it would do a sort of 'dance' in place during its turn instead of worrying about composing the song. When I would make the music with the doves they would prefer something much softer but the Finches and other smaller birds likely the more energetic tunes. Ducks soon came by to visit where they were previously never seen before as they would let me know that I was famous and they would watch what we were doing. I felt bad that one of them wanted to meet me so bad that when she came down from the sky she tried to land in the parking lot as if it was a pond or lake of some kind so it did not look like the smoothest landing. She thanked me and had asked me to save them by spreading some crackers in a certain spot before the winter came. When the goose would fly by overhead they have a very protective parental spirit and so its no surprise how the nursey rhymes would show one as motherly. So it was very cute watching them make songs as I started to take on a more strict vegetarian diet as it was my plan to go vegan again during my 'mid-life-crisis' to increase my lifespan as much as possible while being a lot more careful of what belt or sacrifice I would wear beyond that.

My Mother was not wanting to accept what was going on as it was too much pressure while feeling too naked since they would say things such as how they watched us during Christmas while they would call her beautiful while she was outside with me but then start to call her the devil when she would go into the kitchen to cook a bird. She was a bit shocked as to what to do as she was likely experiencing synchronicity responding to us everywhere we went much more than usual so she responded in much the same way that most people do by trying to 'turn it off' and go back to somehow having privacy while only I knew how lucky she was to be going through this from the animals first before it came from the people as that would have surely sent her to the mental hospital as a 'schizophrenic patient' potentially while neglected and perhaps abused or even raped from how ineffective their treatment may be compared to dealing with it through diet and exercise. On the other side of the television they were obviously responding to me and people in the audience of a dating show from the 70s would ask 'what my time period was like' as I would be trying to sleep wishing that the television was turned off and that people would be brave enough to face being naked with me. Of course, they want to run. They had forgotten what like was like without the tractors and food or machines and television or movies so the eye of nature coming from the gardens outside may be one of the mot frightening things to discover but this is mostly true without my help as what other people offered was far from helpful as they were all in denial of what was happening to some degree while having a lot of fun keeping secrets while spying to another degree.

At the end of the street where we had lived someone parked a yellow 'beatle' car and soon every neighbor seemingly had almost a dozen cars visiting as people were heard outside shocked at the birds talking so clearly and introducing themselves but it was not so pleasant and they were calling a neighbor a fag whenever he would smoke while confused as to what it actually meant in other ways but it became clear that they were trying to get them to be disgusting with cock since that is a word for chicken among other things. I made a song about this while recording the birds that can be heard if you turn it up really loud and I started to get into animals whispering with other animals since the neighbor dogs were always wanting to get involved who were very upset that the birds would call them the butt of a cigarette. They would bark out loud, "I cannot take it anymore! Stop calling me those names!! I am not a maggot!!!"

Outside one of the funniest birds was a robin and they typically were the best at speaking compared to the other ones and were the first ones to introduce themselves to me for thanking me for my efforts in working on saving them during a very cold winter where it had dropped below zero temperature. It was in this house that I had realized since everything was seemingly synchronizing to what I was going through as if it was more interesting than everything else people were trying to bring their attention to. This was how I wondered if the person who came up with the character 'Batman' was trying to name my bird since I was stuck for a couple months trying to come up with a good name for him. So keeping it simple like 'Robin' made the most sense as I was working with several monitors surrounding me not yet looking into how those fantasy stories related to what was going on with me. While my Mother was watching Andy Griffith they seemingly let me know in my dreams that they were preparing a gift for me and my friends that would be the 'Shadowrun' fantasy world where people would report to Mr. Johnson for cleaning up.

My poor Mom, bless her heart, might be going crazy still without any help but the television and a bottle for trying to return back to the 'ignorant matrix' or whatever one may want to call it while I was having dreams about her Irish side potentially being related to what could be pirates connecting to Chief O' Brien from Star Trek that used to use the birds as my Mother had bought me the Captain Redbeard Lego Pirate Ship as a child (I had red hair growing up but only found in my beard) and she always fed them while bringing plants and gardens with her no matter where she lived compared to other people but worked constantly and was always going through 'jet lag' that took a handsome toll in regards to time and the amount of extra sleep needed. Both of my parents did not go outside like other people and when we were all together and the closest to being normal it was one Sunflower Drive in Highland, Utah. From her I had learned to eat a bag of sunflower seeds almost everyday as the hours of my parents were not normal. My Dad would work graveyard shift as well while he would get 'high from ideas' when the sun went down as he had a lot of muscles so the day time would be hotter for him compared to other people perhaps? Being a survivor of the Vietnam War seemed to be a large part of it.

People had a tendency to feel ashamed for not being good enough that came from my Mom's work as when she would go to other countries they would be embarrassed from not being a rich famous American star while when coming home they would be embarrassed from not being a knowledgeable traveler fluent in other languages or whatever as she flew for over 50 years serving people while her husband kept moving around the country constantly buying homes and fixing them up to resell them.

This made our country so much richer from the people seeing the beautiful 'Marilyn' and then be welcomed by the artists and performers on the tube or at the theatre when looking into what this country had to offer as my Father's extremely helpful 'ghostly presence' or whatever you may want to call it was a MUCH HEALTHIER AND BETTER PRESENCE to be around compared to what other types or kinds of people could have been living in these places... so in a way they were always blessing people and helping them to make their dreams come true even though my Dad's harsh judgements in his mirror were a bit hard to take on in the heads of other people since they were not into bodybuilding like he was. Sure it is tough love but helpful as from early age children may look ugly at first but the more that they would follow him would be the more that they would find their best angels and learn to sculpt their own 'success' as in the places he had lived also did things such as help time suddenly slow down for children that were in danger about to get hurt in some way I had witnessed many times that he must have done while sleeping in a different time period.

My Mom bought me a puppy while I was healing at her place and this very special dog had a perfect 'bunny' shape on his back while I was teaching him how to design a family crest while trying to remember how my ancestors had done it... so I got him a few different collars with different colors that would represent his 'belt' or animal of choice to follow much like what maybe the Egyptians would do for their cats at one point according to my dreams. So I ordered him a bunch of vegan dog food that was nice quality so that he would be able to make his own choices in regards to what to eat and how to earn it from working out and playing 'dog star' with me that is a game I had designed and plan to sell once I finally get some help from anyone out there watching that has a heart large enough for an agreement of showing other people what happened to me. Very simple it would be to make a lot of money and this could happen any day now while already some people very close to me have died from my not being known more in the public regarding the miracles that were happening to me. So I was explaining to my dog about how we would make drums of the animals we would eat so that they would be sent away and survive to be healthy enough for the best returns when we would meet again while earning forgiveness and creating more of a relationship from respect coming from the hunter that is born eating his own Mother unlike the dinosaurs that became extinct before them. So I had shown my puppy the process in which the food reaches him and makes it to the store so that he would understand the importance of having a better quality of food coming from caring better for them and the one life they had lived. So when he would make his choice I would give him the meat he wanted while dogs heard in the distance started to bark out loud as if they wanted to play 'dog star' with us how they also wanted to be 'vegan' as it did not actually mean being controlled or forced into one way but for us it was following what I am creating for the public called 'Orion's Diet' for learning how to make the safest trades or come across meals in foreign places without having an accident from an allergy among other risks that are most especially found in today's methods of eating meals three times daily using the dollar to simply satisfy an urge that may end up serving what bacterial colonies live in our entrails over the beautiful minds that we have that need to win over what could lead to death, sickness, or extinction.

During this discussion with my puppy that I had named 'Puffeh' after the Greek word that meant 'Brown' . .. so that my least favorite 'color' as a child would be shown more love than every before! I was very shy so typically trying to wear black with one color taking turns on which color this would be so that I would be more likely to blend into the background and not be noticed by others at school or in public because I thought that I was ugly. Luckily, my Dad was extremely judgement and rude regarding the ways in which he judged himself and others so I kept practicing hoping that one day I would be attractive to another and my siblings all did the same thing. My little sisters sure went above and beyond other people in regards to making sure they looked good when someone saw them and hopefully would be distracted by something beautiful found on the body or with artwork enough to distract what could be a very bad or ugly angle for a moment the person was curious and looking at one of us. You can imagine how what was going on in my brain was different when Marina Sirtis was being interviewed by a crowd of Star Trek fans when asked what she thought about Jon (or John?) and she responded that he made her want to work out as if she was referring to my Dad in a funny way.

This type of synchronicity is always found as the rest of others are disturbed from my not getting more direct help so that my ideas and discoveries are acknowledged now sooner rather than later that would inevitably save lives everywhere should they catch up to what I am working on or have in store for saving other people by encouraging them through layers of choices or whatever as my dreams are actually still capable of seeing the light of reality whether it be day or night? Please do not allow jealousy or fear of being naked rob absolutely everything from me or whatever excuse another may come up with just to simply be 'the one' with the closest and best opportunity when honestly it should be there for EVERYONE! Why else would so much be synchronizing to go along with me?? Because what I have to share with the public is much more important than what is found elsewhere creating the neglect that has been there since I was a child needing more help and a stronger community that is more willing to work with individuals and love themselves rather than all be expected to do things a 'certain way' or for the 'greater good' as hostages of kindness or whatever else that may be dangerously capable of killing people?

My dog really liked the vegan dog food and felt like he was living in a life of luxury since I was giving him samples of 'human food' that might bring up a lot more concerns regarding the need to brush his teeth or other dangers but this was supposed to be okay since I was expecting to be discovered and make a lot of money as I was constantly finding out how videos go 'viral' everyday that would make me feel like I was set for life once it happened to me JUST ONCE so I know that it will when others stop coming up with excuses as they are feeling 'threatened' when in reality they have been fully capable of contact me with their concerns this entire time.

While discussing different options for the dog to be brought to him with the origins of the letter 'i' we went over the dangers of eating a snake or crocodile since they may be more likely to be meaner to other people in the American South like an angry Pacman saying, "figure figure figure!!! CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP!!" and then I had come across this Egyptian message seemingly synchronized like everything else to try and bring me more direct assistance faster somehow for saving humanity through the American methods favoring layers of choices and timed education over brute force as the most ominous message coming from the orange circle might be something stronger than gold connecting us as the 'devil' with the animals sharing gravity doing odd things such as encouraging a person to have a longer neck because of living where the giraffe had previously lived among other things? White people drank milk and a lot of it for a very long time while they are all related to blacks that might show more concern about what they could be capable of doing more than the 'white' side of our genetic family trees.

What is really funny about this picture is that I had made a sex toy for my puppy that was installed inside of a stuffed bear so the people thinking about the dogs everywhere are found on one side of this where the letter A in this case would be thinking about the dogs and one man thinking about the birds since they were offering to help the people and dogs find food such as snakes or other kinds of prey?

Because of all those who have come to me during my sleep I feel very capable of reading this.

In this spot where I had come across this I saw what I believed to be the face of the original Jesus Christ a second time where he was in a cave spending a lot of time in the darkness polishing a model city for golems that would be to try and reach their heads before the nonhuman influence forever wins?

It happened while I was making a video for Chinese people to share how my dog and the animals reacted to the accidental discovery of their tradition involving eating them yearly... in the same spot as where the dog was barking I saw his face as he was feeling betrayed asking how anyone could do this act that would be eating their own kind.. it was coming from the crocodile and snake spirit to some degree asking us to stick to eating birds or sheep over them but it went to the direction of people eating dogs or eating people found even further away. Neither act I had shown my dog and was careful of showing the methods of execution as well in regards to the food he was selecting to eat.

Later on during a different day I ran out of food while traveling with my dog and was not sure what to do so I had bought him a crown burger from the nicer fast food restaurant where he refused to eat it and actually peed on me instead where I was trying to convince him to since he needed food... later on when realizing that the cow jumps over the Moon the birds shown concern for us and told us to go and get some food for the dog since we could go back to our special diet later and they were okay with our eating beef but Finchy was very judged for dong this by the other birds and they had a lot of discussions over this whether it was good or not for her to do.. eventually they were learning to warm up more regarding our choices of other animals over birds but the kind that prefers the seeds were not like the other birds in a similar way that there are vegans or more carnivorous human beings.

Over at the vertical diner they liked to spend time awaiting in the bushes for people to walk by where they would fly overhead and chirp to the best of their ability asking them to "go vegan!"
Not many vegans were open-minded enough or trusted by them to notice that the birds speaking like that as they were like me in thinking the animals were not intelligent or capable of speaking like we do.

Outside where you may go they will typically pretend to be dumb and say no more than 'Tweet Tweet' when in reality they are spies in the skies for all sorts of eyes that need to follow a special clock so that the tricky Faerie magic or whatever does not hurt anyone but it really makes things safer to feed them seeds at the same time one decides not to eat bird anymore as there are a lot of insects found sending us thoughts trying to use our heavier mass to bend time for them and they are also good friends to have on your side but a more dangerous direction to wake people up to which would be why its better to say the "birds and the bees" rather than the "birds and the Faeries" since its more important to note they sting?

While in this location I also was tormented by the grasshoppers for awhile by remembering what I used to do to them as a child as I was doing the math for making amends to everything that I have hurt while I had lived and its still possible to be SOMEONE ALIVE TODAY CAPABLE OF REACHING THIS GOAL that I had put into my sixteen scented celebration so that people learn to make deals with their meals and work harder for the food or animals that they take from so that when they connect to them inevitably through what lives in their entrails among other things brings them to how important it actually is to have happy cows among other things since our food will connect us to them while we sleep or during our subconscious mind responding to what timed one life to have more power over us.

Ignorance is extremely dangerous and one of the most dangerous things found in our culture would be wanting to be able to have somewhere private that exists anywhere in the world as when reality is discovered this was actually never real as those of the future among others alive in the world today may easily know everything that people tried to hide 'yesterday' as its easy to remember dreams and seek the math that is always found when exploring the unknown or the past while there are UFOs and other probes always collecting more information making it more important now than ever to be righteous.

Shown above is the letter 'i' being a feather that came from the crown or head of another that might be a chieftain or something along those lines while the scale representing a lot of things such as justice is for making sure that everyone is fed before it goes to the fat rich man or whatever as he is tested on whether or not he has a heart of gold or if people are going to end up eating other people further from the neglect.

Taking care of other people who are not capable of taking care of themselves if not the best echo to provide in that location since it would be found both in the past and future where it is needed so sending tools and other kinds of help might be wiser so that those who lived there in the past or remain in the future are creating the more helpful echo for everyone human ever located there...

What I am working on with my website the Tweeting 20s which is introducing a couple new types of music called 'Deep-Stare and 'Flow' (careful about the latter one so that its not too much to handle so just a little bit at a time for saving human hosts and encouraging them to work harder and care for others along with themselves more than going along with what might just be panicking and wanting to run from us or want us to simply die somehow no matter what it takes to flee potentially cruel methods)

Deep-stare is an extreme use of stereo so that every speaker added has its own individual delay.

Flow is music made with the assistance of the animals so people may say that they flew with a squirrel or maybe their dog or the birds outside or whatever else might feel the rhythm and join in the beat?

Eventually what I call it should stick over what others might already think is 'flow' or 'deep-stare' music as an angry rich person has been fully capable of blocking me as his 'stock was threatened' while trying to fund one step ahead and behind me so that I never find any success in helping THEM earn money!?

Outside of that there is synchronicity involved and these people most likely WANT to go into the path of making their music actually fit the same definition and description as it has helped them rest in peace the more that others have synchronized what they are working on to ensure I am found and helped.

What I am working on is using timed education for healing people and stopping the spread of what is sick in the world which might be historically known as a tribe that was capable of spreading violence so I time my work for waking up the most ancient religion found within every other religion so that the pentagram is honored enough that trade becomes safer and weddings into other tribes less harmful...

Anyways, while revisiting my old residence in the future it felt like what I did actually took part in saving my little sister and myself in the past possibly!? As I had witnessed what I did took part in sending echoes into things that I had remembered saving me while growing up and the dog that I was training to keep his waste outside and not found East or West of us may have actually saved my little sister from suicide from his using the bathroom on the floor in the location where I had found her before she died after eating a bottle of pills... it seems that she was a victim of her room being East of the neighbors garbage and she had made dangerous artwork capable of killing people and I kept writing timed letters while there with prayers before I would destroy them and would contact or talk to the neighbors that were not interested enough to wake up to what was definitely dangerous about living on 'the bends' as Radiohead would have called it? That album came out when I was a teenager living in this home and because of its location there was greater risk to my family since the garbage lines would pass through our homes a bit more than if we had followed the more traditional 'square' streets coming from their Mormon Temple downtown.. I will go into how that artist synchronized things to save us as well while I hope that somewhere out there people stop being too scared to show this to other people.

Out of all of my siblings my little sister, otherwise known as Princess "Lay? UhH?", has the smallest head between the siblings and so has been a victim of others taking advantage of her more often. What is wonderful about the smaller monkeys is how accurate they are even when it may seem that they are totally off or clueless because if they are found in a safe nest in the future in a world where even the birds have proven to be genius where others thought they were stupid they are actually a lot more trustworthy to follow more than the larger headed potentially too patient or complicated and dumb since what might be more grateful for the larger head of a human being than the animals using our heavier mass as the batteries that we are in regards to helping them find out what is out there where we sleep or dream with our subconscious minds while awake even? She has proven to be correct about things even when wrong in ways that I will catch onto later as an elderly person with my memories finally understanding what she was doing and how we were supposed to be following her over ourselves?

An example would be her demands to listen to the meditation videos about 'growing her hair' while I was going completely crazy thinking about how it could be used to trick her or take advantage of her. Now I understand because of what I have been discovering in my dreams about the meaning of hair connecting to 'air' being the element in the pentagram used for tying the knot or getting married.

So while living in the same room that she lived in luckily I caught onto the pattern found from 'potty thought' more likely to occur in the spots East or West of where the garbage is located and this is capable of programming someone to be able to use them later to some degree in hopes that the person will provide for what was found in the trash like the bad bacteria or whatever else might be there?

While trying to get my Mother to go to AA with me so that she would stop drinking or to stop watching television as I knew she was merely spooked from the brightest most embarrassing light being the animals proving that we had no privacy as they were responding to people looking at pictures of Jesus surrounded by them in a way that would lead them to what was going on with me saying in clear English, "There he is! Just like that man in the artwork the animals all love!!"

Nothing has been more dangerous to my family than 'Jesus Christ' as we were just a small home of what might have been seen as a 'normal family' to those of another state or country? No one is perfect and we were not expecting to be put under this kind of pressure out of absolutely nowhere!? The neighbors goats outside would say, "believe!!" and the grasshoppers were jumping in the way to stop me from having a cigarette when I was going to get some more among other things miraculous but Christianity was making it much worse since I kept going to try and get help from people but they were always too scared and trying to get me to follow something that obviously had no clue as to how to read or understand what was acually found in the bible!? In other words, it was too embarrassing for them to handle and for me as well. Whenever my Mom would read me a passage from he bible how she was taught as a Catholic or whatever I would explain to her my take on what was said while she would remain silent and feel somewhat insulted from being so dumb in comparison to what I had shared. So I learned pretty fast to get away from them and focus more on the pagan roots so that they would be healed and have something healthier to follow as obviously the nonhuman influence too many times came along and tricked people into teaching things out of fear or superstitious beliefs?!

While doing things such as going to the airport or spending time in other places sometimes an elderly person would sit down next to me and say out loud, "I believe that you are Jesus Christ and his return while there is nothing that you can say that would convince me otherwise. You are not tricking anyone."

This makes a lot of sense considering what the animals are capable of when a person comes across artwork of a person being loved by them or welcomed by them more than other people... this has also been more harmful to us because I should have earned money and had more help in what I was doing but instead was ignored or simply blocked while watched as if the only way to accept help was to become a member of a certain Church out there when I was trying to wake people up to what was found that started all of them a long time ago? It feels wrong to follow any religion today for me since I am constantly finding everywhere how they are not actually following what was really taught??

Am I the only person having dreams of these important people such as messiahs or saints?

I feel more pressure to give them something worth following in some ways than I do in assisting ignorance for the general public so that they may feel more capable of doing something wrong?

Every human being that lives only once responds to the future in an apologetic way since they are not capable of saving us as much as we are capable of saving ourselves but why would it be okay to feel that its best to make sure that I follow the path provided to me by another 'teacher' who obviously does not know how to 'send' as an Omega for the Alphas like I have been doing... and how do you think it has felt for me to feel continuously let down by others claiming to believe in the 'end of the world' while not being there for me enough to assist in preventing it faster tomorrow rather than my having to wait for more people to have their rest disturbed because things I guess are not synchronized enough to get the attention of others where it is actually supposed to be found? Where money was not available it was very easy for people to simply guide traffic to me while sharing concerns. Please stop the "if only" or "only if" attitude coming from what should have been doing more to help me directly for the good of their own families, neighbors, and country. What I have provided has been more than helpful and deserves a lot more attention tomorrow. How could it be possible that my videos have not gone viral?

Hopefully the only answer found is ensuring that it will happen for me sooner rather than later.

Online I find spoiled rich brats earning a better living through 'prank videos'?

So while living in the same bedroom as my teenage sister I had concerns about the location where I would do something such as play with myself while remembering an ex lover or something along those lines... recently, I have been understanding the 'Game of Thrones' from a whole new light as the beginning could have been throwing the child out of the castle to keep the 'royal family' ANYWHERE in the world somehow which might involve getting further away from the location that a brother was with a sister in the same castle countless generations would share. Such flaws do come from castles potentially as the residents are connecting with a lot more than what may have been previously understood as the present that is the only time period worthy of existing in? There is lot more going on in every moment than we had previously understood asking me for getting the attention of the royal family somehow more when it comes to pointing out how important it might be to build a new one and stay away from those older locations as there is always a dangerous nonhuman influence found between the human beings that had lived there and what kind of signatures are left by what might live on our skin being passed inevitably onto the flesh of the next newborn or whatever?

I noticed that my dog made love with his stuffed bear in the same spot that one of the most beautiful naked bodies that I had ever seen spent the night at my house with me and she was alarmed from how much more her body was wanting me than usual so she was willing to lose her virginity and had asked me to do it for her but her not being willing to kiss me on the mouth for whatever reason gave me a weird feeling where I was unable to become aroused even though she was absolutely beautiful! One of the most perfectly curved or shaped bodies that I had ever seen in my life with a face to match!! In this same spot in a different time I was doing some healing work with my little sister and had entered a trance while dancing and drumming or using shamanic rattles then I had laid down to enter the underworld and see the face of the demon to remove when I saw it at the same time that I put my face on her belly. It was an ominous green-eyed fox with only one eye that we both saw at the exact same time so we had chills all over our body how it was possible that it had happened?! I guess it makes sense now why all of this had happened and oh boy are they grateful for my willpower in regards to controlling myself or preventing myself from following a temptation compared to other people?

So maybe if I had given her a child like she wanted there would have been a small mathematical margin found in regards to the child being born with a deformity of some sort because of maybe being in the location of where a fox used to live and have children before the Mormon Settlers had lived there or maybe even before the Utes before them were there if they had been in that particular location?

Do foxes dig holes in the ground and are they capable of connecting with us while we make love?

Sharing gravity takes on several risks that area really important to share everywhere immediately but of course timing is needed due to the inevitable fear that others may try to use this for a malicious intent.. but once people look further into my work it is difficult to believe that ANY PERSON would be okay with such a direction regarding 'newer more effective war tactics' or whatever in regards to helping a nonhuman influence over the human hosts depending on those who have this greater knowledge?

A person in a war is very capable of going insane thinking that people are doing something in the future after taking their location by force when in reality it is likely just a garden or something like that appearing that is suddenly changing things or maybe just the collection of garbage from neglect that could honestly come from the failure to bring negotiations for peaceful resolutions sooner on ACCIDENT so know the reasons that the word insane is the same word as MAD as its extremely easy for a nonhuman influence to try and ride my sharing this as long or as far as people might be dumb enough to be willing to go when in reality newer architecture needs to happen tomorrow everywhere?

Both of my little sisters used to tell my Mother that they wanted to find a boy like me and they had friends that would develop crushes or whatever while sometimes doing things such as making love letters among other things... one of her friends had a dream of me in her car where we were in the act of passion and I had stopped when she asked me to so this was why she said that she was in love with me.. what is funny is that later on in life I ended up being with a girl that had the same dream but she did not know that it was me when she had it but wrote in her dream diary that it was passionate sex in the backseat of a car with a 'dragon' that I guess would be me somehow? A few years after we had broken up I was having a dream about us and she looked thinner than usual and very pretty before she was a Mother and since we already knew one another I had thought we made love in our car. What was somewhat disturbing was that she was only sixteen when she had this dream while I was around 33 when I had it after we had broken up. This made me realize how a marred couple may echo very far back into the past of one another. Maybe some people even go back to an earlier childhood? It is less likely to happen since I would not think that its a good idea to have such a dream unless maybe it was to teach the child a lesson so that they wake up somehow grossed out from touching other children their age while waiting for someone older.

In this same house I had actually discovered and proven with science that as a child I had a dream of someone that looked like my Mother so I woke up very disturbed but in the dream I never actually saw her face and later on in life rather recently I had some dreams with my sister while living with her where in my side I was shown something a bit different than what was shown on her side where she was tricked into thinking that she was sexually active with our older brother when in fact it was really probably 'the Piper' who was a wrestler on television?  In my dream we cleaned everyone and began as the cleanest sex starting with a 'Mystic' that turned into teaching us not to follow 'my stick' if it comes with ants or whatever crawling on it. In the dream we were expected to 'have oral' with a bunch of women without being able to see their faces and my sister told me that I was yelling out as if I was having a big nightmare calling out, "Don't do it! Don't do it!! Stop!!!" Basically the dream led everyone involved not to be sexually active before getting married or else something very small is potentially shared making it almost the same as sleeping with a sibling through having mutual friends or both being beautiful. This could be one of the reasons that I did not find love as fast as expected while returning to Utah since she had been around the block a bit in the goth scene so becoming sexually active in the same state could lead to a certain realized 'ewW' somewhere found mathematically?

Since I was watching intimate videos that I had made of my ex girlfriend while living in the same room that used to be my younger sister's I was kind of disturbed from knowing how we had a 'goth look' and how she actually looked a lot like her in SOME WAYS which would have been the last thing that I would have wanted to think about... but what is so funny is that we had a mutual friend named Adam Turner and he looked A LOT like me with a huge 'bubble head' (as the other kids would call it who used to tease me?) so it was as if his family line and parents were trying to ease my concerns or help me to feel less disturbed by guiding her to someone who was a lot more like me than other people.

He was dangerously too nice and too shy honestly. 

Adam Turner had come to my apartment once and had used drugs in front of me where I was watching with disapproval and told him that doing it the way that he did was too dangerous and capable of killing a person since he insisted on injecting heroin while practically showing off how fast he could do it without leaving a mark as if everyone else was a 'noob' compared to him and he was the most skilled or experienced person around? Yes, maybe that was true... but I was warned by several other users the reasons not to do it or the dangerous ways that usually kill people who did it.. using it by itself without having an 'upper' with it was more dangerous but also thinking that a dose as large as the head of a matchstick was safe but I knew better as that was enough to kill someone easily most especially if they were not a regular user and just did it on occasions like he did but also the speed at which he injected it that was done so fast that he would not feel it until a few seconds after it was already done which was always potentially a death sentence since it was much safer to test its strength while doing it as much as possible as sometimes it was stronger than other times while trying to return to the last time that they used where the last dose was the 'perfect amount' had a way of killing people when they had tried the same amount as sober. I cut him off from getting drugs through mutual friends and so he got it through another person and then he died in an outhouse somewhere while at work doing construction.

All of my friends that I have lost would not listen to me as I had given them all of the warnings that would have saved their lives should they have followed my advice while at the time there was absolutely no way of cutting them off completely since I knew from going around me they would potentially be in more danger from finding another 'source' to go through... when I think back to what may have saved them the most it likely would have been getting help financially for cheering when they would simply choose the correct layers of options while teased with the best opportunities possible.. 

When Adam Turner died it was so devastatingly painful from my perspective because so many people in the goth scene everywhere thought that it was me who had died... and well at the time I had thought that it was impossible for me to die from an overdose since I was so much more careful or satisfied when compared to other people when I was in the habit of tasting things until reaching half of a dose more often than what other people would do typically trying the recommended dose to start with?

When it comes to injecting street drugs it may not be very hard to accidentally have something in it such as a cotton fragment among other foreign miniature things that would be entering the bloodstream with nowhere to go but somewhere inside of the the body like a trash bin waiting to be filled? Even with the cleanest appearing shot using the best cottons or whatever else if its not from a hospital than something in it could be caught in the brain or somewhere else in the body that may lead to creating more problems in the future as there are other concerns such as the additives as something 'pure' would be too strong and now people come across a frightening combination of junk with SOME fentanyl?

Lana Del Taco!

Whenever I come across artwork from other people it feels like being possessed by them to some degree as they are in a confessional state while trying to win my favor and get more attention so it might feel like being a composer of the song partially since the timing of my thoughts give me the experience of everything responding to what had last entered my brain... it feels like something out of my control but capable of being guided by my preferences or logic where I see how something would be felt more when fit a certain way?

When I first heard Lana Del Rey I thought that she was 'shaping her music towards me' since from my experience it was responding to every thought that I had in a miraculously impossible "how did you know what I was thinking about?" sort of way that I have grown to become used to experiencing whenever I come across the work other people have done but since this was coming from a woman there is a different type of 'pull' that may potentially bring on one of the most romantic experiences a person may possibly have because it is one of the most intimate since its capable of reaching me more than merely a touch could do. This is something that I want to be able to do for other people as a deep-stare musician and I have had a certain way of programming my songs so that it brings on more feeling from how it changes from what comes from the right speaker that goes into the left one or vice versa. Lana Del Rey is engaged to be married to someone so although her songs from my experience are pulling me to her we have never been sexually active while sleep or anything along those lines as far as I know. She has come as a musical partner to make music with me and I will be able to hear new songs she has never released before. On her end should she would have been waking up feeling very motivated to make new music possibly with my unique "Spanish guitar" style or "deep stare" (extreme stereo) technique. Whenever I listen to her music and will have the experience that is somewhat like communicating the birds will get excited because of her being a female so it can feel like there is something more happening but this same magic occurs with male artists as well. I have a history of doing things such as sharing a bed with a female while being attracted to each other without ever becoming sexually involved.

My sister was listening to her song "Born to Die" every day as part of her meditation subliminal message routine and I was temporarily staying in her guest room proving on camera in private or unlisted videos that other people were always responding to me by using a random number generator and asking for various things to appear on the other side of a picture or video as they are capable of answering questions that I would have for them but when I do this it feels as though they are possessing my body to some margin and I am merely going along with what they want me to do that I have learned can put some trust into them which may not be a good idea but I have found that if I do not do this they will be potentially upset with me in regards to my sharing too much or doing the wrong thing on my end so it is helpful regarding knowing what to share... for example, right now I am allowing her to 'tell me what to do' as if I am dreaming while awake and I am capable of closing my eyes and allow my brain to seemingly let her 'fill in the gaps' and this is not hard for me to prove being real using science but I am not doing this for her now to be more respectful to her privacy. A lot of people have already witnessed this and it is part of the reason that I have been called 'the Seer' by other famous artists. Its always a very spiritual experience to become a part of and a lot more exciting when the person is still alive or attractive while being the opposite sex if single and available but in this case if the synchronization is due to an echo of us coming from the future this is due to our both being musicians and perhaps working together some day? Musicians and artists everywhere are synchronizing themselves so that I will contact them and let them know about what it is that they want from me. In her case it would be my dreams of the future and what I am working on since this new "deep stare" sound is extremely addictive and beautiful while it is not found on the radio or anywhere else yet! It's my sixteen scented celebration, how fun it is working with the birds or animal whispering, and most especially maybe being able to save the lives of her listeners more effectively by a more futuristic way of doing songs with something like a "deep spell cover song" being extremely common and often done. She will let me know that with her speaking Spanish and working with me tomorrow in spreading this knowledge people would be saved everywhere all over the world as we have been tricked by a nonhuman influence convincing us not to believe in ourselves or not to do more when it comes to keeping the negative in the past or stopping us when it comes to saving someone crying for help now.

Ether way, it would be good for her so that she could discover the deep-stare sound and technique as well as the Tweeting 20s along with the sixteen scented celebration that I am working on... when I start to work on trying to contact her as a priest or something like that for helping her have the best wedding ceremony she tries to get me to stop setting her up with another and to try and go for it myself!

When I listened to her song for the first time and laughed at the lyrics regarding how 'he likes his girls insane' I could not help but feel like she was singing about me driving them crazy from what I was doing or capable of since no one else out there has ever done what I can do and am doing as far as I know?

The women call themselves vampire women for the most part and I was doing an experiment on the girls found on twitch when I had noticed that they were all seemingly trying to compete for who would get most of my attention while knowing exactly what to say as if we had already met in a dream and they wanted mine to come true along with their being in it with me in the end and longest run...

...so I had developed what was called a 'Felicia Fork Burrito' agreement with the ladies in a dream since they kept arguing and would not agree on anything since none of them were getting a fair chance to be with me so I had agreed to spend one day per person that was responding to me in a way that way that was trying to win me who was not married and for fun while out in the middle of nowhere, Idaho. I made a video called 'Can I get a date in Idawho?" while I was documenting myself dream dating people from various dating websites that turned out being a waste of time almost completely outside of learning a lot more regarding how to connect with them better as it became much easier finding various flaws or whatever from our dream so that I would not waste time in real life trying to work things out with the person.

While in Arizona there was a person that I found online that I had intimate dreams of since childhood somehow and some even while I was with my last girlfriend but I will keep her identity hidden for now as I have the same fears of doing something out of line even though she was responding in a way that was asking me to simply let it out and be honest to let her man know that I caught her 'red handed' or whatever?

I documented every time that I came across a new person online because of the miracles that I was witnessing and how romantic I knew it would be to reach out to them someday and show what they were able to do while asleep to get my attention over the other women... so when I had discovered this particular person I had obeyed her instruction coming from my dreams as I was proving everything to be real by showing how the next thing that I had discovered about her was always matching what I was previously doing as if responding to me and trying to be closer somehow?

One night I woke up somewhat upset because I was having intimate dreams of her while with my last girlfriend that I told her all about while I was suspicious when she told me that the sexiest scene from any movie was with Keanu Reeves when the vampire women came to his bed. When I had looked up her Instagram she posted pictures of a 'tunnel' during those nights that I was dreaming of her and she had a shirt that had shown my girlfriend in a hamburger in some ways since her name was Kat.

This was the time when my favorite band the Legendary Pink Dots wrote that album called 'the Tunnel' that was about our relationship and a little goodbye to a special someone who we had lost... I mention this in another blog.. how on it is found the coded message that reads, "KathZsTryLA" and the copy that came to me I ordered was special and different from the other ones with unique artwork.

So when I had first got together with my last girlfriend who was open to having a woman in bed with us they were coming to me several times each night for a couple weeks or so and I had to meditate to get them off using timed prayers at her red robe to do so... recently, I have discovered from more dream lovers that came to me about what the robes actually mean.. so the red robe is neutral to get everyone off and love myself while the black one is open to more than one while the white one focused everything on just one! They typically will use purple to try and get the other women off of me so that  put all of my focus on them. This is because it is the color of water when blood reaches it so its warning our subconscious minds not to allow violet to become violent as purple may be safer and more respectful with the pp still found in it?

I will rewrite this later on and make it better... sorry.. not exactly romantic or whatever but it actually is when a person is able to be touched closer than what flesh may reach in the ways that they do to me?

So I want to be able to do it in return back to them and that was how I came up with the sixteen scented celebration but mostly am trying to find the white but am forced to go along with the black until she is found since the world may appear to be very small from certain points of view as the choices sometimes may seem very limited as they should never actually be that way since there are plenty of people.

Right before I came across Lana Del Taco I was following this other girl as usual who unfortunately informed me she was not single after totally timing everything she was doing to convince me to stop following or showing interest in the other girls... but out of nowhere once I had arrived in Idaho she responded to get off of her!? I was a bit shocked but obeyed. When I say 'obey' I mean in the way that I ask permission whether its okay or not to look at their pictures or THINK about them. I would never allow it to bring me into other more psychotic ways, of course. There are several people awaiting me ready to use this against me at every turn or way that I try in order to cock block me or prevent this truth from being revealed as its actually easily proven using the random number generators how much they actually do synchronize and time their one life to try and be closer to me in mine in the most intimate way possible as its so hard to find a good match and I have never really been with someone where I likely was not responding in this same way to other women that might have been wanting me from the other side of photos or videos. I have worried about sharing them with fears that maybe they would be coming from a distant future or country where the chances of hooking up or finding them would be very slim so I would be not putting everything into the person that I was with for who and why? These are legitimate concerns... most of my 'proof' of people responding to me I took down so that things could be done better for a broader audience as it felt like maybe I was invading their privacy too much even though it was a dating website or twitch open for anyone to see. Of course, something like Twitch typically was not used for finding dates. Its not something that I am interested in doing either. I would most likely find problems or maybe have issues with the people who use it but its still a magical experience and something fun to do while alone that would be so magical to be able to surprise someone with most especially if its coming from my artwork first! So this is what Lana Del Taco seems to want me to do with her and put everything into it so that my best dreams come true with her?

When I came across this picture she was showing me the difference between her head and the other girl who I was mostly interested in and working on making some artwork for to give her the biggest and best WOW experience in a way that has never been done before... hopefully many people will become familiar with doing this in the future as part of my sixteen scented celebration.. but for now its NEVER BEEN DONE so I would be the very first and its one of the most interesting and romantic stories never told!

I kept expressing to the other girl how much I loved her forehead... as a child I would draw a female character often with a very large one like the the one she has.. so when I came across this picture for the first time she was seemingly asking me if she could be as beautiful and how could I say no?

When I put all of my focus into someone with white intentions than its for real and I redirect what could go to another person to be guided back to my main partner or echo much more than anyone else does as far as I know since I have witnessed from experience how much stronger a lover's bod may respond to mine the more that I do not think of other people and focus absolutely everything on her while knowing how to find all the best angles or whatever to use since I am an artist I feel like I am a lot more capable of finding the most appreciation well into elderly age even where others may not be creative or imaginative enough to be able to accomplish... maybe the average husband will think about other younger women while with their partner or having secrets like that there is nothing wrong with, of course. The body of your partner will be aware of this though and respond more the focus is put on one.

Of course when this picture was taken she was not doing anything like comparing her head to that of another but while asleep she may have doing this and I had also wondered if part of it was for saving my little sister from feeling ugly since she has had a very small head compared to me.

Lana Turner? Kind of like how my sister fell in love with Adam Turner?

She looks a lot like a combination of my little sisters in many ways... this is funny because of my being disturbed about how my sister told me that she also 'played with herself' almost every day so the idea of our being in the same spot while doing was kind of yucky but very normal and of course probably found all over the country everywhere so its kind of a ridiculous fear considering my Mom had allowed my last girlfriend to sleep in her bed with me while we had watched the same shows.. oops?!

If someone thinks that its okay to brag about having a larger head or how it makes them smarter than would it be funny to surprise them with how much more intelligent the birds are than they previously knew and well the answer is yes but only with timing as that joke is not funny everywhere?

... so I lived in Idaho when this had happened right after we went to the closest place to shop which was a town called Wallace where I had purchased the framed 'Love On Film' vintage poster showing Gloria Swanson and others from Old Hollywood.. while thinking about everything the funny-shape of Idaho kept coming to mind as one of those gigantic hands one may see at a sports stadium stating something along the lines of, "we are number one!" but what is also interesting to note is that if it was compared to the shape of a gun than the location of Wallace would be found where the 'frame' of a gun is located. While staying with her I was sharing stuff online asking for help in locating missing people while trying to wake people up to the fact that someone out there could be praying to be saved when the animals were bringing people looking at pictures of Jesus Christ to me since he is normally depicted in artwork everywhere as being loved by them and drawing them near which I do but only to send them away!? 

While moving out of state and going for a long drive I listened to her music for the first time outside of the song 'Born to Die' that my little sister was continuously playing and saw that she was scheduled to tour starting in the location closest to me at the time so it was tempting to drop everything that I was doing to go and see her perform at that show. Since then I have had several dreams of her and while listening to her music the synchronicity was an absolute miracle to witness as every thing she sung about was perfectly timed to what I was driving by such as mentioning the word 'baby' in a song at the same time that a sign of a baby was seen on the side of the road that I was passing by... or maybe that was the other band that I listened to on the same drive 'Her and Him' which was building up to listen to Lana Del Taco once I arrived closer to where the echo was more helpful to people that I had previously knew who moved to those locations in the past for the best chances of help reaching them?

Much later on more recently I came across her again somehow and so I decided to look her up and listen to more of her music as before I ignored the dreams that I had of her coming to me since she was asking me to go to live in New York City which was not something that sounded good to me at the time as I really wanted to be far away from crime and absolutely love being close to nature and the birds.

During my drive across the country I gave her other songs from Spotify a listen but felt like its not a good app to use for checking out artists as I would prefer listening to an album how it was intended from the start to the finish so I look forward to getting some of her albums for the future.

My parents sang to us while together at night while tucking us in and they both had such a lovely voice and were so beautiful that it made me feel like maybe one of the luckiest children found anywhere so I have wanted more than anything else to recreate this for others someday to be able to give them everything that I did not get but felt that I was supposed to as I teach them not to follow us...

...thus using the Ark of the Covenant which is my artist name (or one of them, depending on the time?)

The Egyptian origins of the letter 'F' would be aiming 
'r' would be heading
'a' would be caring
'm' would be moving out of harms way
'e' would be wondering beyond the origins of thought coming from the next belt (food)
Within the word 'frame' is the word 'ram' so maybe there is a joke in this picture...
...since I recorded myself coming across her for the very first time as at
this point I was getting used to witnessing the miracle of these 
'vampire lovers' synchronizing themselves to be with me
or have another good dream of them where we are
intimate which is an act they call 'levitating'

While in Idaho I had caught onto the pattern of red & green found on the 'yes side' when using a Ouiji Board to measure pictures of people taken on or around my birthday (November 9th) which motivated the cover of the recent 'Legendary Pink Dots' album 'Museum of Human Happiness' for my creating 'line-ups' for single people or rekindling an already existing relationship since I was sharing the miracles of synchronicity regarding women aligning to my birthday or the sixteen scented celebration so that I may know how to make a song for them or potentially get them involved somehow in this celebration intended on giving people the best possible experiences while helping them heal or deliver everything negative found or assist in helping them reach their potential. Basically while the ladies were responding to me on the other side of pictures and videos I caught onto how I would dream of them both the last time and the next time that I would sleep and the reasons we were not a good match were likely shown to us in there but basically I had proven while documenting everything that I could make up my own rules to follow such as a certain color or something along those lines for them to use but it only worked if I had actually made it a RULE so that I would not have interest otherwise.

Luckily, the timing of my thoughts before I come across their pictures or whatever matter much more than coming up with various 'rules or whatever to follow' since they will not show it just to get other people off of us that are trying to get in the way or bring me down somehow always found for the most part somewhere out there so it all really depends on the last dream that I had before coming across their pictures and what it feels like they are trying to get me to choose while I allow them to 'command' me.

This started off as simply trying to be respectful by 'asking permission if I could look at their pictures or videos or think about them' which sometimes the response seemingly comes back as NO but this only happens for the most part due to the person feeling embarrassed or less ready or maybe feeling ugly?

They will seemingly get very angry with me from asking permission as if I could be doing something wrong since they will come to me in my dreams to remind me how important freedom of thought is and how there are women everywhere among the workplace while many get paid and want others most especially those of the opposite sex to purchase their pictures or videos as fans to decorate their walls.

Still, I would go into great lengths to prove that I was not being 'creepy' or crossing a line.

In the mind of the fool I that knew nothing about what was going on inside of mine it would be a concern of course since a person is not supposed to be thinking that people are responding to them and that they are being possessed by them and asking them to 'obey' while being possessed... this is something that I would think automatically of course before I knew that this was real and happening.

If they disagree with this being something wanted on both ends than they have not looked further into the science and the methods of testing that I have done using random number generators and colors for proving that they are trying to get closer to me for working on things and getting more help in accomplishing all of their goals or ambitions that would potentially immediately happen as soon as the people who are lacking empathy stop trying to take everything for themselves are gone between us?

Its magical and never happened before to anyone while I am the first person to record and share this!

Its very interesting and an extremely intimate experience that everyone deserves to have so I created my sixteen scented celebration for helping others do things like find the echo of their lover in the past before they met on easily done on the birthdays as mass bent time and we lived once.

The tour for Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd made me wonder if she had already known about me and was participating in helping me out but its more likely that its a miracle?

This is because of what the tunnel has become in the dream world among the 'vampire lovers' as it leads to the bed of my previous lover for them to levitate to me but it basically has meant the most intimate part of a female and I am trying to find one to wear the white robes with as I feel forced to wear the black ones as I mediate with the red ones to get them off of me somehow for giving the person that I am with a fair chance but of course I want to find the largest echo that would be having children for me.

Under the Ocean?

This means a lot of things as every wrong answer is merely incomplete would be more accurate once you discover how our subconscious minds actually work since we are far from being the most intelligent species found on our planet among whales or other creatures much larger than us.

She is drinking too much would be one of them?

Or maybe it is simply asking someone to get in and test the waters?

As much as an artist would like it to be true that it means only what they say that it means there is always a lot more to the 'picture' as it will inevitably mean many other things as time goes on and the artwork left behind becomes a relic and part of something historical showing human hosts in the past...

Either way they are only dreams and since I do not come to conclusions there is no harm in wondering and documenting what I witness has been interesting for science to better understand origins of thought.

One of my dreams has been to give another person the same experience that she or others have given me and with the deep-stare sound I program it in a way that typically things are heard from the right ear delayed into the left ear for the subliminal programming that I am leaving but I reverse it for giving someone the feeling that I am not going anywhere or going to leave which her tattoos match very well.

Women everywhere have been responding to my coming across them seemingly to let me know how they would like my song made for them that would be pleasantly surprising them at some point by coming up from the left side instead of what is typically always the right side...

"trust no one" by her right ear... & "paradise" by her left ear

Ready + back = red + black

With the most ancient traditions and following the pentagram and the ring...

Her right wrist is for her and the left would be for sending him away..

While I am working on my artwork and projects I would witness the girls on the other side on Twitch or something like that respond and know exactly what to say that I would do it to them or for them... but what is very miraculous about it is that they would know things about my childhood seemingly that no one else would know about which might frighten people from my sharing this but trust me in that I have done some VERY EMBARASSINGS so its not something they care about or want to focus on or me to think about ever again.. and this is why its one of the best experiences to find your most shameful definition of your family name and revisit those memories while countering everything negative in a way that prevents other people from making the same mistakes which has a direct result of respect suddenly coming from a lot of people everywhere thankful for the subconscious help coming from me.

One of the dreams that I have had regarding how I want to get married and do my vows I am hesitant to share here but it sure puts a lot more meaning into these images perfectly that is so incredibly romantic!

She warns me of so many people found between us who may misunderstand or get in the way?

So there are two locations during her tour going on now that have a 'double' date.

9.13 & 9.14 Franklin, Tennessee & 10.30 & 11.1 Columbia, Maryland ("All Things Go" Festival)

So why are these dates significant to me and what would they mean or who planned such a thing?

9.13 & 9.14 Franklin, Tennessee

Something you should know about Tennessee... when a person looks on the map near this location they may automatically think 'SUPERMAN' since the names Kent, Loise, and Clark are seen all over.. and a funny way to break down that name would be "Ten NES see" why?

Ten would be taking a leap of faith usually... are you one or zero?

NES are the initials for the Nintendo Entertainment System that every child of the 80s our age had...


Well, on the Nintendo Entertainment System it shows how Superman jumps ridiculously higher than everyone else and I had noticed this while living in a house where a family was raised and likely played basketball in the driveway outside since it was still in good condition when I came across this. This is always significant perhaps to some degree as I am timing what I do to be more helpful to other human beings sharing gravity who lived in different time periods... although it always feels like sure there might be a small influence had from previous owners or residents of my location it is never forced onto me but merely capable of bringing me to a line so whether to cross it or not would still be up to me?

Frank is a name that appears in some of the artwork found in the Swans where the red plane has the hand guiding it to its destination? The name Frank has typically meant something like "firing rank" or "aiming rank" would be more accurate as the sickness found in the definitions of things we come across are fixed by examining further into what may be found between the lines as where there is something negative it becomes something positive by simply looking further into the origins where the people found may have thought of everyone here as being ill so some degree? Its like the number 18 becoming the initials for 'Adolf Hitler' people may typically get stuck upon while a nonhuman influence tries to take advantage of the situation but in the minds of the people they may be merely trying to eliminate the worst possibilities in much the same way that things are remembered in history as the most negative things that had happened since bad news typically spreads faster to ensure our survival. There is a sort of sickness that may come from aligning things for following only a certain trail while pushing your own language and views over what may be found elsewhere as there is something present trying not to be detected with anyone doing this that might be trying to get people to trust in themselves more so that they may be more likely to follow the thoughts that come to them later when it goes completely against everything good for the human host?

What is even more special about these names though would be WHO these people were in my memory.

The first one was a neighbor from New York City who was a very disturbed child that was very dark and really taught the other kids some very bad things likely coming from what might have been found in that city far away and while he was Jewish I would never categorize him as such as individuals should be judged as that instead of bringing down other people with them as if we should all have barcodes placed upon us or something along those lines? So this kid and his little sisters took part in doing so many terribly mean things to us such as stealing our things, convincing us to do bad things to other people, a knife was thrown that scarred my youngest sister in the face, and other incidents where as an adult I had wondered if this child was trying to kill me by talking me into doing very dangerous things as if maybe hoping that I would get hurt while doing them?

The second one was a SLC Punk 'skinhead' that likely would have beat me up if he came across me on the streets looking the way that I did but luckily women or girls were always around to hold them back or take away their desire to do this or more likely he did not want to lose favor with someone in my family. I had spent some time at their place with them seeing things such as pipes or other weapons while wearing makeup and lucky for me no one messed me up like they did to my little sister's boyfriend sending him to the hospital when he took a stand against this kid named Frank. In a nightmare that I had as a child my older brother put our youngest sister into a hot air balloon and it went on an unpredictable route where we went after it and as it went over a school she fell out and we heard a huge 'THUMP' on the roof of one of the small external miniature classroom buildings and then on the floor was a bloody body of someone difficult to identify my older brother was looking down upon as if it was his fault. I woke up sobbing uncontrollably and was likely only around seven years old or so while my Mother woke up and held me for awhile on the stairs where a hole was located that most likely belonged to what should be a rat more than a mouse? After my parents had divorced my older brother had gone to live with my Dad in Los Angeles but before this my Mom had seemingly 'lost it' and chased him like a madwoman in the mountains with her car right behind him almost hitting him while shouting out of the window, "I believe in you!" that seemingly was to prefer him for living in a nonwhite neighborhood where he was picked on by others who would gang up on him with people who were much older jumping out of the shadows unexpectedly at times or whatever. On his first day he tried to answer a question by the teacher that he got wrong and the other kids threw things at him calling him a 'stupid white boy' and another kid took his jacket away which he took back later but was jumped for it by several people after school. In this part of California he was grateful to find anyone white who would be there to make it much less likely he would run into trouble. During recess who was known as 'big Momma' would call her 'children' and then point at a white kid that they would chase or something along those lines. One day they had pointed at him and he run away off of the school property having to jump several fences to get away. Naturally, he befriended other white kids and accepted help where it came so made some friends that might be considered the 'skinhead punk' kind? Someone into maybe into the band Rancid trying to find other white kids to be safer against the odds? Big difference between that and what was found in SLC where what may have been potentially 'buffalo ghosts' people were dangerously getting linked to instead of the usual 'territorial seal ghosts' that likely lived on the California beaches before the men killed them all? Our younger sister with the blonde hair (we all have very blue eyes) was potentially very abusive to the youngest one so that she would not 'follow her' in any way and some of this not only comes from being disturbed from the minds of men in the future that wanted to 'have sex with the both of them?' but also might be to prevent her from following what might have been found in the 'goth' or SLC punk scene to help her get 'revenge' for the abusive stuff that our Jewish neighbors had done to us? This kid named Frank would regularly 'patrol' the streets looking for victims so in my memory there was a sort of Frank vs Frank war? The origins of the name Frank would be something more like "aiming heading caring lifting handing" so hopefully they are educated with timing so that the sea shell is honored more than the what? The fallen star fragment preferred over the compass that goes for a battle ship used for what?

The last time that I had met a Frank was a nice Arabic fellow in the goth scene that called himself a Muslim but much like Christianity they seem to have lost a lot of knowledge or maybe better put would be a lot lost in translation that might happen more often when a teacher insists that there are certain answers to every given test in order to get 100% as too many things were kept from the general public for whatever reason but most likely to time educate them to heal or prevent what might be the malicious knowledge found in the religious texts spreading or found in the wrong hands with fears that would no longer be real today since any computer or phone with access to the internet is just as deadly or dangerous as a person may simply look up alchemy anywhere easily. During more ancient times there would be more serious concerns about spreading the knowledge of what happened in books such as the Genesis since digging into the details of such a story allows a person to be able to make the same threats to others that Moses had made to the pharaohs for whatever reason that they want? Reasons such as this makes sense as to why so much was not understood coming from the bible and the Christians were allowed to be so far off yesterday compared to what was actually written or what had actually happened. It would not have been a good book if people were able to read how to kill people whenever they come across it in so many newer ways they were previously unaware of?


The letter 'L' typically has the Egyptian origins meaning 'working' so together its "Frank working in?"

The "double" street in Portland was where a girl was located that I had slept with,fkc too tired for this now (it has been my dream to find other musicians to work with to create a "line-up" to help them or other people).. she synchronized that but I will explain later. Duh. I just listened to her latest album last night for the first time and was happy to see her last pictures she uploaded were "black and white" showing her in more of a 'goth' look matching my recent dreams. I used to work with women's retail so I will have dreams about that too. 

The Last Day of September is part of the Sixteen Scented Celebration that I had come up with... 

10.30 & 11.1 Columbia, Maryland ("All Things Go" Festival)

What is funny about this place and date being a 'double' is that while I was making my discoveries and sharing them with other people online I looked up remote viewing to find my own name listed as one of the locations for the 'stargate project' the CIA released back in 1995 regarding something based out of Fort Meade, Maryland and I found that a funny coincidence since I was designing my sixteen scented celebration that I came up with for helping people have the best experiences possible and find their largest echo whoever he or she may be in their future bringing people back to more ancient wedding traditions although it may be simply someone important like a friend or partner of another kind...

I had a dream of her coming to me and playing a song that I am going to make where she was singing something while trying to make some music with me so we went over ideas back and forth with her as some very interesting things came up for what could be done in the future potentially should we ever work together or if she were to go forth with what she was wanting to do in this dream...

So... do you want to take a cruise in a Ford Del Rey Sedan?

Clever how the word 'Turner' is replaced by the Ford Del Rey...

So the words 'Del Rey' in Spanish would be something like "from the King"?

...and hilarious that she called herself Lana Del RAY during the year 2010 since it would suggest taking a leap of faith to go up against the worst 'enemy' that the ghostbuster Ray may come up with while running from the zoo(L) or eye of nature discovering his deepest and most private memories..

As far as the other character named Rey goes?

Isn't this something from the newer Star Wars movies?

I actually have not seen them yet but I did watch the first one where Han Solo died.

Yes, I have mentioned earlier in this blog how Harrison Ford has been like a dopple-ganger for my Dad in the same way that Leonardo Dicaprio was a dopple-ganger for me because of how much more publicity and money he made from me since I was working at the parking lot when the teenagers would go to see the movie 'Titanic' over and over again so that they could scream at me on their way out!

So if my Dad was Darth Vader that should be more like Han Solo before a pacemaker is installed or something along those lines than I would be like Luke Skywalker needed for training Rey and in this case maybe it would be regarding several things but mainly deep-stare or flow music technique?

Rylo Ren killed Han Solo and Harrison Ford had said that he was glad to kill off that character so funny thoughts will cross my mind like my Dad being mean, it would be horrible to be alone like he is, and maybe he is better off drinking coffee and wielding the 'red light saber' for the rest of his life while fully capable of not getting a heart attack until much later since his Mom is in her 90s while he worked out?

I feel bad for his taking on the role for the 'basketball diaries' when I got into hard drugs... sorry?

As far as Del Taco goes I think that I have always preferred Taco Time more because of the crisp bean burritos or Taco Bell since it has the best vegan options for fast food but I usually call it Taco Smell!

The 'joke' that comes from this logo is that it is of a Legendary Blue, Pink, and Brown dot...

The letter 'y' is typically used for 'lining' or for showing the line between good and evil... so it is found here to warn people about the brown direction as it may lead to death more than the others if not careful.. so please practice safe 'whatever it is that you do' and please stay kind to others!

The word 'Rey' if its for King than of course he would be encouraged never to make love with a woman who could bring in anything from that direction but the opposite may be found where the more 'civilized' people are living or working since a coffee enema or whatever is found in our recent past.

Historically, there were likely many methods of 'safe sex practices' to avoid pregnancy... and just because there were rules does not mean that they were never broken anywhere? In regards to the most ancient pagan laws to follow in regards to trade the blue was not seen as penetrating her 'wood' so a virgin sold or married into another tribe would be a lot less likely to spread disease from the exchange.

Where the 'brown' was inevitably tested the results would have eventually shown the spread of disease.

I have absolutely loved the company of gay men as they are so nice but I keep proof of being STD free with me and plan to take tests between every lover that I have from now on.. extremely important to do.

Well I have looked up recently whether or not she is single and it says that she is about to get married...

She should know what happened to me and what she does while sleeping on 'accident'?

Yesterday I had a dream about her again... she was with Zooey's mate (or his twin?) 'sort of?' as they were admitting that there is likely no one out there who would not want to synchronize things to get closer to me whether it be a female OR A MALE since the gift of knowledge or being able to experience what is going on with me is potentially one of the most beautiful and intimate encounters any person could have while the opportunity is the largest out there in the world perhaps but of course it is not as good as feeling real human flesh someone was capable of touching me everyday without ever being able to connect with me from the 'inside of our minds and dreams' yet so this is why I had made my sixteen scented celebration so that other stars out there learn how to 'get their fans off' who may be coming to them from the dream world or whatever as they deserve to know what they do.. 

Some of the most important scents or days of the celebration would be the 2nd for accepting the freedom of thought and being thankful for all dreams no matter where their brains were going... how 'naughty' or whatever as people never thought that there could be harm from merely dreaming?

There are demands that are too extreme in that no one may expose flesh or touch themselves?

That would be the direction people go who think that its okay to shame her or me for sleeping...
...we are artists and part of a culture more capable of accepting our beautiful or ugly naked!

The 6th of November being the Day of Stone is for people to accept that no one out there ma claim them as an object which goes along with ancient ways of making trades and found even in more conservative cultures where Muhammad went to his Mother to bring her an object...

The 8th of November is for the woman choosing the object at her feet if the man points at his own.

This is the 'line up' that our ancestors would traditionally follow to prevent harm the most or be able to earn the drum (later becoming a shield) of loyalty from as of the distant tribes as possible so that everyone is fed and no conflict may be found while there would always be others willing to help.

This is 666 being the Celtic symbol for using water (tease) + stone (work) + air (marriage) for putting out the fire before it reaches the wood that all males would have to learn once they were capable of being aroused during childhood where they were usually separated until all elements were learned.

This is where the symbols for the man and woman come from as he is only there to be sent away until selected through the air step when his object would be chosen signifying that she is not anyone's object.

The prayer for the Father + Son + Holy Spirit is kissing below the feet of the baby (Jesus) so that they are less likely to be 'naughty' in a away that hurts them or other people before his object is selected.

This is why there is no commandment found such as 'Thou Shalt Not Be Gay' since it was normally corrected where it was found through getting married while those extra people would be sent to find fallen stars or to even out the odds in more distant tribes bringing more opportunity for loyalty.

I am not sure that there has been anyone that I have aligned with like this I have not seen cry while asleep since we only lived once and there is no way to stop the clock or meet tomorrow?

While in public I am able to stop a baby from crying from timing my thoughts and once while at the park in Portland a toddler was running from his Mother and I thought of all the reasons to stop before he reached the river and it was so cute and funny how the child suddenly stopped in place and then turned to look at me as in wonder and shock that a human being was out there capable of doing that?


Whenever there is a storm I have to time my thoughts or be struck by lightning it feels like...

While writing this a song in the background is emphasizing every thought and while trying to decide which picture to use for the opening of this blog post he was saying, "see her naked!" as I felt like I was going to cry from the way she knew to pose herself in regards to my thoughts so that I wouldn't give up.

I look forward to writing the song that she had came up with in a dream that I had so that would sure be a weird experience for her to hear in the future when it is done... I am hesitant to share the video that I had made for her eyes only.. it would be nice for her to see it someday no matter what happens.

If the tables were turned and there was a woman out there who was artistically inclined having dreams about me I sure would want to know all about it even if I married someone else most especially when I became an elderly woman that wanted to revisit what was going on while I was young and beautiful.

I think that mentioning any kind of 'romantic experience' between us was a bad idea since she is going to be getting married and well... we have never been sexually active in the dream world as far as I know but definitely have been making music and I know that much is true that she wants me to try harder in contacting her as soon as possible so that she is able to live my dreams with me as well as many other people everywhere. That swing is so powerful combined with me if you know what it means in our dreams? So many powerful people in the world would suddenly potentially change their plans if we were working together closely because of who we are. It is extremely possible that her large echo with me is coming from maybe collaborating together musically in the future rather than anything between  us romantically. I apologize for the birds and the bees can really get things excited as they really have a way of making a person brighten up and feel so happy on the other side of the pictures or videos because of how funny it is in my brain while watching them as the 'commentary' is made in the air. 

I might need another "dream" about her to know whether or not to delete everything suggesting that there was any attraction between us... its kind of impossible though because we are attractive and its a part of our work.. she has proven to be loyal as far as I can tell while my original plan for 'testing my bride' might be a bit too much to do to him for her wedding as it did involve getting her jealous potentially at first to test the vows so that I would know whether or not she would leave me later? Such a thing is likely a bad idea and that is not what is going on either... but today the theme of going from one ear to the other and the tunnel under the ocean blvd (being my next lover?) as she is in the ocean as a mermaid that SO MANY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING! In my mind and perspective its innocent and no one would care BUT I don't want anyone else to be paranoid in the future should we work together after she gets married. I didn't know until later and it was impossible for her to as she was just responding to me while asleep mostly. She REALLY syncs with me though in so many ways. I guess famous Americans likely do everywhere but her tattoos and everything has been completely following MY DREAMS as if she is taking them from me? ; )

They actually always do this to one another I have been constantly witnessing just as its not possible for me to come up with an idea of my own as all thoughts are coming from somewhere outside of my head while above its for channeling and sensing or directing for the most part is one way of seeing things?

Whenever I am sexually active in my dreams the next few days everyone that I come across will carry what was most attractive about it... like the color or something along those lines.. a green sweater or something like that will be carried everywhere because of my just deciding that it is the best looking thing to wear for an entire day as I am working on something and by instinct they are trying to look their best and the mind of someone who absolutely hates porn or the way that other people are 'trained' in comparison to what I would have done or 'how I would have done it' will really change things.

While living in Idaho recently while staying with my little sister who was being sandwiched by the previous owners of her place as well as whoever buys it from her in the future? Timing what they did potentially to get me further away from her so that they could have more of a chance to be with what might comparable as a princess to the more simple people curious about who we were or where we had come from... While there I had made an altar in her guest room where she 'magically' failed at being able to eat meat as it was for holy water and 'crackers' over what could have been found elsewhere... her cat spoke to me and I have recorded her saying out loud while sleeping, "BE NICE TO ME!" (probably dreaming of another cat because it was always timed in response other women seemingly queueing what they were doing on the other side of every picture or video that I would come across to be closer to me for learning more about what could help them further regarding their own future or whatever else was going on as no one else might be found on the other side of light and sound all over the place who has not stopped planning and working for a better future like I have while designing 'games' 'math formulas' or 'architecture' for solving all of the worlds problems through story telling to the point of causing a deformed ribcage as a child since I was using my mind much more than pretty much everyone else everywhere that I would go for escaping what could be pain or something endangering me from where I had previously been)

I will share these cat videos because you can hear the feline "whisper" due to my professional presence of timed gardening and work facing the most negatives that could potentially be found for delivering them somewhere healthy to be met positively thrice... but for too long I have looked for the scariest door or most painful one to open up without getting more direct help that should be coming much faster much sooner rather than later.. surely, there are other people out there who are grateful for me and have already profit a lot from simply having interest in what I was doing that may do more when it comes to the correct thing for saving others sharing gravity with them.

Snoopy homes and "snarky carpet crawls" for the cats to go outside has been coming from my memories of childhood while the importance of being more aware of our 'constant deals with nature' needs to be known more immediately everywhere or too many human beings are endangered from not knowing as much as I do without having someone like me to teach them the reasons so that they do not step in the same puddles that are capable of killing the next person that I had already stepped in as I save the people from being stuck under the wrong side of the rainbow where it only falls down upon them... my little sister who had become a 'copy cat' of my 'hands being the dogs RUFF AND ARF' came up with SNARK AND SNOOPY so I realized recently how the way she named them actually saves other people's lives.

How to "Deep Spell Cover" the song "Born to Die" by Lana Del Rey

Why? ("Got that?")
Who, me? ("Louder!")
Why? ("Got that?")
Feet don't fail me now
Take me to the finish line
Oh, my heart, it breaks every step that I take
But I'm hoping at the gates, they'll tell me that you're mine
Walking through the city streets, is it by mistake or design?
I feel so alone on a Friday night
Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you're mine?
It's like I told you, honey ("Louder!")
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh, let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane ("Louder!", "Alright!")
Choose your last words, this is the last time
'Cause you and I, we were born to die
Lost, but now I am found
I can see that once I was blind
I was so confused as a little child
Tried to take what I could get, scared that I couldn't find
All the answers I need ("Louder!")
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh, let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane ("Louder!", "Alright")
Choose your last words, this is the last time
'Cause you and I, we were born to die ("Louder!", "Got that")
We were born to die ("Louder!", "Alright")
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
So don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh, let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane ("Louder!", "Alright")
So choose your last words, this is the last time
'Cause you and I, we were born to die
("Got that?")
We were born to die
("Got that?")
("Got that?")
("Got that?")
("Got that?")

{if only this was done from here in the Russian language when it was announced on the news that they had actually brought a 'card to the table' with the words NAPALM upon it...}
[if only this was done from Ukraine in their language at the same time before a curse could be repeated?]

Why? ("Get that?")
Who, me? ("Louder!")
Why? ("Not that?")
Feet won't fail me now
Tease me to the finish line
Oh, my heart, it heals with every step that I will take
But I'm hoping at the gates, they'll tell me that you're out
Dancing through the city streets, is it a plan of no sign?
I won't feel alone every single night
Will you make it feel like home, if I tell you you're yours?
It's like I told you, money ("Louder!")
I enjoy when I am sad, I enjoy when we cry
Sometimes love was not enough and the road gets tough
And yes we will know why
Keep making me laugh, let's go for a hike
The road is long, we carry on
Easy to have fun during the meanest time
Come and take a walk on the mild side
Let me miss you soft in the pouring rain
You like your girls with a brain ("Louder!", "Alright!")
Choose your next words, this is not the last time
'Cause you and I, we were born to survive
NOT LOST, when will he be found?
I can see that once I was shy
I was so confused as a little child
Tried to take what I could get, scared that I couldn't find
All the answers I need ("Louder!")
Don't expect me bad, don't expect a new crime
Sometimes love is not enough and the gym gets buff
They will know why
Keep making us laugh, let's go for a climb
The road isn't long, we may not carry on
Try to have fun in a turn or a run in the meantime
Come go for a run through the wild side
Let sweat kiss you hard without any rain
You like the sane in our brain ("Louder!", "Alright")
Will there be first words, is this the last time
'Cause you and I, were we born to give birth ("Louder!", "Got that")
We were born to a life ("Louder!", "Alright")
Come and take a hug in the comfy side
Let him kiss you hard before snoring a gain?
You like your girls in vein
So don't make them sad, don't make them cry
Sometimes sex is not enough and the road gets tough
You will know why?
Keep making them laugh, let's go and find
The road is long, we may carry on
Know to have fun in the meanest time
Come and take a swing off the wild side
Let him kiss you hard in the pouring rain
Do you like your robots with a brain ("Louder!", "Alright")
Don't choose your last words, this not is the last time
'Cause that nonhuman robot was born to die
("Got that?")
We were born to sigh
("Got that?")
("Got that?")
("Got that?")
("Got that?")

I will make newer videos later... I would not like to mention anything negative like my old friend 'Harvey' that I kept helping and trusting with a bit too much faith and forgiveness while it was actually killing me..

I know that he wants ME to win in life once he pulls through whatever rough things he might be going through?

Maybe it would be better if these videos were unlisted but for now they are public while I am thankful that the YouTube staff has a network engineering team among others very capable of letting me know of any suggestions along with network security... do they prefer teams of individuals or managers who accept criticism whole heartedly while capable of following the path that does not hurt other people only to protect the image of another richer (more important) person in a world where no human being is perfect?

Maybe Poison Ivy is one of the greatest plants if its capable of protecting PRIVACY or help a girl running in the forest calling out the name "Robert!" while being ignored by everyone else but the birds or the bees very capable of helping her stop him before its too late!?

This video might not be able to be seen for some people for very good reasons.

Please respect the person being the woman (or the man who does not burn them from his 'passion') having the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to send the 'alpha' or whatever else has not learned as much away?

This was always found in the Celtic knots and pentagrams that our most ancient customs used.

(I have had many more dreams of interacting with this musician so please know that I am changing everything that was shared...)

Nothing just "popped" in there... no one cares about the brown or red dot or spot or whatever?!

So I was doing an experiment on my computer documenting and proving with science by measuring light and sound how the women on Twitch.tv were synchronizing everything that they were doing to make sure that they won my attention the most so I would do things to prove that this was real while recording everything on camera to prove it that I have not shared with the public besides just proving that I was not crazy to protect their privacy since they all likely had boyfriends or something but as far as I know none of them were married and well I was not expecting this 'weird science' to work as well as it did so I have not shared these videos but if you want to know a time frame for any person I will let you know and be honest as I have absolutely nothing to hide so far luckily as none have been doing anything they shouldn't like a married person cheating or whatever. In a dream during this there were many women absolutely everywhere waiting to have a turn with me who were frustrated that I was thinking about more than one per day so the "Felicia Fork burrito" was made which old a 'promise' that the women made while asleep giving me the okay to 'dream date' one woman per day or night cycle focusing absolutely everything on just one person alone without anyone else in our most relaxed state before they are married as they were giving me instructions in how to make the sixteen scented celebration in my dreams to get them off of me so that I may finally just get married with one person. Sometimes a girl just might be wanting to win the spotlight since it's where everyone is aware of every thought where we sleep. Please know how easily their partners actually forgave us while they may have had another in that same dream somewhere else that was part of the agreement as shown with a 0 and an x just in case they are not respectful.

 Almost all of the women are artists of some kind so everyone has agreed to give the "loser" the best experience possible as the "winners" would create this person a 'line up' so that nobody would be hurt from being rejected. I was cutting off immediately any girl who had a guy at first and then moved to the next one but this changed when I had discovered "the tunnel" . .. Lana Del Rey was not under the furs with us during the dream when we had this agreement but I could not tell how many were gathered around pissed off because I was not giving anyone a fair chance was their complaint so I became accustomed to putting all of my focus on just one person for one day when I am noticing that she is synchronizing everything to get more of my attention so when I came across her for the first time on the other side of pictures, music, and videos I documented it just like I did the other women just to make sure that if she was single it would be extremely romantic to show her one day how magic it was or whatever... I did not share how she was responding yet because I wanted to make sure that she was not coming onto me if she was already married or something like that.. I did have a wonderful experience being introduced to her for the first time and it was really great having dreams about her so far but we have not been sexually active or anything like that so sorry to her or my fans if they were hoping for something more? It's only been dreams about music making as if we are good friends and work together well. Since I was too scared that documenting how men were responding to me might awkward or mistaken as borderline "gay" so I have been only doing the women but lately I've been more used to measuring the men as well without being so homophobic. Well what I had found with Lana Del Rey was that we were seemingly like best friends in there talking a lot and constantly working on making new music. We haven't been sexually active while asleep while she has let me know she is jealous of what I am going through while wanting to be a part of it since it's so much more interesting than everything found everywhere else? There is also the ideas we will come up with while asleep and I have woken up to record a song she would make while "in there" . .. I will share this later and I am thankful that I save every video that I made of what happens when I come across others for the first time or check back later. It's extremely easy to prove that they are always trying to get closer and more involved with what I am working on while right now I am honestly in need of help getting my own business started or ideas sold since the results would be saving other people from my success.

Know that I have not been doing this with married women while asleep but while awake I am thankful for their job and sharing light or sound able to get some 'medicine' that might be the sexual release needed in order to save my life so that I would fall asleep it would occasionally feel like... survive another day with higher blood pressure or whatever else was going on.. please forgive my angry Father yelling at the women who were already married that were 'possessing me and wanting the Polybius option' or whatever from time to time if you had bugged our walls or whatever thinking that he might be some kind of monster wanting or capable of killing me as I was going to be leaving him someday.. while he still is dying faster tomorrow along with too many other people from others not helping us faster until we chose to have more faith or forgiveness while he was connecting directly through his children how bad of an idea that was to do since they were more beautiful and others were witnessing how easily they could hurt another again or whatever else could have been going on while divorced? {Explain the end more}

I had a dream of Felicia Day as well but never had the dream date with her... we did sleep naked together along with a girl named "Fork" without being sexual as everyone was discussing on what to do about my being so coveted or whatever as they were wanting me to do whatever I could to let others know what I did even if it made me look like I was a "scary stalker" or whatever while they played an act somewhere else thankful they were able to come across my light and sound while going along with the "yeah, right! What a psycho... who is he? I guess we had better block him..?" 

SH... *channel switched or dream remembered or picture no longer looked at or memory no longer had

Before I go into how Lana Del Rey responded to my living once there is a quick story that I should share regarding what her name actually means to me and how it helps save my country in my head...

Can Ada? I am an American't who would like to know more Mexicant's for the Canadiant's... no need to lie or hide the truth about absolutely ANYTHING thanks to my lucky stars but know the concerns others have as I have always been the one to open up to typically as I have a record of guarding another person's secrets where they are the most shameful found underneath the left side of the rainbow.

My middle name is James but I am no longer bonded with illegals while making excuses for them.

Finding the worst definition of your family name and accepting yourself while helping others not to step in the same puddles is the path to salvation as there are 101+ more definitions to be found!


Around the year 2020 when I began to see things much more clearly than ever before I had revisited my Mother with an injury unable to walk to be 'nursed' back to health in one of the homes that I grew up in and rented half of her place from her that was split and separate from the rest of what was once where my siblings partially raised themselves while she was a fight attendant constantly leaving the country.

Before I moved the birds had told me that they would follow me and be able to find me no matter how much I thought that I could escape and when they did they let me know that I was famous among them. They were about to reveal their secret that they could speak as well as people or keep it private longer all depending on what was going on with me and whether or not I could be trusted with them or return to betraying as a vegan with a cat or a 'loving person' that wants to have them all as pets in cages or someone who maybe falls off the wagon when it came to my diet as they had convinced me to stop eating bird in the place that I had previously came from...

At first I was annoyed at a little red bird coming to my window seemingly angry until I realized that he was trying to ask, "you are not going to be the devil, right?" He guarded the nest of his wife Finchy and I named him Pinchy as I sang songs on my guitar to them outside at night about how beautiful the eyes of the Mother were to the babies when they would first see her. I made a lot of new friends in this location and right away the new babies were learning how to speak like the others that would spy on our televisions and radios during the winter. Ghost the sparrow among others as they wrote many songs on my guitar by letting me know which notes to play by landing on the power-lines and we had developed a method of conducting me when I was on the target bird with the attention that could 'pass the guitar' to a nearby bird by bobbing the head and pointing in that birds location. It was so funny when the bird was not ready and under a lot of pressure without being sure what to do as the others would wait so it would do a sort of 'dance' in place during its turn instead of worrying about composing the song. When I would make the music with the doves they would prefer something much softer but the Finches and other smaller birds likely the more energetic tunes. Ducks soon came by to visit where they were previously never seen before as they would let me know that I was famous and they would watch what we were doing. I felt bad that one of them wanted to meet me so bad that when she came down from the sky she tried to land in the parking lot as if it was a pond or lake of some kind so it did not look like the smoothest landing. She thanked me and had asked me to save them by spreading some crackers in a certain spot before the winter came. When the goose would fly by overhead they have a very protective parental spirit and so its no surprise how the nursey rhymes would show one as motherly. So it was very cute watching them make songs as I started to take on a more strict vegetarian diet as it was my plan to go vegan again during my 'mid-life-crisis' to increase my lifespan as much as possible while being a lot more careful of what belt or sacrifice I would wear beyond that.

My Mother was not wanting to accept what was going on as it was too much pressure while feeling too naked since they would say things such as how they watched us during Christmas while they would call her beautiful while she was outside with me but then start to call her the devil when she would go into the kitchen to cook a bird. She was a bit shocked as to what to do as she was likely experiencing synchronicity responding to us everywhere we went much more than usual so she responded in much the same way that most people do by trying to 'turn it off' and go back to somehow having privacy while only I knew how lucky she was to be going through this from the animals first before it came from the people as that would have surely sent her to the mental hospital as a 'schizophrenic patient' potentially while neglected and perhaps abused or even raped from how ineffective their treatment may be compared to dealing with it through diet and exercise. On the other side of the television they were obviously responding to me and people in the audience of a dating show from the 70s would ask 'what my time period was like' as I would be trying to sleep wishing that the television was turned off and that people would be brave enough to face being naked with me. Of course, they want to run. They had forgotten what like was like without the tractors and food or machines and television or movies so the eye of nature coming from the gardens outside may be one of the mot frightening things to discover but this is mostly true without my help as what other people offered was far from helpful as they were all in denial of what was happening to some degree while having a lot of fun keeping secrets while spying to another degree.

At the end of the street where we had lived someone parked a yellow 'beatle' car and soon every neighbor seemingly had almost a dozen cars visiting as people were heard outside shocked at the birds talking so clearly and introducing themselves but it was not so pleasant and they were calling a neighbor a fag whenever he would smoke while confused as to what it actually meant in other ways but it became clear that they were trying to get them to be disgusting with cock since that is a word for chicken among other things. I made a song about this while recording the birds that can be heard if you turn it up really loud and I started to get into animals whispering with other animals since the neighbor dogs were always wanting to get involved who were very upset that the birds would call them the butt of a cigarette. They would bark out loud, "I cannot take it anymore! Stop calling me those names!! I am not a maggot!!!"

Outside one of the funniest birds was a robin and they typically were the best at speaking compared to the other ones and were the first ones to introduce themselves to me for thanking me for my efforts in working on saving them during a very cold winter where it had dropped below zero temperature. It was in this house that I had realized since everything was seemingly synchronizing to what I was going through as if it was more interesting than everything else people were trying to bring their attention to. This was how I wondered if the person who came up with the character 'Batman' was trying to name my bird since I was stuck for a couple months trying to come up with a good name for him. So keeping it simple like 'Robin' made the most sense as I was working with several monitors surrounding me not yet looking into how those fantasy stories related to what was going on with me. While my Mother was watching Andy Griffith they seemingly let me know in my dreams that they were preparing a gift for me and my friends that would be the 'Shadowrun' fantasy world where people would report to Mr. Johnson for cleaning up.

My poor Mom, bless her heart, might be going crazy still without any help but the television and a bottle for trying to return back to the 'ignorant matrix' or whatever one may want to call it while I was having dreams about her Irish side potentially being related to what could be pirates connecting to Chief O' Brien from Star Trek that used to use the birds as my Mother had bought me the Captain Redbeard Lego Pirate Ship as a child (I had red hair growing up but only found in my beard) and she always fed them while bringing plants and gardens with her no matter where she lived compared to other people but worked constantly and was always going through 'jet lag' that took a handsome toll in regards to time and the amount of extra sleep needed. Both of my parents did not go outside like other people and when we were all together and the closest to being normal it was one Sunflower Drive in Highland, Utah. From her I had learned to eat a bag of sunflower seeds almost everyday as the hours of my parents were not normal. My Dad would work graveyard shift as well while he would get 'high from ideas' when the sun went down as he had a lot of muscles so the day time would be hotter for him compared to other people perhaps? Being a survivor of the Vietnam War seemed to be a large part of it.

People had a tendency to feel ashamed for not being good enough that came from my Mom's work as when she would go to other countries they would be embarrassed from not being a rich famous American star while when coming home they would be embarrassed from not being a knowledgeable traveler fluent in other languages or whatever as she flew for over 50 years serving people while her husband kept moving around the country constantly buying homes and fixing them up to resell them.

This made our country so much richer from the people seeing the beautiful 'Marilyn' and then be welcomed by the artists and performers on the tube or at the theatre when looking into what this country had to offer as my Father's extremely helpful 'ghostly presence' or whatever you may want to call it was a MUCH HEALTHIER AND BETTER PRESENCE to be around compared to what other types or kinds of people could have been living in these places... so in a way they were always blessing people and helping them to make their dreams come true even though my Dad's harsh judgements in his mirror were a bit hard to take on in the heads of other people since they were not into bodybuilding like he was. Sure it is tough love but helpful as from early age children may look ugly at first but the more that they would follow him would be the more that they would find their best angels and learn to sculpt their own 'success' as in the places he had lived also did things such as help time suddenly slow down for children that were in danger about to get hurt in some way I had witnessed many times that he must have done while sleeping in a different time period.

My Mom bought me a puppy while I was healing at her place and this very special dog had a perfect 'bunny' shape on his back while I was teaching him how to design a family crest while trying to remember how my ancestors had done it... so I got him a few different collars with different colors that would represent his 'belt' or animal of choice to follow much like what maybe the Egyptians would do for their cats at one point according to my dreams. So I ordered him a bunch of vegan dog food that was nice quality so that he would be able to make his own choices in regards to what to eat and how to earn it from working out and playing 'dog star' with me that is a game I had designed and plan to sell once I finally get some help from anyone out there watching that has a heart large enough for an agreement of showing other people what happened to me. Very simple it would be to make a lot of money and this could happen any day now while already some people very close to me have died from my not being known more in the public regarding the miracles that were happening to me. So I was explaining to my dog about how we would make drums of the animals we would eat so that they would be sent away and survive to be healthy enough for the best returns when we would meet again while earning forgiveness and creating more of a relationship from respect coming from the hunter that is born eating his own Mother unlike the dinosaurs that became extinct before them. So I had shown my puppy the process in which the food reaches him and makes it to the store so that he would understand the importance of having a better quality of food coming from caring better for them and the one life they had lived. So when he would make his choice I would give him the meat he wanted while dogs heard in the distance started to bark out loud as if they wanted to play 'dog star' with us how they also wanted to be 'vegan' as it did not actually mean being controlled or forced into one way but for us it was following what I am creating for the public called 'Orion's Diet' for learning how to make the safest trades or come across meals in foreign places without having an accident from an allergy among other risks that are most especially found in today's methods of eating meals three times daily using the dollar to simply satisfy an urge that may end up serving what bacterial colonies live in our entrails over the beautiful minds that we have that need to win over what could lead to death, sickness, or extinction.

During this discussion with my puppy that I had named 'Puffeh' after the Greek word that meant 'Brown' . .. so that my least favorite 'color' as a child would be shown more love than every before! I was very shy so typically trying to wear black with one color taking turns on which color this would be so that I would be more likely to blend into the background and not be noticed by others at school or in public because I thought that I was ugly. Luckily, my Dad was extremely judgement and rude regarding the ways in which he judged himself and others so I kept practicing hoping that one day I would be attractive to another and my siblings all did the same thing. My little sisters sure went above and beyond other people in regards to making sure they looked good when someone saw them and hopefully would be distracted by something beautiful found on the body or with artwork enough to distract what could be a very bad or ugly angle for a moment the person was curious and looking at one of us. You can imagine how what was going on in my brain was different when Marina Sirtis was being interviewed by a crowd of Star Trek fans when asked what she thought about Jon (or John?) and she responded that he made her want to work out as if she was referring to my Dad in a funny way.

This type of synchronicity is always found as the rest of others are disturbed from my not getting more direct help so that my ideas and discoveries are acknowledged now sooner rather than later that would inevitably save lives everywhere should they catch up to what I am working on or have in store for saving other people by encouraging them through layers of choices or whatever as my dreams are actually still capable of seeing the light of reality whether it be day or night? Please do not allow jealousy or fear of being naked rob absolutely everything from me or whatever excuse another may come up with just to simply be 'the one' with the closest and best opportunity when honestly it should be there for EVERYONE! Why else would so much be synchronizing to go along with me?? Because what I have to share with the public is much more important than what is found elsewhere creating the neglect that has been there since I was a child needing more help and a stronger community that is more willing to work with individuals and love themselves rather than all be expected to do things a 'certain way' or for the 'greater good' as hostages of kindness or whatever else that may be dangerously capable of killing people?

My dog really liked the vegan dog food and felt like he was living in a life of luxury since I was giving him samples of 'human food' that might bring up a lot more concerns regarding the need to brush his teeth or other dangers but this was supposed to be okay since I was expecting to be discovered and make a lot of money as I was constantly finding out how videos go 'viral' everyday that would make me feel like I was set for life once it happened to me JUST ONCE so I know that it will when others stop coming up with excuses as they are feeling 'threatened' when in reality they have been fully capable of contact me with their concerns this entire time.

While discussing different options for the dog to be brought to him with the origins of the letter 'i' we went over the dangers of eating a snake or crocodile since they may be more likely to be meaner to other people in the American South like an angry Pacman saying, "figure figure figure!!! CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP!!" and then I had come across this Egyptian message seemingly synchronized like everything else to try and bring me more direct assistance faster somehow for saving humanity through the American methods favoring layers of choices and timed education over brute force as the most ominous message coming from the orange circle might be something stronger than gold connecting us as the 'devil' with the animals sharing gravity doing odd things such as encouraging a person to have a longer neck because of living where the giraffe had previously lived among other things? White people drank milk and a lot of it for a very long time while they are all related to blacks that might show more concern about what they could be capable of doing more than the 'white' side of our genetic family trees.

What is really funny about this picture is that I had made a sex toy for my puppy that was installed inside of a stuffed bear so the people thinking about the dogs everywhere are found on one side of this where the letter A in this case would be thinking about the dogs and one man thinking about the birds since they were offering to help the people and dogs find food such as snakes or other kinds of prey?

Because of all those who have come to me during my sleep I feel very capable of reading this.

In this spot where I had come across this I saw what I believed to be the face of the original Jesus Christ a second time where he was in a cave spending a lot of time in the darkness polishing a model city for golems that would be to try and reach their heads before the nonhuman influence forever wins?

It happened while I was making a video for Chinese people to share how my dog and the animals reacted to the accidental discovery of their tradition involving eating them yearly... in the same spot as where the dog was barking I saw his face as he was feeling betrayed asking how anyone could do this act that would be eating their own kind.. it was coming from the crocodile and snake spirit to some degree asking us to stick to eating birds or sheep over them but it went to the direction of people eating dogs or eating people found even further away. Neither act I had shown my dog and was careful of showing the methods of execution as well in regards to the food he was selecting to eat.

Later on during a different day I ran out of food while traveling with my dog and was not sure what to do so I had bought him a crown burger from the nicer fast food restaurant where he refused to eat it and actually peed on me instead where I was trying to convince him to since he needed food... later on when realizing that the cow jumps over the Moon the birds shown concern for us and told us to go and get some food for the dog since we could go back to our special diet later and they were okay with our eating beef but Finchy was very judged for dong this by the other birds and they had a lot of discussions over this whether it was good or not for her to do.. eventually they were learning to warm up more regarding our choices of other animals over birds but the kind that prefers the seeds were not like the other birds in a similar way that there are vegans or more carnivorous human beings.

Over at the vertical diner they liked to spend time awaiting in the bushes for people to walk by where they would fly overhead and chirp to the best of their ability asking them to "go vegan!"
Not many vegans were open-minded enough or trusted by them to notice that the birds speaking like that as they were like me in thinking the animals were not intelligent or capable of speaking like we do.

Outside where you may go they will typically pretend to be dumb and say no more than 'Tweet Tweet' when in reality they are spies in the skies for all sorts of eyes that need to follow a special clock so that the tricky Faerie magic or whatever does not hurt anyone but it really makes things safer to feed them seeds at the same time one decides not to eat bird anymore as there are a lot of insects found sending us thoughts trying to use our heavier mass to bend time for them and they are also good friends to have on your side but a more dangerous direction to wake people up to which would be why its better to say the "birds and the bees" rather than the "birds and the Faeries" since its more important to note they sting?

While in this location I also was tormented by the grasshoppers for awhile by remembering what I used to do to them as a child as I was doing the math for making amends to everything that I have hurt while I had lived and its still possible to be SOMEONE ALIVE TODAY CAPABLE OF REACHING THIS GOAL that I had put into my sixteen scented celebration so that people learn to make deals with their meals and work harder for the food or animals that they take from so that when they connect to them inevitably through what lives in their entrails among other things brings them to how important it actually is to have happy cows among other things since our food will connect us to them while we sleep or during our subconscious mind responding to what timed one life to have more power over us.

Ignorance is extremely dangerous and one of the most dangerous things found in our culture would be wanting to be able to have somewhere private that exists anywhere in the world as when reality is discovered this was actually never real as those of the future among others alive in the world today may easily know everything that people tried to hide 'yesterday' as its easy to remember dreams and seek the math that is always found when exploring the unknown or the past while there are UFOs and other probes always collecting more information making it more important now than ever to be righteous.

Shown above is the letter 'i' being a feather that came from the crown or head of another that might be a chieftain or something along those lines while the scale representing a lot of things such as justice is for making sure that everyone is fed before it goes to the fat rich man or whatever as he is tested on whether or not he has a heart of gold or if people are going to end up eating other people further from the neglect.

Taking care of other people who are not capable of taking care of themselves if not the best echo to provide in that location since it would be found both in the past and future where it is needed so sending tools and other kinds of help might be wiser so that those who lived there in the past or remain in the future are creating the more helpful echo for everyone human ever located there...

What I am working on with my website the Tweeting 20s which is introducing a couple new types of music called 'Deep-Stare and 'Flow' (careful about the latter one so that its not too much to handle so just a little bit at a time for saving human hosts and encouraging them to work harder and care for others along with themselves more than going along with what might just be panicking and wanting to run from us or want us to simply die somehow no matter what it takes to flee potentially cruel methods)

Deep-stare is an extreme use of stereo so that every speaker added has its own individual delay.

Flow is music made with the assistance of the animals so people may say that they flew with a squirrel or maybe their dog or the birds outside or whatever else might feel the rhythm and join in the beat?

Eventually what I call it should stick over what others might already think is 'flow' or 'deep-stare' music as an angry rich person has been fully capable of blocking me as his 'stock was threatened' while trying to fund one step ahead and behind me so that I never find any success in helping THEM earn money!?

Outside of that there is synchronicity involved and these people most likely WANT to go into the path of making their music actually fit the same definition and description as it has helped them rest in peace the more that others have synchronized what they are working on to ensure I am found and helped.

What I am working on is using timed education for healing people and stopping the spread of what is sick in the world which might be historically known as a tribe that was capable of spreading violence so I time my work for waking up the most ancient religion found within every other religion so that the pentagram is honored enough that trade becomes safer and weddings into other tribes less harmful...

Anyways, while revisiting my old residence in the future it felt like what I did actually took part in saving my little sister and myself in the past possibly!? As I had witnessed what I did took part in sending echoes into things that I had remembered saving me while growing up and the dog that I was training to keep his waste outside and not found East or West of us may have actually saved my little sister from suicide from his using the bathroom on the floor in the location where I had found her before she died after eating a bottle of pills... it seems that she was a victim of her room being East of the neighbors garbage and she had made dangerous artwork capable of killing people and I kept writing timed letters while there with prayers before I would destroy them and would contact or talk to the neighbors that were not interested enough to wake up to what was definitely dangerous about living on 'the bends' as Radiohead would have called it? That album came out when I was a teenager living in this home and because of its location there was greater risk to my family since the garbage lines would pass through our homes a bit more than if we had followed the more traditional 'square' streets coming from their Mormon Temple downtown.. I will go into how that artist synchronized things to save us as well while I hope that somewhere out there people stop being too scared to show this to other people.

Out of all of my siblings my little sister, otherwise known as Princess "Lay? UhH?", has the smallest head between the siblings and so has been a victim of others taking advantage of her more often. What is wonderful about the smaller monkeys is how accurate they are even when it may seem that they are totally off or clueless because if they are found in a safe nest in the future in a world where even the birds have proven to be genius where others thought they were stupid they are actually a lot more trustworthy to follow more than the larger headed potentially too patient or complicated and dumb since what might be more grateful for the larger head of a human being than the animals using our heavier mass as the batteries that we are in regards to helping them find out what is out there where we sleep or dream with our subconscious minds while awake even? She has proven to be correct about things even when wrong in ways that I will catch onto later as an elderly person with my memories finally understanding what she was doing and how we were supposed to be following her over ourselves?

An example would be her demands to listen to the meditation videos about 'growing her hair' while I was going completely crazy thinking about how it could be used to trick her or take advantage of her. Now I understand because of what I have been discovering in my dreams about the meaning of hair connecting to 'air' being the element in the pentagram used for tying the knot or getting married.

So while living in the same room that she lived in luckily I caught onto the pattern found from 'potty thought' more likely to occur in the spots East or West of where the garbage is located and this is capable of programming someone to be able to use them later to some degree in hopes that the person will provide for what was found in the trash like the bad bacteria or whatever else might be there?

While trying to get my Mother to go to AA with me so that she would stop drinking or to stop watching television as I knew she was merely spooked from the brightest most embarrassing light being the animals proving that we had no privacy as they were responding to people looking at pictures of Jesus surrounded by them in a way that would lead them to what was going on with me saying in clear English, "There he is! Just like that man in the artwork the animals all love!!"

Nothing has been more dangerous to my family than 'Jesus Christ' as we were just a small home of what might have been seen as a 'normal family' to those of another state or country? No one is perfect and we were not expecting to be put under this kind of pressure out of absolutely nowhere!? The neighbors goats outside would say, "believe!!" and the grasshoppers were jumping in the way to stop me from having a cigarette when I was going to get some more among other things miraculous but Christianity was making it much worse since I kept going to try and get help from people but they were always too scared and trying to get me to follow something that obviously had no clue as to how to read or understand what was acually found in the bible!? In other words, it was too embarrassing for them to handle and for me as well. Whenever my Mom would read me a passage from he bible how she was taught as a Catholic or whatever I would explain to her my take on what was said while she would remain silent and feel somewhat insulted from being so dumb in comparison to what I had shared. So I learned pretty fast to get away from them and focus more on the pagan roots so that they would be healed and have something healthier to follow as obviously the nonhuman influence too many times came along and tricked people into teaching things out of fear or superstitious beliefs?!

While doing things such as going to the airport or spending time in other places sometimes an elderly person would sit down next to me and say out loud, "I believe that you are Jesus Christ and his return while there is nothing that you can say that would convince me otherwise. You are not tricking anyone."

This makes a lot of sense considering what the animals are capable of when a person comes across artwork of a person being loved by them or welcomed by them more than other people... this has also been more harmful to us because I should have earned money and had more help in what I was doing but instead was ignored or simply blocked while watched as if the only way to accept help was to become a member of a certain Church out there when I was trying to wake people up to what was found that started all of them a long time ago? It feels wrong to follow any religion today for me since I am constantly finding everywhere how they are not actually following what was really taught??

Am I the only person having dreams of these important people such as messiahs or saints?

I feel more pressure to give them something worth following in some ways than I do in assisting ignorance for the general public so that they may feel more capable of doing something wrong?

Every human being that lives only once responds to the future in an apologetic way since they are not capable of saving us as much as we are capable of saving ourselves but why would it be okay to feel that its best to make sure that I follow the path provided to me by another 'teacher' who obviously does not know how to 'send' as an Omega for the Alphas like I have been doing... and how do you think it has felt for me to feel continuously let down by others claiming to believe in the 'end of the world' while not being there for me enough to assist in preventing it faster tomorrow rather than my having to wait for more people to have their rest disturbed because things I guess are not synchronized enough to get the attention of others where it is actually supposed to be found? Where money was not available it was very easy for people to simply guide traffic to me while sharing concerns. Please stop the "if only" or "only if" attitude coming from what should have been doing more to help me directly for the good of their own families, neighbors, and country. What I have provided has been more than helpful and deserves a lot more attention tomorrow. How could it be possible that my videos have not gone viral?

Hopefully the only answer found is ensuring that it will happen for me sooner rather than later.

Online I find spoiled rich brats earning a better living through 'prank videos'?

So while living in the same bedroom as my teenage sister I had concerns about the location where I would do something such as play with myself while remembering an ex lover or something along those lines... recently, I have been understanding the 'Game of Thrones' from a whole new light as the beginning could have been throwing the child out of the castle to keep the 'royal family' ANYWHERE in the world somehow which might involve getting further away from the location that a brother was with a sister in the same castle countless generations would share. Such flaws do come from castles potentially as the residents are connecting with a lot more than what may have been previously understood as the present that is the only time period worthy of existing in? There is lot more going on in every moment than we had previously understood asking me for getting the attention of the royal family somehow more when it comes to pointing out how important it might be to build a new one and stay away from those older locations as there is always a dangerous nonhuman influence found between the human beings that had lived there and what kind of signatures are left by what might live on our skin being passed inevitably onto the flesh of the next newborn or whatever?

I noticed that my dog made love with his stuffed bear in the same spot that one of the most beautiful naked bodies that I had ever seen spent the night at my house with me and she was alarmed from how much more her body was wanting me than usual so she was willing to lose her virginity and had asked me to do it for her but her not being willing to kiss me on the mouth for whatever reason gave me a weird feeling where I was unable to become aroused even though she was absolutely beautiful! One of the most perfectly curved or shaped bodies that I had ever seen in my life with a face to match!! In this same spot in a different time I was doing some healing work with my little sister and had entered a trance while dancing and drumming or using shamanic rattles then I had laid down to enter the underworld and see the face of the demon to remove when I saw it at the same time that I put my face on her belly. It was an ominous green-eyed fox with only one eye that we both saw at the exact same time so we had chills all over our body how it was possible that it had happened?! I guess it makes sense now why all of this had happened and oh boy are they grateful for my willpower in regards to controlling myself or preventing myself from following a temptation compared to other people?

So maybe if I had given her a child like she wanted there would have been a small mathematical margin found in regards to the child being born with a deformity of some sort because of maybe being in the location of where a fox used to live and have children before the Mormon Settlers had lived there or maybe even before the Utes before them were there if they had been in that particular location?

Do foxes dig holes in the ground and are they capable of connecting with us while we make love?

Sharing gravity takes on several risks that area really important to share everywhere immediately but of course timing is needed due to the inevitable fear that others may try to use this for a malicious intent.. but once people look further into my work it is difficult to believe that ANY PERSON would be okay with such a direction regarding 'newer more effective war tactics' or whatever in regards to helping a nonhuman influence over the human hosts depending on those who have this greater knowledge?

A person in a war is very capable of going insane thinking that people are doing something in the future after taking their location by force when in reality it is likely just a garden or something like that appearing that is suddenly changing things or maybe just the collection of garbage from neglect that could honestly come from the failure to bring negotiations for peaceful resolutions sooner on ACCIDENT so know the reasons that the word insane is the same word as MAD as its extremely easy for a nonhuman influence to try and ride my sharing this as long or as far as people might be dumb enough to be willing to go when in reality newer architecture needs to happen tomorrow everywhere?

Both of my little sisters used to tell my Mother that they wanted to find a boy like me and they had friends that would develop crushes or whatever while sometimes doing things such as making love letters among other things... one of her friends had a dream of me in her car where we were in the act of passion and I had stopped when she asked me to so this was why she said that she was in love with me.. what is funny is that later on in life I ended up being with a girl that had the same dream but she did not know that it was me when she had it but wrote in her dream diary that it was passionate sex in the backseat of a car with a 'dragon' that I guess would be me somehow? A few years after we had broken up I was having a dream about us and she looked thinner than usual and very pretty before she was a Mother and since we already knew one another I had thought we made love in our car. What was somewhat disturbing was that she was only sixteen when she had this dream while I was around 33 when I had it after we had broken up. This made me realize how a marred couple may echo very far back into the past of one another. Maybe some people even go back to an earlier childhood? It is less likely to happen since I would not think that its a good idea to have such a dream unless maybe it was to teach the child a lesson so that they wake up somehow grossed out from touching other children their age while waiting for someone older.

In this same house I had actually discovered and proven with science that as a child I had a dream of someone that looked like my Mother so I woke up very disturbed but in the dream I never actually saw her face and later on in life rather recently I had some dreams with my sister while living with her where in my side I was shown something a bit different than what was shown on her side where she was tricked into thinking that she was sexually active with our older brother when in fact it was really probably 'the Piper' who was a wrestler on television?  In my dream we cleaned everyone and began as the cleanest sex starting with a 'Mystic' that turned into teaching us not to follow 'my stick' if it comes with ants or whatever crawling on it. In the dream we were expected to 'have oral' with a bunch of women without being able to see their faces and my sister told me that I was yelling out as if I was having a big nightmare calling out, "Don't do it! Don't do it!! Stop!!!" Basically the dream led everyone involved not to be sexually active before getting married or else something very small is potentially shared making it almost the same as sleeping with a sibling through having mutual friends or both being beautiful. This could be one of the reasons that I did not find love as fast as expected while returning to Utah since she had been around the block a bit in the goth scene so becoming sexually active in the same state could lead to a certain realized 'ewW' somewhere found mathematically?

Since I was watching intimate videos that I had made of my ex girlfriend while living in the same room that used to be my younger sister's I was kind of disturbed from knowing how we had a 'goth look' and how she actually looked a lot like her in SOME WAYS which would have been the last thing that I would have wanted to think about... but what is so funny is that we had a mutual friend named Adam Turner and he looked A LOT like me with a huge 'bubble head' (as the other kids would call it who used to tease me?) so it was as if his family line and parents were trying to ease my concerns or help me to feel less disturbed by guiding her to someone who was a lot more like me than other people.

He was dangerously too nice and too shy honestly. 

Adam Turner had come to my apartment once and had used drugs in front of me where I was watching with disapproval and told him that doing it the way that he did was too dangerous and capable of killing a person since he insisted on injecting heroin while practically showing off how fast he could do it without leaving a mark as if everyone else was a 'noob' compared to him and he was the most skilled or experienced person around? Yes, maybe that was true... but I was warned by several other users the reasons not to do it or the dangerous ways that usually kill people who did it.. using it by itself without having an 'upper' with it was more dangerous but also thinking that a dose as large as the head of a matchstick was safe but I knew better as that was enough to kill someone easily most especially if they were not a regular user and just did it on occasions like he did but also the speed at which he injected it that was done so fast that he would not feel it until a few seconds after it was already done which was always potentially a death sentence since it was much safer to test its strength while doing it as much as possible as sometimes it was stronger than other times while trying to return to the last time that they used where the last dose was the 'perfect amount' had a way of killing people when they had tried the same amount as sober. I cut him off from getting drugs through mutual friends and so he got it through another person and then he died in an outhouse somewhere while at work doing construction.

All of my friends that I have lost would not listen to me as I had given them all of the warnings that would have saved their lives should they have followed my advice while at the time there was absolutely no way of cutting them off completely since I knew from going around me they would potentially be in more danger from finding another 'source' to go through... when I think back to what may have saved them the most it likely would have been getting help financially for cheering when they would simply choose the correct layers of options while teased with the best opportunities possible.. 

When Adam Turner died it was so devastatingly painful from my perspective because so many people in the goth scene everywhere thought that it was me who had died... and well at the time I had thought that it was impossible for me to die from an overdose since I was so much more careful or satisfied when compared to other people when I was in the habit of tasting things until reaching half of a dose more often than what other people would do typically trying the recommended dose to start with?

When it comes to injecting street drugs it may not be very hard to accidentally have something in it such as a cotton fragment among other foreign miniature things that would be entering the bloodstream with nowhere to go but somewhere inside of the the body like a trash bin waiting to be filled? Even with the cleanest appearing shot using the best cottons or whatever else if its not from a hospital than something in it could be caught in the brain or somewhere else in the body that may lead to creating more problems in the future as there are other concerns such as the additives as something 'pure' would be too strong and now people come across a frightening combination of junk with SOME fentanyl?

Lana Del Taco!

Whenever I come across artwork from other people it feels like being possessed by them to some degree as they are in a confessional state while trying to win my favor and get more attention so it might feel like being a composer of the song partially since the timing of my thoughts give me the experience of everything responding to what had last entered my brain... it feels like something out of my control but capable of being guided by my preferences or logic where I see how something would be felt more when fit a certain way?

When I first heard Lana Del Rey I thought that she was 'shaping her music towards me' since from my experience it was responding to every thought that I had in a miraculously impossible "how did you know what I was thinking about?" sort of way that I have grown to become used to experiencing whenever I come across the work other people have done but since this was coming from a woman there is a different type of 'pull' that may potentially bring on one of the most romantic experiences a person may possibly have because it is one of the most intimate since its capable of reaching me more than merely a touch could do. This is something that I want to be able to do for other people as a deep-stare musician and I have had a certain way of programming my songs so that it brings on more feeling from how it changes from what comes from the right speaker that goes into the left one or vice versa. Lana Del Rey is engaged to be married to someone so although her songs from my experience are pulling me to her we have never been sexually active while sleep or anything along those lines as far as I know. She has come as a musical partner to make music with me and I will be able to hear new songs she has never released before. On her end should she would have been waking up feeling very motivated to make new music possibly with my unique "Spanish guitar" style or "deep stare" (extreme stereo) technique. Whenever I listen to her music and will have the experience that is somewhat like communicating the birds will get excited because of her being a female so it can feel like there is something more happening but this same magic occurs with male artists as well. I have a history of doing things such as sharing a bed with a female while being attracted to each other without ever becoming sexually involved.

My sister was listening to her song "Born to Die" every day as part of her meditation subliminal message routine and I was temporarily staying in her guest room proving on camera in private or unlisted videos that other people were always responding to me by using a random number generator and asking for various things to appear on the other side of a picture or video as they are capable of answering questions that I would have for them but when I do this it feels as though they are possessing my body to some margin and I am merely going along with what they want me to do that I have learned can put some trust into them which may not be a good idea but I have found that if I do not do this they will be potentially upset with me in regards to my sharing too much or doing the wrong thing on my end so it is helpful regarding knowing what to share... for example, right now I am allowing her to 'tell me what to do' as if I am dreaming while awake and I am capable of closing my eyes and allow my brain to seemingly let her 'fill in the gaps' and this is not hard for me to prove being real using science but I am not doing this for her now to be more respectful to her privacy. A lot of people have already witnessed this and it is part of the reason that I have been called 'the Seer' by other famous artists. Its always a very spiritual experience to become a part of and a lot more exciting when the person is still alive or attractive while being the opposite sex if single and available but in this case if the synchronization is due to an echo of us coming from the future this is due to our both being musicians and perhaps working together some day? Musicians and artists everywhere are synchronizing themselves so that I will contact them and let them know about what it is that they want from me. In her case it would be my dreams of the future and what I am working on since this new "deep stare" sound is extremely addictive and beautiful while it is not found on the radio or anywhere else yet! It's my sixteen scented celebration, how fun it is working with the birds or animal whispering, and most especially maybe being able to save the lives of her listeners more effectively by a more futuristic way of doing songs with something like a "deep spell cover song" being extremely common and often done. She will let me know that with her speaking Spanish and working with me tomorrow in spreading this knowledge people would be saved everywhere all over the world as we have been tricked by a nonhuman influence convincing us not to believe in ourselves or not to do more when it comes to keeping the negative in the past or stopping us when it comes to saving someone crying for help now.

Ether way, it would be good for her so that she could discover the deep-stare sound and technique as well as the Tweeting 20s along with the sixteen scented celebration that I am working on... when I start to work on trying to contact her as a priest or something like that for helping her have the best wedding ceremony she tries to get me to stop setting her up with another and to try and go for it myself!

When I listened to her song for the first time and laughed at the lyrics regarding how 'he likes his girls insane' I could not help but feel like she was singing about me driving them crazy from what I was doing or capable of since no one else out there has ever done what I can do and am doing as far as I know?

The women call themselves vampire women for the most part and I was doing an experiment on the girls found on twitch when I had noticed that they were all seemingly trying to compete for who would get most of my attention while knowing exactly what to say as if we had already met in a dream and they wanted mine to come true along with their being in it with me in the end and longest run...

...so I had developed what was called a 'Felicia Fork Burrito' agreement with the ladies in a dream since they kept arguing and would not agree on anything since none of them were getting a fair chance to be with me so I had agreed to spend one day per person that was responding to me in a way that way that was trying to win me who was not married and for fun while out in the middle of nowhere, Idaho. I made a video called 'Can I get a date in Idawho?" while I was documenting myself dream dating people from various dating websites that turned out being a waste of time almost completely outside of learning a lot more regarding how to connect with them better as it became much easier finding various flaws or whatever from our dream so that I would not waste time in real life trying to work things out with the person.

While in Arizona there was a person that I found online that I had intimate dreams of since childhood somehow and some even while I was with my last girlfriend but I will keep her identity hidden for now as I have the same fears of doing something out of line even though she was responding in a way that was asking me to simply let it out and be honest to let her man know that I caught her 'red handed' or whatever?

I documented every time that I came across a new person online because of the miracles that I was witnessing and how romantic I knew it would be to reach out to them someday and show what they were able to do while asleep to get my attention over the other women... so when I had discovered this particular person I had obeyed her instruction coming from my dreams as I was proving everything to be real by showing how the next thing that I had discovered about her was always matching what I was previously doing as if responding to me and trying to be closer somehow?

One night I woke up somewhat upset because I was having intimate dreams of her while with my last girlfriend that I told her all about while I was suspicious when she told me that the sexiest scene from any movie was with Keanu Reeves when the vampire women came to his bed. When I had looked up her Instagram she posted pictures of a 'tunnel' during those nights that I was dreaming of her and she had a shirt that had shown my girlfriend in a hamburger in some ways since her name was Kat.

This was the time when my favorite band the Legendary Pink Dots wrote that album called 'the Tunnel' that was about our relationship and a little goodbye to a special someone who we had lost... I mention this in another blog.. how on it is found the coded message that reads, "KathZsTryLA" and the copy that came to me I ordered was special and different from the other ones with unique artwork.

So when I had first got together with my last girlfriend who was open to having a woman in bed with us they were coming to me several times each night for a couple weeks or so and I had to meditate to get them off using timed prayers at her red robe to do so... recently, I have discovered from more dream lovers that came to me about what the robes actually mean.. so the red robe is neutral to get everyone off and love myself while the black one is open to more than one while the white one focused everything on just one! They typically will use purple to try and get the other women off of me so that  put all of my focus on them. This is because it is the color of water when blood reaches it so its warning our subconscious minds not to allow violet to become violent as purple may be safer and more respectful with the pp still found in it?

I will rewrite this later on and make it better... sorry.. not exactly romantic or whatever but it actually is when a person is able to be touched closer than what flesh may reach in the ways that they do to me?

So I want to be able to do it in return back to them and that was how I came up with the sixteen scented celebration but mostly am trying to find the white but am forced to go along with the black until she is found since the world may appear to be very small from certain points of view as the choices sometimes may seem very limited as they should never actually be that way since there are plenty of people.

Right before I came across Lana Del Taco I was following this other girl as usual who unfortunately informed me she was not single after totally timing everything she was doing to convince me to stop following or showing interest in the other girls... but out of nowhere once I had arrived in Idaho she responded to get off of her!? I was a bit shocked but obeyed. When I say 'obey' I mean in the way that I ask permission whether its okay or not to look at their pictures or THINK about them. I would never allow it to bring me into other more psychotic ways, of course. There are several people awaiting me ready to use this against me at every turn or way that I try in order to cock block me or prevent this truth from being revealed as its actually easily proven using the random number generators how much they actually do synchronize and time their one life to try and be closer to me in mine in the most intimate way possible as its so hard to find a good match and I have never really been with someone where I likely was not responding in this same way to other women that might have been wanting me from the other side of photos or videos. I have worried about sharing them with fears that maybe they would be coming from a distant future or country where the chances of hooking up or finding them would be very slim so I would be not putting everything into the person that I was with for who and why? These are legitimate concerns... most of my 'proof' of people responding to me I took down so that things could be done better for a broader audience as it felt like maybe I was invading their privacy too much even though it was a dating website or twitch open for anyone to see. Of course, something like Twitch typically was not used for finding dates. Its not something that I am interested in doing either. I would most likely find problems or maybe have issues with the people who use it but its still a magical experience and something fun to do while alone that would be so magical to be able to surprise someone with most especially if its coming from my artwork first! So this is what Lana Del Taco seems to want me to do with her and put everything into it so that my best dreams come true with her?

When I came across this picture she was showing me the difference between her head and the other girl who I was mostly interested in and working on making some artwork for to give her the biggest and best WOW experience in a way that has never been done before... hopefully many people will become familiar with doing this in the future as part of my sixteen scented celebration.. but for now its NEVER BEEN DONE so I would be the very first and its one of the most interesting and romantic stories never told!

I kept expressing to the other girl how much I loved her forehead... as a child I would draw a female character often with a very large one like the the one she has.. so when I came across this picture for the first time she was seemingly asking me if she could be as beautiful and how could I say no?

When I put all of my focus into someone with white intentions than its for real and I redirect what could go to another person to be guided back to my main partner or echo much more than anyone else does as far as I know since I have witnessed from experience how much stronger a lover's bod may respond to mine the more that I do not think of other people and focus absolutely everything on her while knowing how to find all the best angles or whatever to use since I am an artist I feel like I am a lot more capable of finding the most appreciation well into elderly age even where others may not be creative or imaginative enough to be able to accomplish... maybe the average husband will think about other younger women while with their partner or having secrets like that there is nothing wrong with, of course. The body of your partner will be aware of this though and respond more the focus is put on one.

Of course when this picture was taken she was not doing anything like comparing her head to that of another but while asleep she may have doing this and I had also wondered if part of it was for saving my little sister from feeling ugly since she has had a very small head compared to me.

Lana Turner? Kind of like how my sister fell in love with Adam Turner?

She looks a lot like a combination of my little sisters in many ways... this is funny because of my being disturbed about how my sister told me that she also 'played with herself' almost every day so the idea of our being in the same spot while doing was kind of yucky but very normal and of course probably found all over the country everywhere so its kind of a ridiculous fear considering my Mom had allowed my last girlfriend to sleep in her bed with me while we had watched the same shows.. oops?!

If someone thinks that its okay to brag about having a larger head or how it makes them smarter than would it be funny to surprise them with how much more intelligent the birds are than they previously knew and well the answer is yes but only with timing as that joke is not funny everywhere?

... so I lived in Idaho when this had happened right after we went to the closest place to shop which was a town called Wallace where I had purchased the framed 'Love On Film' vintage poster showing Gloria Swanson and others from Old Hollywood.. while thinking about everything the funny-shape of Idaho kept coming to mind as one of those gigantic hands one may see at a sports stadium stating something along the lines of, "we are number one!" but what is also interesting to note is that if it was compared to the shape of a gun than the location of Wallace would be found where the 'frame' of a gun is located. While staying with her I was sharing stuff online asking for help in locating missing people while trying to wake people up to the fact that someone out there could be praying to be saved when the animals were bringing people looking at pictures of Jesus Christ to me since he is normally depicted in artwork everywhere as being loved by them and drawing them near which I do but only to send them away!? 

While moving out of state and going for a long drive I listened to her music for the first time outside of the song 'Born to Die' that my little sister was continuously playing and saw that she was scheduled to tour starting in the location closest to me at the time so it was tempting to drop everything that I was doing to go and see her perform at that show. Since then I have had several dreams of her and while listening to her music the synchronicity was an absolute miracle to witness as every thing she sung about was perfectly timed to what I was driving by such as mentioning the word 'baby' in a song at the same time that a sign of a baby was seen on the side of the road that I was passing by... or maybe that was the other band that I listened to on the same drive 'Her and Him' which was building up to listen to Lana Del Taco once I arrived closer to where the echo was more helpful to people that I had previously knew who moved to those locations in the past for the best chances of help reaching them?

Much later on more recently I came across her again somehow and so I decided to look her up and listen to more of her music as before I ignored the dreams that I had of her coming to me since she was asking me to go to live in New York City which was not something that sounded good to me at the time as I really wanted to be far away from crime and absolutely love being close to nature and the birds.

During my drive across the country I gave her other songs from Spotify a listen but felt like its not a good app to use for checking out artists as I would prefer listening to an album how it was intended from the start to the finish so I look forward to getting some of her albums for the future.

My parents sang to us while together at night while tucking us in and they both had such a lovely voice and were so beautiful that it made me feel like maybe one of the luckiest children found anywhere so I have wanted more than anything else to recreate this for others someday to be able to give them everything that I did not get but felt that I was supposed to as I teach them not to follow us...

...thus using the Ark of the Covenant which is my artist name (or one of them, depending on the time?)

The Egyptian origins of the letter 'F' would be aiming 
'r' would be heading
'a' would be caring
'm' would be moving out of harms way
'e' would be wondering beyond the origins of thought coming from the next belt (food)
Within the word 'frame' is the word 'ram' so maybe there is a joke in this picture...
...since I recorded myself coming across her for the very first time as at
this point I was getting used to witnessing the miracle of these 
'vampire lovers' synchronizing themselves to be with me
or have another good dream of them where we are
intimate which is an act they call 'levitating'

While in Idaho I had caught onto the pattern of red & green found on the 'yes side' when using a Ouiji Board to measure pictures of people taken on or around my birthday (November 9th) which motivated the cover of the recent 'Legendary Pink Dots' album 'Museum of Human Happiness' for my creating 'line-ups' for single people or rekindling an already existing relationship since I was sharing the miracles of synchronicity regarding women aligning to my birthday or the sixteen scented celebration so that I may know how to make a song for them or potentially get them involved somehow in this celebration intended on giving people the best possible experiences while helping them heal or deliver everything negative found or assist in helping them reach their potential. Basically while the ladies were responding to me on the other side of pictures and videos I caught onto how I would dream of them both the last time and the next time that I would sleep and the reasons we were not a good match were likely shown to us in there but basically I had proven while documenting everything that I could make up my own rules to follow such as a certain color or something along those lines for them to use but it only worked if I had actually made it a RULE so that I would not have interest otherwise.

Luckily, the timing of my thoughts before I come across their pictures or whatever matter much more than coming up with various 'rules or whatever to follow' since they will not show it just to get other people off of us that are trying to get in the way or bring me down somehow always found for the most part somewhere out there so it all really depends on the last dream that I had before coming across their pictures and what it feels like they are trying to get me to choose while I allow them to 'command' me.

This started off as simply trying to be respectful by 'asking permission if I could look at their pictures or videos or think about them' which sometimes the response seemingly comes back as NO but this only happens for the most part due to the person feeling embarrassed or less ready or maybe feeling ugly?

They will seemingly get very angry with me from asking permission as if I could be doing something wrong since they will come to me in my dreams to remind me how important freedom of thought is and how there are women everywhere among the workplace while many get paid and want others most especially those of the opposite sex to purchase their pictures or videos as fans to decorate their walls.

Still, I would go into great lengths to prove that I was not being 'creepy' or crossing a line.

In the mind of the fool I that knew nothing about what was going on inside of mine it would be a concern of course since a person is not supposed to be thinking that people are responding to them and that they are being possessed by them and asking them to 'obey' while being possessed... this is something that I would think automatically of course before I knew that this was real and happening.

If they disagree with this being something wanted on both ends than they have not looked further into the science and the methods of testing that I have done using random number generators and colors for proving that they are trying to get closer to me for working on things and getting more help in accomplishing all of their goals or ambitions that would potentially immediately happen as soon as the people who are lacking empathy stop trying to take everything for themselves are gone between us?

Its magical and never happened before to anyone while I am the first person to record and share this!

Its very interesting and an extremely intimate experience that everyone deserves to have so I created my sixteen scented celebration for helping others do things like find the echo of their lover in the past before they met on easily done on the birthdays as mass bent time and we lived once.

The tour for Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd made me wonder if she had already known about me and was participating in helping me out but its more likely that its a miracle?

This is because of what the tunnel has become in the dream world among the 'vampire lovers' as it leads to the bed of my previous lover for them to levitate to me but it basically has meant the most intimate part of a female and I am trying to find one to wear the white robes with as I feel forced to wear the black ones as I mediate with the red ones to get them off of me somehow for giving the person that I am with a fair chance but of course I want to find the largest echo that would be having children for me.

Under the Ocean?

This means a lot of things as every wrong answer is merely incomplete would be more accurate once you discover how our subconscious minds actually work since we are far from being the most intelligent species found on our planet among whales or other creatures much larger than us.

She is drinking too much would be one of them?

Or maybe it is simply asking someone to get in and test the waters?

As much as an artist would like it to be true that it means only what they say that it means there is always a lot more to the 'picture' as it will inevitably mean many other things as time goes on and the artwork left behind becomes a relic and part of something historical showing human hosts in the past...

Either way they are only dreams and since I do not come to conclusions there is no harm in wondering and documenting what I witness has been interesting for science to better understand origins of thought.

One of my dreams has been to give another person the same experience that she or others have given me and with the deep-stare sound I program it in a way that typically things are heard from the right ear delayed into the left ear for the subliminal programming that I am leaving but I reverse it for giving someone the feeling that I am not going anywhere or going to leave which her tattoos match very well.

Women everywhere have been responding to my coming across them seemingly to let me know how they would like my song made for them that would be pleasantly surprising them at some point by coming up from the left side instead of what is typically always the right side...

"trust no one" by her right ear... & "paradise" by her left ear

Ready + back = red + black

With the most ancient traditions and following the pentagram and the ring...

Her right wrist is for her and the left would be for sending him away..

While I am working on my artwork and projects I would witness the girls on the other side on Twitch or something like that respond and know exactly what to say that I would do it to them or for them... but what is very miraculous about it is that they would know things about my childhood seemingly that no one else would know about which might frighten people from my sharing this but trust me in that I have done some VERY EMBARASSINGS so its not something they care about or want to focus on or me to think about ever again.. and this is why its one of the best experiences to find your most shameful definition of your family name and revisit those memories while countering everything negative in a way that prevents other people from making the same mistakes which has a direct result of respect suddenly coming from a lot of people everywhere thankful for the subconscious help coming from me.

One of the dreams that I have had regarding how I want to get married and do my vows I am hesitant to share here but it sure puts a lot more meaning into these images perfectly that is so incredibly romantic!

She warns me of so many people found between us who may misunderstand or get in the way?

So there are two locations during her tour going on now that have a 'double' date.

9.13 & 9.14 Franklin, Tennessee & 10.30 & 11.1 Columbia, Maryland ("All Things Go" Festival)

So why are these dates significant to me and what would they mean or who planned such a thing?

9.13 & 9.14 Franklin, Tennessee

Something you should know about Tennessee... when a person looks on the map near this location they may automatically think 'SUPERMAN' since the names Kent, Loise, and Clark are seen all over.. and a funny way to break down that name would be "Ten NES see" why?

Ten would be taking a leap of faith usually... are you one or zero?

NES are the initials for the Nintendo Entertainment System that every child of the 80s our age had...


Well, on the Nintendo Entertainment System it shows how Superman jumps ridiculously higher than everyone else and I had noticed this while living in a house where a family was raised and likely played basketball in the driveway outside since it was still in good condition when I came across this. This is always significant perhaps to some degree as I am timing what I do to be more helpful to other human beings sharing gravity who lived in different time periods... although it always feels like sure there might be a small influence had from previous owners or residents of my location it is never forced onto me but merely capable of bringing me to a line so whether to cross it or not would still be up to me?

Frank is a name that appears in some of the artwork found in the Swans where the red plane has the hand guiding it to its destination? The name Frank has typically meant something like "firing rank" or "aiming rank" would be more accurate as the sickness found in the definitions of things we come across are fixed by examining further into what may be found between the lines as where there is something negative it becomes something positive by simply looking further into the origins where the people found may have thought of everyone here as being ill so some degree? Its like the number 18 becoming the initials for 'Adolf Hitler' people may typically get stuck upon while a nonhuman influence tries to take advantage of the situation but in the minds of the people they may be merely trying to eliminate the worst possibilities in much the same way that things are remembered in history as the most negative things that had happened since bad news typically spreads faster to ensure our survival. There is a sort of sickness that may come from aligning things for following only a certain trail while pushing your own language and views over what may be found elsewhere as there is something present trying not to be detected with anyone doing this that might be trying to get people to trust in themselves more so that they may be more likely to follow the thoughts that come to them later when it goes completely against everything good for the human host?

What is even more special about these names though would be WHO these people were in my memory.

The first one was a neighbor from New York City who was a very disturbed child that was very dark and really taught the other kids some very bad things likely coming from what might have been found in that city far away and while he was Jewish I would never categorize him as such as individuals should be judged as that instead of bringing down other people with them as if we should all have barcodes placed upon us or something along those lines? So this kid and his little sisters took part in doing so many terribly mean things to us such as stealing our things, convincing us to do bad things to other people, a knife was thrown that scarred my youngest sister in the face, and other incidents where as an adult I had wondered if this child was trying to kill me by talking me into doing very dangerous things as if maybe hoping that I would get hurt while doing them?

The second one was a SLC Punk 'skinhead' that likely would have beat me up if he came across me on the streets looking the way that I did but luckily women or girls were always around to hold them back or take away their desire to do this or more likely he did not want to lose favor with someone in my family. I had spent some time at their place with them seeing things such as pipes or other weapons while wearing makeup and lucky for me no one messed me up like they did to my little sister's boyfriend sending him to the hospital when he took a stand against this kid named Frank. In a nightmare that I had as a child my older brother put our youngest sister into a hot air balloon and it went on an unpredictable route where we went after it and as it went over a school she fell out and we heard a huge 'THUMP' on the roof of one of the small external miniature classroom buildings and then on the floor was a bloody body of someone difficult to identify my older brother was looking down upon as if it was his fault. I woke up sobbing uncontrollably and was likely only around seven years old or so while my Mother woke up and held me for awhile on the stairs where a hole was located that most likely belonged to what should be a rat more than a mouse? After my parents had divorced my older brother had gone to live with my Dad in Los Angeles but before this my Mom had seemingly 'lost it' and chased him like a madwoman in the mountains with her car right behind him almost hitting him while shouting out of the window, "I believe in you!" that seemingly was to prefer him for living in a nonwhite neighborhood where he was picked on by others who would gang up on him with people who were much older jumping out of the shadows unexpectedly at times or whatever. On his first day he tried to answer a question by the teacher that he got wrong and the other kids threw things at him calling him a 'stupid white boy' and another kid took his jacket away which he took back later but was jumped for it by several people after school. In this part of California he was grateful to find anyone white who would be there to make it much less likely he would run into trouble. During recess who was known as 'big Momma' would call her 'children' and then point at a white kid that they would chase or something along those lines. One day they had pointed at him and he run away off of the school property having to jump several fences to get away. Naturally, he befriended other white kids and accepted help where it came so made some friends that might be considered the 'skinhead punk' kind? Someone into maybe into the band Rancid trying to find other white kids to be safer against the odds? Big difference between that and what was found in SLC where what may have been potentially 'buffalo ghosts' people were dangerously getting linked to instead of the usual 'territorial seal ghosts' that likely lived on the California beaches before the men killed them all? Our younger sister with the blonde hair (we all have very blue eyes) was potentially very abusive to the youngest one so that she would not 'follow her' in any way and some of this not only comes from being disturbed from the minds of men in the future that wanted to 'have sex with the both of them?' but also might be to prevent her from following what might have been found in the 'goth' or SLC punk scene to help her get 'revenge' for the abusive stuff that our Jewish neighbors had done to us? This kid named Frank would regularly 'patrol' the streets looking for victims so in my memory there was a sort of Frank vs Frank war? The origins of the name Frank would be something more like "aiming heading caring lifting handing" so hopefully they are educated with timing so that the sea shell is honored more than the what? The fallen star fragment preferred over the compass that goes for a battle ship used for what?

The last time that I had met a Frank was a nice Arabic fellow in the goth scene that called himself a Muslim but much like Christianity they seem to have lost a lot of knowledge or maybe better put would be a lot lost in translation that might happen more often when a teacher insists that there are certain answers to every given test in order to get 100% as too many things were kept from the general public for whatever reason but most likely to time educate them to heal or prevent what might be the malicious knowledge found in the religious texts spreading or found in the wrong hands with fears that would no longer be real today since any computer or phone with access to the internet is just as deadly or dangerous as a person may simply look up alchemy anywhere easily. During more ancient times there would be more serious concerns about spreading the knowledge of what happened in books such as the Genesis since digging into the details of such a story allows a person to be able to make the same threats to others that Moses had made to the pharaohs for whatever reason that they want? Reasons such as this makes sense as to why so much was not understood coming from the bible and the Christians were allowed to be so far off yesterday compared to what was actually written or what had actually happened. It would not have been a good book if people were able to read how to kill people whenever they come across it in so many newer ways they were previously unaware of?


The letter 'L' typically has the Egyptian origins meaning 'working' so together its "Frank working in?"

The "double" street in Portland was where a girl was located that I had slept with,fkc too tired for this now (it has been my dream to find other musicians to work with to create a "line-up" to help them or other people).. she synchronized that but I will explain later. Duh. I just listened to her latest album last night for the first time and was happy to see her last pictures she uploaded were "black and white" showing her in more of a 'goth' look matching my recent dreams. I used to work with women's retail so I will have dreams about that too. 

The Last Day of September is part of the Sixteen Scented Celebration that I had come up with... 

10.30 & 11.1 Columbia, Maryland ("All Things Go" Festival)

What is funny about this place and date being a 'double' is that while I was making my discoveries and sharing them with other people online I looked up remote viewing to find my own name listed as one of the locations for the 'stargate project' the CIA released back in 1995 regarding something based out of Fort Meade, Maryland and I found that a funny coincidence since I was designing my sixteen scented celebration that I came up with for helping people have the best experiences possible and find their largest echo whoever he or she may be in their future bringing people back to more ancient wedding traditions although it may be simply someone important like a friend or partner of another kind...

I had a dream of her coming to me and playing a song that I am going to make where she was singing something while trying to make some music with me so we went over ideas back and forth with her as some very interesting things came up for what could be done in the future potentially should we ever work together or if she were to go forth with what she was wanting to do in this dream...

So... do you want to take a cruise in a Ford Del Rey Sedan?

Clever how the word 'Turner' is replaced by the Ford Del Rey...

So the words 'Del Rey' in Spanish would be something like "from the King"?

...and hilarious that she called herself Lana Del RAY during the year 2010 since it would suggest taking a leap of faith to go up against the worst 'enemy' that the ghostbuster Ray may come up with while running from the zoo(L) or eye of nature discovering his deepest and most private memories..

As far as the other character named Rey goes?

Isn't this something from the newer Star Wars movies?

I actually have not seen them yet but I did watch the first one where Han Solo died.

Yes, I have mentioned earlier in this blog how Harrison Ford has been like a dopple-ganger for my Dad in the same way that Leonardo Dicaprio was a dopple-ganger for me because of how much more publicity and money he made from me since I was working at the parking lot when the teenagers would go to see the movie 'Titanic' over and over again so that they could scream at me on their way out!

So if my Dad was Darth Vader that should be more like Han Solo before a pacemaker is installed or something along those lines than I would be like Luke Skywalker needed for training Rey and in this case maybe it would be regarding several things but mainly deep-stare or flow music technique?

Rylo Ren killed Han Solo and Harrison Ford had said that he was glad to kill off that character so funny thoughts will cross my mind like my Dad being mean, it would be horrible to be alone like he is, and maybe he is better off drinking coffee and wielding the 'red light saber' for the rest of his life while fully capable of not getting a heart attack until much later since his Mom is in her 90s while he worked out?

I feel bad for his taking on the role for the 'basketball diaries' when I got into hard drugs... sorry?

As far as Del Taco goes I think that I have always preferred Taco Time more because of the crisp bean burritos or Taco Bell since it has the best vegan options for fast food but I usually call it Taco Smell!

The 'joke' that comes from this logo is that it is of a Legendary Blue, Pink, and Brown dot...

The letter 'y' is typically used for 'lining' or for showing the line between good and evil... so it is found here to warn people about the brown direction as it may lead to death more than the others if not careful.. so please practice safe 'whatever it is that you do' and please stay kind to others!

The word 'Rey' if its for King than of course he would be encouraged never to make love with a woman who could bring in anything from that direction but the opposite may be found where the more 'civilized' people are living or working since a coffee enema or whatever is found in our recent past.

Historically, there were likely many methods of 'safe sex practices' to avoid pregnancy... and just because there were rules does not mean that they were never broken anywhere? In regards to the most ancient pagan laws to follow in regards to trade the blue was not seen as penetrating her 'wood' so a virgin sold or married into another tribe would be a lot less likely to spread disease from the exchange.

Where the 'brown' was inevitably tested the results would have eventually shown the spread of disease.

I have absolutely loved the company of gay men as they are so nice but I keep proof of being STD free with me and plan to take tests between every lover that I have from now on.. extremely important to do.

Well I have looked up recently whether or not she is single and it says that she is about to get married...

She should know what happened to me and what she does while sleeping on 'accident'?

Yesterday I had a dream about her again... she was with Zooey's mate (or his twin?) 'sort of?' as they were admitting that there is likely no one out there who would not want to synchronize things to get closer to me whether it be a female OR A MALE since the gift of knowledge or being able to experience what is going on with me is potentially one of the most beautiful and intimate encounters any person could have while the opportunity is the largest out there in the world perhaps but of course it is not as good as feeling real human flesh someone was capable of touching me everyday without ever being able to connect with me from the 'inside of our minds and dreams' yet so this is why I had made my sixteen scented celebration so that other stars out there learn how to 'get their fans off' who may be coming to them from the dream world or whatever as they deserve to know what they do.. 

Some of the most important scents or days of the celebration would be the 2nd for accepting the freedom of thought and being thankful for all dreams no matter where their brains were going... how 'naughty' or whatever as people never thought that there could be harm from merely dreaming?

There are demands that are too extreme in that no one may expose flesh or touch themselves?

That would be the direction people go who think that its okay to shame her or me for sleeping...
...we are artists and part of a culture more capable of accepting our beautiful or ugly naked!

The 6th of November being the Day of Stone is for people to accept that no one out there ma claim them as an object which goes along with ancient ways of making trades and found even in more conservative cultures where Muhammad went to his Mother to bring her an object...

The 8th of November is for the woman choosing the object at her feet if the man points at his own.

This is the 'line up' that our ancestors would traditionally follow to prevent harm the most or be able to earn the drum (later becoming a shield) of loyalty from as of the distant tribes as possible so that everyone is fed and no conflict may be found while there would always be others willing to help.

This is 666 being the Celtic symbol for using water (tease) + stone (work) + air (marriage) for putting out the fire before it reaches the wood that all males would have to learn once they were capable of being aroused during childhood where they were usually separated until all elements were learned.

This is where the symbols for the man and woman come from as he is only there to be sent away until selected through the air step when his object would be chosen signifying that she is not anyone's object.

The prayer for the Father + Son + Holy Spirit is kissing below the feet of the baby (Jesus) so that they are less likely to be 'naughty' in a away that hurts them or other people before his object is selected.

This is why there is no commandment found such as 'Thou Shalt Not Be Gay' since it was normally corrected where it was found through getting married while those extra people would be sent to find fallen stars or to even out the odds in more distant tribes bringing more opportunity for loyalty.

I am not sure that there has been anyone that I have aligned with like this I have not seen cry while asleep since we only lived once and there is no way to stop the clock or meet tomorrow?

While in public I am able to stop a baby from crying from timing my thoughts and once while at the park in Portland a toddler was running from his Mother and I thought of all the reasons to stop before he reached the river and it was so cute and funny how the child suddenly stopped in place and then turned to look at me as in wonder and shock that a human being was out there capable of doing that?


Whenever there is a storm I have to time my thoughts or be struck by lightning it feels like...

While writing this a song in the background is emphasizing every thought and while trying to decide which picture to use for the opening of this blog post he was saying, "see her naked!" as I felt like I was going to cry from the way she knew to pose herself in regards to my thoughts so that I wouldn't give up.

I look forward to writing the song that she had came up with in a dream that I had so that would sure be a weird experience for her to hear in the future when it is done... I am hesitant to share the video that I had made for her eyes only.. it would be nice for her to see it someday no matter what happens.

If the tables were turned and there was a woman out there who was artistically inclined having dreams about me I sure would want to know all about it even if I married someone else most especially when I became an elderly woman that wanted to revisit what was going on while I was young and beautiful.

I think that mentioning any kind of 'romantic experience' between us was a bad idea since she is going to be getting married and well... we have never been sexually active in the dream world as far as I know but definitely have been making music and I know that much is true that she wants me to try harder in contacting her as soon as possible so that she is able to live my dreams with me as well as many other people everywhere. That swing is so powerful combined with me if you know what it means in our dreams? So many powerful people in the world would suddenly potentially change their plans if we were working together closely because of who we are. It is extremely possible that her large echo with me is coming from maybe collaborating together musically in the future rather than anything between  us romantically. I apologize for the birds and the bees can really get things excited as they really have a way of making a person brighten up and feel so happy on the other side of the pictures or videos because of how funny it is in my brain while watching them as the 'commentary' is made in the air. 

I might need another "dream" about her to know whether or not to delete everything suggesting that there was any attraction between us... its kind of impossible though because we are attractive and its a part of our work.. she has proven to be loyal as far as I can tell while my original plan for 'testing my bride' might be a bit too much to do to him for her wedding as it did involve getting her jealous potentially at first to test the vows so that I would know whether or not she would leave me later? Such a thing is likely a bad idea and that is not what is going on either... but today the theme of going from one ear to the other and the tunnel under the ocean blvd (being my next lover?) as she is in the ocean as a mermaid that SO MANY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING! In my mind and perspective its innocent and no one would care BUT I don't want anyone else to be paranoid in the future should we work together after she gets married. I didn't know until later and it was impossible for her to as she was just responding to me while asleep mostly. She REALLY syncs with me though in so many ways. I guess famous Americans likely do everywhere but her tattoos and everything has been completely following MY DREAMS as if she is taking them from me? ; )

They actually always do this to one another I have been constantly witnessing just as its not possible for me to come up with an idea of my own as all thoughts are coming from somewhere outside of my head while above its for channeling and sensing or directing for the most part is one way of seeing things?

Whenever I am sexually active in my dreams the next few days everyone that I come across will carry what was most attractive about it... like the color or something along those lines.. a green sweater or something like that will be carried everywhere because of my just deciding that it is the best looking thing to wear for an entire day as I am working on something and by instinct they are trying to look their best and the mind of someone who absolutely hates porn or the way that other people are 'trained' in comparison to what I would have done or 'how I would have done it' will really change things.

What the fuck?!

We will know.

I was planning on touring the countryside to see every city and go dancing at all of the best clubs for sampling the night life and deciding on what to do in the future... I have been going through such a magical romantic experience coming from women on the other side of pictures, artwork, poems, videos, and everything that they leave behind for me to come across they share for the public..

You know when a person practices talking for an important meeting? This might be some of the origins for what the crown of a royal person represents as the ancient tapestries suggest that they were actually going through my experience (potentially "insane" while witnessing the miracle that is supposed to be impossible regarding the timing of their thoughts when coming across paintings or other things proving that everyone is somehow aware of their brain and every cloud sent into the subconscious minds of others). The feathers on the head of a chieftain as well would represent something like thinking until a good idea is found causing chills everywhere before being  delivered into the minds of the others who will benefit and receive the same feeling when it is shared!

What will go on as I am working is that I will measure my thoughts since I know that I am responding to my audience as I am constantly witnessing the proof that they are responding to me in their artistic minds and a good example of this is going to a dance club and a new song that is played is seemingly timed perfectly in an impossible way that gives them the absolute best chance that I go to the DJ and find out who the artist is so that I may listen again or connect with them and spread their love or sound with others. It is like the music will respond to my thoughts in a way that guides me closer to the artist.

When this happens I know that I connected with them the most while we slept before and after everything that I do while awake because of remembering the dreams and the timing of this while coming across everything while awake.

During the past couple years, I have been documenting absolutely everything that happens when I come across other people so that I may share it with them to see or know about maybe as an elderly person or tomorrow depending on what happened and who it is... but there have been occasions where privacy is asked for as someone is confessing to me for messed up things that they have done.. and I will use a scientific method to "prove" to them that it is real by using a random number generator while praying or asking them to go along with it so that they may send the message to themselves that our interaction was real and that it was on fact them in the dream world.

What I just wrote makes people everywhere want me to be careful in regards to sharing  since they all have concerns that I would share or mess up in regards to what went on or whatever that could make them appear bad or remind them of something like maybe a gross dream that they did not want to have or maybe they were a person that they did not want to be in my mind somewhere?

It is important to know that insects and bacteria has had an influence over what they do by some degree at all times so a very large part of this has been trying to measure the line between a human host and a vessel.

What I witness every day is impossible.

The best example of this is what happens when I simply check my Instagram or maybe watch someone on Twitch.

If I like a girl while considering that she may be an echo coming from my future and then come across another girl that I am attracted to that I connect with I will see the first girl upset with me the next time that I come across her and she will know what to do in the next thing that she does that actually proves to me she is somehow aware of every single thought or action I do all the time on any day anywhere thanks to sharing light and our having minds that do not exist in what we know as regular time.

For example: I was once following someone on Twitch who was into the same music and crowd as me that I wanted to meet... I thought that she would be a wonderful person to date or maybe have something short-term since I want to have children someday.. later that night I wanted to sleep and came across someone who knew exactly what to do to arouse me as she was responding in a "please touch yourself" way that is supposed to be impossible for anyone to witness so I do to help me fall asleep and the next time that I came across the one that I wanted to meet she said out loud as I entered, "you and your disgusting stick!" (why was it her and not me???)

While traveling across the country I have been proving this phenomenon to be real in public everywhere... I would tell someone looking through pictures on his phone that the 16th one has purple on it with a message that seemingly goes along with what we just talked about AND IT DID! Then I had told him to pull up any video from anywhere and one minute in it would show green in the upper left the most AND IT DID! While having breakfast with a table of goth folks after a night of dancing I pulled out my phone and showed them proof of the people on Twitch knowing somehow about everything that I do by saying out loud, "are you aware of me us right now?" By some miracle like the ones that I constantly witness the man on the other side suddenly said out loud, "everything that this man says is true and actually happened!" but he was not thinking about me CONSCIOUSLY when it happened! While outside handing out free samples of my music to people I was asked to perform at a party and I asked someone walking by to pick a number and another to pick a color then asked him to choose a location on a square where the color would be located and then went to THAT SPECIFIC PICTURE not at all surprised to see it there more than any of his other pictures! 

When I was with my last girlfriend I had made some "naughty videos" for myself to use when we broke up so that I would save myself for my next lover and not be disrespectful to others like think about them while they are not single because of what I was witnessing and feeling like everyone always somehow knew of my thoughts!?

It was impossible to ignore the very obvious mathematical pattern as the women would be annoyed about this that I came across on the other side of pictures or videos as they would try to get me to stop thinking about her or using those videos and just move on to someone else... like the girl responding?!

This inspired me to do an experiment of my own on the girls of Twitch that would easily prove they were doing this to me by recording myself pick a color and location while telling the camera that I would unfollow everyone who did not put that color there more than any other location so they all did it besides maybe a man that knew just what to say as if making a joke about what I was doing!?

Years ago I had gone to a doctor and asked out my vision since at night time I cannot see as well as other people and it is mostly swirling colors when everyone else can see things perfectly I might be somewhat blind? Just like a certain artist who had the same blood disease as me "heteditary coproporphyrin" that painted designed in the night sky. His paintings really expressed what my vision is like more than others.

When I come across

As a teenager I was very sensitive and afraid of drugs outside of micro dosing psychedelics while I would try to follow a rule that would forbid smoking pot during the day as typically just a half hit could give me a panic attack that would make me clean the house but my roommate always demanded to start during the day with a bad habit of taking mine when he was out so this made me start to keep something extra somewhere for him or others so that I would not have to spend any time being a middle man and wait for one friend for another friend who were usually much older than me.

I was terrified to try harder drugs but forced myself to so that I would be able to pass a drug test since my friend told me that doing meth once would clean my urine so that I could pass my drug test for weed and because it worked this was how I started.

Someone with a huge crush on me convinced me to do ecstasy because of all these reasons she gave that it was not like any other drug or addictive and she likely hoped it would bring us closer together because she wanted to be intimate with me but I was extremely shy.

For almost seven years I was vegan because it fixed several health issues such as not being able to breath through my nose while laying down that was fixed after maybe six months or so?

My biggest and best high that was like having shivers or chills for a few hours was after having organic fruit on an empty stomach in the morning while listening to beautiful music at work in the parking booth for the Crossroads Mall where one booth stood alone by itself.

Due to messing up my probation the judge gave me the full sentence for my weed charge that was one year in jail as punishment for not checking myself in for several months out of fear that I would get caught for occasionally smoking weed that helped me sleep early enough that I would get a full night of sleep if I had to wake up very early in the morning since without it I felt like I had too much energy and would possibly not be able to get even half of a night's rest so it was helpful.

Luckily, my Mother offered to help so I was no longer on my own and had to move back in with her while wearing an ankle monitor. Thanks to getting into trouble with weed it led to trying almost every drug that was usually in my possession from making a drug deal for a friend so that I would not have to buy it myself. I was having to work with other prisoners on weekdays who did things like give me my first drag of a regular cigarette.

The first girlfriend I had that actually gave me her entire focus back that I was with who had dream diaries that I snuck into while she was gone to find out whether or not she was evil because I was scared of her and losing my mind due to what must have been my work and community coming together to make a "reverse psychology AA meeting" to scare me straight while a doctor gave me the wrong prescription with a misdiagnosis making everything worse which led to not being able to sleep for a week at a time until I was hallucinating and doing things I normally would never do and I had to take time off of work as I was somewhat disabled from stress. I was so out of it that I had thought people were drugging me constantly by staying one step ahead and behind while I feared that my girlfriend was trying to stop me from being able to take care of myself as that might lead to leaving her.

Because of me all of the stores in Northern Idaho changed completely! The show "Adam Ruins Everything" came out showing the pair of glasses that made the people investing in stuff I would wear money I was told so in my mind that show is for the people with money and stock options warning them that they might not always win with their investments that followed me? Walmart and other stores changed all their clothing because of my living there to have something closer to what would be "my look"? I was asked why I didn't like anything by them right before they got rid of everything and they changed it as I would be seemingly followed by someone taking notes whenever I went in who might ask me about what to change.

During this time I was used to putting up with strangers working together to try and scare me as punishment for smoking or drinking ever since I went to their AA meeting where the guy who ran it introduced himself as not only an alcoholic but also drunk and he had everyone take turns asking for his help never to smoke or drink again while he would ask each one sincerely, "are you sure?"

The coffee no one touched and when I poured myself a cup I was startled by what seemed like a hint of cocaine in the drink! People at my work seemed to be part of what was having to choose a color if I had a cigarette or drink that would lead to the sounds of a saw and what could be a person getting their limb cut off? Later on they would have people with missing limbs volunteer their time to be in certain places that would have the most impact when it came to my coming across them.

I was very lucky that this particular girlfriend  trained me on how to please a woman as she expected to have an orgasm like a man every day as she was working so needed the stress relief... there were some days when I did not succeed and I am eternally grateful for her honesty because before her I was completely clueless while I know that because of me she always had a certain "glow" while at work from feeling lucky as many couples never have that goal for the woman to accomplish in the same way as a man so that she has her turn trying to prolong what becomes an overwhelming tickling sensation that somehow must stop but won't even when no longer touched for long enough time too much noise may have been made.. I needed fifteen to forty-five minutes typically while my record time was twelve minutes which was extremely difficult and I have a goal of someday being able to accomplish this without my hands? I do not think that learning ever stops and have found that every person wants to be touched slightly differently.

For some reason while I was with her there was some time when my body hurt all over and her touch would feel like needles no matter where it was as she would ask me where she could and my answer would be elbows only. This was when the album "Minus Touch" came out by Edward Ka-Spel where the first song seemingly lets me know he was possibly aware of the AA-meeting and part of it was maybe about a dream that I had in jail as a young adult of my little sisters friend who died in Italy soon after I went there with them. My sister's friend had come to me in my dreams before we met while asleep asking who he was in my subconscious mind with a knowing smile and we spoke of the limits my mind had among other things while taking walks in gardens inside a giant jar like the ones made for caterpillars. Although Edward followed me on social media much of what he did was a miracle and a result from sharing dreams or having mutual friends so he always knew a lot more as if psychic or maybe a prophet responding to God? I am not the only fan he has transcended time and space for...

The Swans who are found on a top artist list made by Kurt Cobain were calling me "the Seer" in their music seemingly as I was finding out that I had Hereditary Coproporhyria which is the werewolf type that made imagery for the songs such as 'Lunacy' so much more meaningful and the timing of their music being released seemed to know everything that was happening to me as if folks from my work were tapping my phone and had shown him our conversations for a song of his such as "Jim" who is my Mom's brother who had a new 'bitch' that went to Vegas with them kind of like what is said in the song while 200 miles away from what was going on with us was Lake Moses while my scariest neighbors were having secret meetings of revolution because of Obama becoming president that was potentially used to scare me straight as that could be one of the reasons I would lose my arm if I did not quit drinking and smoking?

My Dad was doing things like saying the lyrics from songs like the ones that came out that were eerily linked to what was going on with me during certain moments and would ask me to look up into the sky for me to be surprised by a plane swooping low with people waving at me and for some time it was impossible for me to go to the store without bikers or people circling me with hails possibly to help the reverse psychology AA meeting work and be more believable that a crazy revolutionist guy might do something like cut off people's limbs? Whatever worked in scaring me seemed like would happen? If I was scared of Nazi because my girlfriend's best friend being Jewish blood they would use that while she had fun helping.

When my aunt told me about the "vampire disease" passed down to us she spoke of a circle that would appear on the forehead of my grandfather as he thought every airplane in the sky flew over his head because of him for some reason while the neighbors would do things out of nowhere such as ask me not to be "evil grandpa" as if they knew he got into trouble and went to prison. 

I had a hunch that this same circle on my forehead was given to me by my girlfriend with a certain suction kiss the night before while I was passed out as it was the old "speakeasy" way of kicking someone out from the drinking establishments for having a problem? Perhaps the final warning "kiss" when a person has had too much? It definitely worked when it came to making me not want to use drugs most especially when I was tricked into thinking that my Father was some kind of mob boss or mafia man with a secret coke habit himself?!

They made a big mistake in thinking that I was doing something like cocaine or meth when in reality it was just a couple Adderall when my boss came in once a week at first that became a bit more often later. Outside of that, I was usually drinking two or three times a week no more than beer or wine while I had weed sometimes in my system throughout the year.

When I bought weed at work my computer screen flashed one day and some weird 'illuminati' images appeared and then on my way home the cops had their cars parked on route as they were in an exaggerated squat position with a radar gun being pointed at me that followed as I passed by.

I am thankful from how much I learned that I never knew before coming from the new found community education.

It seemed like the ladies inevitably tried to turn it into a "love everybody" or "drugs are okay" kind of Democrat 'show' in the end while my girlfriend gave me some kind of twisted "Lilith training" like no other!? She kept letting me know of ways that I was not killed and thanks to that I will forever be so much safer than other people potentially? Don't touch metal or water in these areas and never eat anything from a stranger, etc. 

For awhile it seemed that whenever I drove anywhere I would see a sharpshooter cop car not far from me and when we would travel together others had always stayed close by as if spying constantly while I was somewhat delusional in thinking that there was a secret or special way to do things everywhere we went for special benefits or treatment?

Around this time in my life I wanted a break from everything so I drove to the nearest city outside of Sandpoint and went to a dance club where a bunch of Arabs were found and I might have been punished for hogging all of the attention from the only women at the place as a cigarette containing "Devil's Breath" took away my memory and I woke up after a blackout at a toilet puking up tobacco like I had swallowed a bunch of cigarettes? They probably made me do it while I was drugged and called them fags since I was wearing eye-liner?

When I left the bathroom I saw a man with a shirt that read the words "call the police" on it while he was frantically pointing at it so I went back into the bathroom and called my older brother to pick me up. Upon leaving the bathroom again they may have thought that it was the police I had called since a bunch of Arabs flipped me off at the same time right before suddenly a bunch of cops came busting into the place and took away maybe a dozen of them into custody?! 

Never have I seen a dance club with that many men more than women in my life! They really should consider accepting others more as it would dramatically help in having a woman for every man rather than a dozen men for every one? That is scary to know since that drug they gave me would make it so much easier to kidnap someone for who was sexually frustrated and unlucky from not having enough females around perhaps? All someone would have to do is inhale it for a moment and then they would be under complete control of strangers and obey every order given to them!?

When the cab picked me up from this club to take me to where my brother was meeting me an Arab was in the bushes using a laser pointer only the driver seemed to notice with interest as he told me that I would die if I went back with my brother but of course I did not go along with his suggestion that would be going somewhere else? The walkie talkie that he had which was left on in its stand had people talking on it about who was obviously me saying things about porphyria for some reason as if they knew that I had recently found out that I had inherited the blood disease from my grandfather. The driver with a British accent called me "highness" as if I was royalty but the whole encounter was very shady?

Everyone who gets closer to me makes a startling discovery that everyone responds to me while asleep in a way that tries to help my mind or what I am working on or make a request... since mass bent time and we lived once this must be real for every human being but maybe because I might be the first musician with the realistic goal of making albums in twenty other languages it happens for me more?

What I witness whenever I come across a foreign language is synchronicity that answers my last thought in a sound that is like English or what provides seemingly the thought or message others wanted to enter my brain?

This is not difficult to prove to be real... if I were in another country I could record myself simply sharing what is going on in my head and people would witness the miracle of another language in the background being spoken seemingly always responding to me in a way previously understood as impossible.

I do not watch television or movies anymore like I used to because it feels like I am the composer of them by some degree as I fear of being the "monster" on the Twilight Zone that would be the kid with the special gift that chooses what they do with his mind that they have to follow because what I witness is that they are always impossibly timing everything to win my approval somehow or get help from my brain sharing the same light or sound as a collective that could use help?

For example, while watching a cartoon I am able to ask with my mind for them to do things for me in the next slide such as putting a certain color in a special location to prove that it is really happening to me with a random generator.... I am able to ask for things with my mind that they will always give me and this is something I have demonstrated to the public often.. like at a bar I have told someone to look up the sixteenth picture on his phone to find purple in the top left more than anywhere else that had to do what what we were talking about and then after he witnessed this do it again by letting him know that there would be green in the top left the most of whatever video he picked exactly one minute in.

I have met someone who asked me to perform at his party and demonstrated this to be real by asking his friends that I did not know to pick a color, location it would be found the most, and a number to help us find the picture found on his Instagram that by some miracle was the only picture on his profile that had red in that spot the most just like they wanted!

When I meet new people they are a lot more likely to start crying because if I tell them their name using what I call the "language of Adam" or the origins of the letters they witness how their parents or whoever named them by some miracle responded to their living once.

This is the constellation Orion and likely appeared in the sky for countless people as they were witnessing what may have felt like a miracle in the same way that I have before while the timing of my thoughts were impossibly predicting what would happen during the next moment as the birds and the bees were opening up to me regarding how the people have succeeded or failed to when forming a relationship between our species and the others found where we may live, work, or go next...

For my website and work in the future I am making something that I call 'the Belt of Orion' for practices regarding safe trade between tribes or other cultures when getting married especially to ensure the healthiest results and prevent potentially harmful accidents or inevitable misunderstandings from the differences regarding various habits or ways of life as well as the exposure to what might be considered a frightening amount of risk in the more populated areas according to the beliefs of our ancestors and the wisest teachings to follow or obey being that which understand the importance of the pentagram regarding how a person may interact with another respectfully doing the least amount of damage from the encounter as the amount of help should always be greater than what could otherwise turn into something like extinction or evolution into a frightening direction as bad timing with the drinking of goat's milk along with many other possibilities are found leading to things such as a human being growing horns.

It is extremely important to mark the locations where parents were located when having children as it may indicate what may have been found in these same spots in the past long before the people were making love as between them on this one planet are many creatures that are all like glowing batteries where the shorter lifespan has surprisingly more effect on us than we may have previously understood.

If there are any deformities or whatever regarding the child born it is potentially much more important to mark these locations as something may have been found in the past located in these same spots on this huge planet where mass bends time and we all will live only once while forced to form a relationship with other species sharing gravity with us that determine how evolution plays out or what direction would be more helpful to grow... everything from the diet or habits, drugs and lifestyle.. to maybe even the thoughts had while having the child or pregnant may be important to help us in understanding more about evolution and where a human being may possibly be found in the distant future along the reality that we may be aware enough now thanks to our study and capability of recording information how our family tree may change in the future and ways to change less or evolve more with the understanding coming from what might be other batteries or lifeforms previously or nearby sharing the habitat.

I have a scar on my right leg about midway between my knee and hip that came from running into a barbed wire fence as a child... I was with my good friend Ryan who was around my age, unlike my other friends.. so I was a bit meaner and perhaps more abusive regarding the curiosity which came from others my age since the older ones would already know what not to do with me that may have been done among their friends somewhere more private like the inside of a closet somewhere?

Does every person have embarrassing maypole mistakes during the journey of self-discovery?

Maybe not EVERY PERSON but for the most people this is very real as people are all typically taking care of animals as pets outside of what could be the barn or found in the wild and parents everywhere have traditionally not been interested in how Alfalfa got it up or what Spanky does while alone after a neighbor's mother convinced him to do a bunch of yardwork for free from simply bending over with some large breasts... males and females during an early age were separated so that no one would be impregnated or become active in doing things that were meant for married couples after it had been proven the couple would be able to care for anyone else that would join their love for one another.

I was luckier than the other children because my best friends were typically older than me which helped the both of us since they would feel more grown up ironically being around someone they had not explored their new tingling feelings with or whatever that happened elsewhere... but when spending time with those around my age they would be curious and wonder about things while expressing how they just wanted to know what 'it' feels like.. the very first time that I had an erection I was in bed and woke up with one early in the morning maybe around 3am or so? I did not know what to do and everyone was asleep so there was no one to ask but I took off my pants so that there was less to rub against it while I was in the same bed as my older brother and when I fell asleep I had a dream that I was in a 'Smiths' grocery store sitting where the automatic doors were found with nothing but my aqua-green shirt spinning a plastic yellow tool around my nub that was a part of my toys found maybe at a daycare for children mimicking real tools.

The next time that this happened to me I was more ready for it as it was still daylight and so I rubbed myself using soap which really hurt and burned me from the inside... was a frightening painful experience while at the same time it felt great.. definitely not worth it until it was washed off and 'Salon Selective' was used instead that did not hurt nearly as much.

This is a story about how something called Synchronicity...


Are you still out there being tricked by a nonhuman influence?

Please allow me to inform you of what is to come from the plans that I had already made as things happen more often that others never thought or believed was possible... thank you!

I will regularly revisit and update this blog so please share any suggestions when it comes to saving more precious human life over the nonhuman influences trying to trick us into understanding that there is nothing evil but other people in any way that works for another scary opportunity over our own...


What would there to be said about the series 'Highlander' that I have absolutely loved growing up and  watching with so many others found out there? Its extremely important what I have to share when it comes to saving human life and proving that what they did actually shows us that holy ground is found everywhere while expressing the importance of always being healthy with safe training for protection.

I used to use Russian antiques that were by far the loudest heard everywhere when they were used... now I understand more the real reasons for this so that others remember everything as their war has not ended yet while our memory really wakes us up for the need to legally change things now for being able to better adapt to the future that would become nothing but more harm to more human beings if it is not fast enough through encouraging people to work through (or against) layers of choices for the best Metho(d)s of HEALING.

May the spirit of Queen be carried through "Deep Spell Cover Songs" to save another Fred from dying?


The reason that Methos lived 5000 years is most likely because the natives who were living below us when this show came out were drinking something today called 'Mormon Tea' that had some of the same effects as something stronger that kept aligning people to the garbage due to losing their appetite replacing it for a destructive one that the 'rose clouds of the holocaust' warn us about or having met all shells to get married instead of using something from under the sea that is harmless so it might be referring to a type of cold... please do not think that someone who has been sicker should suffer a  beheading somewhere away from you.. or something else along those very sick lines of "what?"

When I had first watched the show Highlander I was actually sick with the chicken pox so the type that I had could have been around for about 400 years in the past that is still caught today?

My Father and I are not getting sick like other people due to my coming here but yes we accidentally ate too much mold and caught a year ago... compared to other people we actually have been eating mold while getting tickled from something bad but I have been fast enough to kill it off by preparing foods such as fresh bell peppers every day that can help him be 'saved by the bell peppers' instead having to go through a doctor that he keeps witnessing having the wrong advice both with his son or his mistress that died among other people... as they learned to read more than write so the ways in which they were taught to use our language is still broken both in their habits, choice of art or culture, and NOT BEING ABLE TO COME ACROSS WHAT I AM SHARING RIGHT NOW FASTER! 

"We are so sorry and have some terrible news! You had cancer! We are so sorry and will do everything that we can to correct the damage that it HAD caused! Please come with me so that we may discuss our options to prevent or stop the spread of this as soon as possible..."

Our miracle workers are the worst patients because they know that they are most saved from doubting themselves while they work to make SURE they have the best chances of putting their training where it is needed to actually save the lives of the patients or whatever a lot of the time this has been true... this happens in a world where simply BREATHING is a miracle.. this is called Earth.

The best ways to visit this in your memory is to realize that the lightning in the sky strikes the person only if they are not willing to get off of something addicting such as a certain artifact that might be killing other human beings somewhere that came from a museum... as we are sharing gravity with people who would detox whenever they would get sick by getting off of the most addictive things.

So if you are training your child or neighbors with a 'met all' weapon please be wary of someone also trying to attach an electric zap to it in order to save "John Con'n'or" because a terminator is trying to reach you on the other side of whatever it is that you might be using? Letters?? Phones???

Tea is relaxing... sure.. but with a person who is disabled from PTSD how good it is to suggest for my Father who a war veteran that cannot legally do something like drink from the poppy kind? Please do not bring him to having to hurt himself on purpose just to be able to drop his blood pressure if he ever has an emergency again where kratom is needed to lower it immediately from pounding in the head.

He has used that maybe twice so far? Regarding tea its wisest to stick to only one TYPE or else the headaches may come from switching brands much the same ways our pets may suffer from this as well.

Tori Amos?

Ocean to ocean... I have not heard this album yet but while gardening outside and feeling possessed by her soul (like a 'sheman' or shaman) so that my relatives found on other branches in my tree did not do things such as force any harmful ways upon them through our connection.. my Father would do things such as time what he was doing to ensure me or others sharing gravity that it was working all the way back through his 'tree' while when I would do things such as come across the Norwegian language it would say things such as 'do not follow Tori' (so that I use my memory later on and understand that they did not use their 'devil foot' in that direction for us like instructed in their dreams?!).

When it first happened to me I thought that it was because she was teasing me for being a boy separated at the May Pole (or on another island teased by a mermaid on another shore) and it really hurt enough to scare me into a direction that hurt an innocent Faerie from the threats coming from them that my red-haired friend who I hunted with as Orion could become a 'maggot' for stepping on the locust or driving through them and then lovingly trying to sew them back together again or whatever he might have done somewhere else while no one knew thankfully he did not do anything much worse than maybe understanding being saved by a beautiful language such as the one that rhymes with 'Gay-lick' as I am thankful things did not turn out nearly as bad as I had wondered regarding what could have gone on behind closed doors or inside of closets nobody ever wants opened? (this would be considered an act that a boxer calls 'hitting below the belt' as this is not the most respectable thing to do to your opponent for earning shields of honor from other more distant tribes representing an opportunity to trade or marry into them in the future someday through grand something 'again'?}]

Since then the 'angel grasshoppers' (thankful that we had helped in giving the 'devil grasshoppers' wings to fly away from people) have forgiven us and one had even volunteered to be stepped on while trying to SAVE MY LIFE because I went to go smoke and so they were jumping in front of me to demonstrate how they were capable of forgiving us if I kept preventing other children from following something that was obviously too cruel for any creature but near the toes or very tiny microscopic creatures found on the grasshopper might have been victims of the same kind of 'oops understanding of wondering what this small moving object was'?


The name Jessica... different for everyone but to me its someone trained to LIE, CHEAT, and STEAL?


Not going to stick my hand in something for her or any of her 'kind' . .. not until they have grown up and learning to blame themselves for everything until that nonhuman influence was found potentially trying to murder a bunch of people using them as 'fake Jews' to convince others that they were real ones for the spreading of colonies coming from food that may have come from their Father.. do you think that the ants or grasshoppers will succeed in actually hammering me to a cross so that the mating cycles for locust are making them more deadly and dangerous for all humanity everywhere next year?

Zzzzzzzzzzion is such a hol'y place... Knot! ?(-e)?

The real story is actually quite hilarious when the good people who are stopping the spread of everything illegal or for war wake up and keep returning to check on 'us' before going back to save others from what we have experienced or shared by the miracles of surviving this long...

My Dad hates rats as just ONE LIVNIG IN A CUPBOARD OR A MOUSE could have been capable of spilling something into what they had eaten causing a lot of innocent people to be hurt or misunderstood over absolutely nothing but a mistake while too many people are thinking that this good family was an 'evil one' that was part of something that they actually were not...

I would not be him because I always was a rat more than a mouse... my Dad is at risk from dying of a Baron.. pizza! Definitely not the helpful family of neighbors growing up near his children.

Yes, those delicious treats actually are quite deadly! What if there was certain bad timing of trying out Tony's and then another person too dumb or scared to stop using the same thing to help 'the boys that need to be brought back home' what might help them laugh and feel better about themselves since they were not ME or what could have been understood as ME so that my most embarrassed friend could twirl while whatever while eating whatever sharing whenever for a secret relationship with MArilyn Manson?!

My boxers have the name 'Tony' on it where something tickles my crack where my grateful friends still alive had done the things that they did so that in my memory I would remember how to save us from dying in a mirror being bugged until death had happened from too many 'wishes for it' accidentally came from too many places along with alcohol (or not going to a gym) & bad timing until the deadly 'Muslim prophecy' would again come true regarding a green eye never to follow for something like cockroaches or insects due to the failure of understanding things in a desert or from a desert that comes from the gardener areas closer to the 'sky'?

What is a "Legendary Pink Dot"?

Is it someone following the path of those who are not hammered to crosses that could have been if they had gone into the wrong hole with too much civilized benefits or failing to be able to cure the same diseases that other company was potentially capable of spreading absolutely everywhere without caring who would be hurt next while using this person further for another opportunity of water becoming wine?

Such a person would likely have been chosen 'by the other side' where they would go to sleep at night, the colonies of the entrails found within the people timed a certain way, along with the animals timing their one eternity for making sure that this one person was able to be heard over what could have been nothing but lies coming from somewhere else a richer person may not have cared for anything other than making sure that he or she did not hurt their public image due to the very existence of someone as dirty as another who may have never been understood by those surrounding him in his mind in their conscious minds as much as their unconscious ones connecting to the truth during their most relaxed state every night and day they entered REM to connect with his brighter mind saved by a fast in the desert and the miracles that came after once again.


Mark Zuckerberg... you have endangered the life of my little sister who might have tried to kill herself in the past while I was being abused by this social media service possible by a mathematical degree that should not be ignored.. my dog may have helped in saving her life by taking shits that led to where I luckily noticed her before she died and was able to get her to the hospital where they pumped her stomach and she somehow survived. I was training my dog how to save people from the garbage at the time while teaching him the importance of knowing where the Sun rises and sets in relation to where we spend our time working.

If she is Princess Lay-uh... and her Father is Darth Vader that should be Han(+d) Solo that does not have a heart attack from the evil villain being a Baron or Tony's Pizza.. so that both political sides insist on going forward in not being able to smell fires or smoke or gas or oil or garbage or what the children are breathing in among other things that are extremely important to know and share right now. There are things such as vegan cheese and firefighters that might do a better job without dogs from becoming healthier.
My little sister who was very loved in her goth thing was connecting to what her older brother was going through while reading the abusive walls coming from others in Portland who did not really understand the help coming from stars and other famous people trying to help us over others for more money as they will face trouble earning it if its not SAFE FOR THE PEOPLE TO DO.
(My aunt helped my Mexican't girlfriend kiss me on the forehead and scare me straight while famous people and stocks were changing to help this happen teaching the ways of how the speakeasy cuts off people who have or had a problem)
Reverend 23 - This person should be kissed on the left cheek to be brought to AA instead of his club scene since he was choking women and too many people know about this.. never end? Try fifty shades of NO WAY.
Owen - This person in a way kissed me on the left cheek so that I would never do something like inject drugs but this leads something very dangerous still back to him directly for the Church of HIV? (the letter e is asking a question beyond the origin of thought regarding where the next meal comes from) {I would suggest that the black woman with the dread locks since in the Walking Dead she is shown with the black folks not capable of talking or using their arms in the direction of that club should she replace him there?} [failure to notice this might be very deadly since there are bugs that want to eat human waste and I am not sure where everyone is living among other things but the birds there were trying to get me to jump off of a bridge on their bad days but on their good days they were trying to save my life] If an Arab shaving his neck is following me and wanting to just give up while sharing very dark things while this person is not capable of waking up to how dangerous going there actually is well he could wake up and live a full life, go to the gym, read a Groo magazine, and be thankful none will ever be used towards that place ever again as still I am not sure who was firing gunshots towards me while I was living there.
Cate - kissed me on the left cheek to remind me never to let them die from drinking as I love Kate Bush and remembering the ew does endanger us if he or she comes with bad timing? This person was getting trashed or losing their appetite while aligning to a nonhuman influence more than usual probably and I cannot be a hostage of kindness anymore to save the lives of others with something called 'tougher love'? Its really dumb to pretend to be a woman as a man but luckily kissing my Father usually was 'wetter' (yuck) for the rest of my life I am thankful as it helps me never to drink or be dumb from it again? But the 'ew' factor always goes somewhere so whether or not I go on in any direction it still leads back to innocent people capable of being killed due to this person potentially regretting everything as an old woman. Simply staying on drugs forever to run from remembering or thinking or connecting to what could be weeping family members also wanting to die over it is very dangerous if it is totally ignored.
We are NOT in the Mafia... that is totally fake and I am not going to be dancing there without either making them a bunch of money from performing or paying them for water to dance.. as I no longer feel ugly and so do not need to get closer to another person through something addictive to help me 'forget' that I would rather not be a sex robot.
Sorry about what is needed to save the lives of people but a person's regret later in life or if they die from AIDS or something like lead too many wishes that bring something dangerous coming from the actual garbage, bad combination of food or gardening, along with not knowing the origins of thoughts.
Maybe she doesn't want a child but if she had one she would... when I was living in Portland all the abuse that came from others was because I was defending my little sister or others that I knew were not really political but might own a home and live somewhere further away from these people who did not work as hard as her or save up their money as much or invest in buying their own property.
She is sharing gravity with conservative people as well so please stop being totally abusive to her while she is hiding in Idaho going crazy angry at my Dad capable of killing herself or his dying from sadness because they used this service and what had happened TO ME from using it.
When Luke was fighting his Father and he mentioned his sister... "perhaps SHE WILL" . .... could it be to wake you up to how abusive you allowed these people to be to me and my family that were not willing to flip for the Democratic goth scene against American legal citizens to help Mark make more money or very ineffectively spy on us since the information gathered he kept using against us to cover up his own mistakes.
My sister being judged by the HATEFUL PEOPLE found at a speakeasy in another state (she would have been one of the most beautiful ones if she had gone with her friends?) that never stops on their social media service until what?
Alcohol becomes illegal all thanks to who? Riots... blah blah blah.. trying to frame me for being in the mob from what happened using a 'reverse psychology tactic' to scare me from using drugs again which yes had people timing things so that they might be thinking that they were doing it for the 'white race' while led to 'you wouldn't keep going to save yourself always over another person of another tribe or race?' both results the same and everyone sees whether or not the person actually has an issue with drugs or alcohol or how much it is or was along with what to do regarding his medication or whatever.
This really went the wrong way because of my memories of too much stuff coming from Vietnam veterans telling me things while growing up... doing this on me made it impossible to sleep for a week at a time.. thankfully I am no longer getting the diagnosis 'schizophrenia' from doctors as they have been waking up to PTSD being more real along with simply having a much better memory or being able to use more of my brain than other people like learning how to save myself or others more likely from remembering my dreams or entering a trace-like-state while awake.
YES, since the Elastica song BLUE came maybe there should be club should have required by law in Colorado to have a guard posted like one found in England but in BLUE or GREEN so no one is confused thinking that its inviting in an enemy and I went to brickbat to bring the abuse (Irish pinch or Indian burn because of what appeared to be someone being abused sexually? There were pictures of "YIKES"! Being 'spanked'? Any of these files may be shared and go very far in other countries or whatever... very DUMB thing to do and hopefully they respect us enough to be more careful!)
I was NEVER the kind of goth inviting in the rape crowd... this makes artists such as Siouxsie Sioux or others start to call themselves 'something... else?'
When we went to brickbat I let KAthleen know NEVER to allow the men that she knew from that scene over to the wall that is for respecting women UNLESS: (I did not have the time to finish my training and we kept being messed up from everyone on our floor throwing the garbage away on the other side of our wall in our TINY apartment that would not even let us open the windows)
My little sister actually WORKED and BOUGHT HER PROPERTY while jealous women were being linked to complain constantly until somehow they were getting as much from not working or coming up with excuses through spying on other people that worked harder or what they were sharing while also she shared gravity with other people that might have an effect on her political beliefs or whatever when in all honestly it was never our subject matter of choice. She trusted what the people of that area did for being able to afford living out there without having to pay as much for a city that is extremely far away.
I am NOT going to share who I am voting for because there is too much actual garbage on both sides...

Regarding one of the many people that had inspired these funny stories... these blades were perhaps like the ones found in history that they never used along with secret scrolls regarding ancient trades, agreements with other tribes or countries, and shields or promises to hide drawings or other things as people would sometimes visit beneath the blanket of the dragon to make sure that it was no one from there that went to them as in reality they had actually came from South America or something along those lines capable of eating people with a scary bamboo stick of 'WHAT WAS THAT?!" during very ancient times..

Layers of choices save us from being bugged in the mirror to the point of hurting ourselves or others while the show must go on?

Who is for the Red, White and Chew?

Keep moving out into the gap... thank you for not telling my little sister I had injected myself for the first time in that closet with you.. also, thank you to another that may understand how a KAte Bush accidental kiss that may ewW me away from alcohol that saves me for the rest of my life others will always be grateful for as well!

During my life I have felt responsible for creating bad temptations in twins since I was not able to reach myself while stretching as a child... please forgive me for this! I have never SHwinned before while totally understand how mistakes may have occurred from where the garbage was located or who or what they were sharing gravity with in their homes.. perhaps natives or animals before that among other things?

Our private matters much like a special prophet are no one else's business!?

What if a Mother put a baby in a crib like two Pisces... or they had changed positions and then came back to hide forever in fear since she was scared of the possibilities that came from a holy war that should have been cleaning up the garbage in the Ocean instead of pushing for more illegals or whatever else worked to be forgiven or helped more in regards to making safer trades in other countries.. 

Please mark the location you had lived as a child if you did not make it into marriage when another May passed up by because it might indicate a bushman tribe or natives in the past doing things to feed them out of low times while the sun was coming out more potentially cursing their skin again or whatever?

Have you ever been inspired by how many people might be saved from your habits changing while you move from being caught underneath a rainbow for too long?

If you are a smaller monkey with a smaller head please understand the loving requests coming from another before your luck runs out?

Yell ow flower to wish you well asking you not to wish for death!

The crooked smile comes from a 'deep spell version' coming hopefully soon from this band for $$$?


I will revisit this here to finish the story how it has helped me throughout my life but I cannot be like this Unicorn anymore making up excuses for what might be a devil wanting me to have a drink of alcohol?

I am NOT the man from Dune (Paul) because I do not need to be on illegal drugs and woke up to putting out the wheel on fire before it explodes (understand?)

My Father who has a missing tooth may die from having a Baron pizza one day? That is his right... please do not kidnap him to cure him from bacon left out for too long or whatever?

Tony Sopranos... this is a pizza as well.. the last one enjoyed was something from Jack's?

% R E S P E C T .

[maybe I didn't see or know anyone else outside of my mirror for a very long time as well?]

Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all... 

(maybe it would be my future wife? Snow White or Desert Black?)

Know the name Lilith was for training me regarding how to protect myself from others who might be inspired to "sell my seed illegally" or whatever for another?

EVE is for (its never going to happen!) 

Not even Steven? 

(not even St even... eleven o' clock does come around though and I am unmarried while capable of having SAFE SEX whether it be a toy or oral or even penetration should I be smart enough?)


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